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  • hi.
    sorry ,i managed to find a same safari days ago
    if only you had contacted me sooner.now i don't have many spots left
    i can breed you abra,girafariq,espurr if you want
    hi !!
    i have a psychic type safari with abra,espurr and girafarig
    my fc 4270-2482-7129 ign steve
    would you be interested to add me?
    "Lumiose Tower trick"

    1. Leave the Pokemon you want to level-up at the Day-Care
    2. Go to Luminose Tower Plaza
    3. Pick a space where there's nobody standing in the way and get on the bike. It's recommended you stand right in front of the Diggersby.
    4. Slip a coin under the circle pad (the thing which you use when Super Training and using Skates). Either left or right is fine. Your character will start going around the plaza.
    5. Once you see that your character is going around the Luminose Tower Plaza uninterrupted, leave the game and do something else. Do chores, take a nap, etc...
    6. Come back after a while and get your pokemon from the Day-Care.

    *Recommended that you also use the charger just in case it doesn't loses power and shuts down half-way.
    *Recommended not to keep the Internet on because you'll have to check manually every time in case someone sent you an O-Power, which interrupts the bike ride when the Power ends.
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