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Radio Free Derry
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9:52 PM
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  • Been on a nostalgic dive recently and was thinking fondly of the time I spent on these forums in high school. Logged into my account and noticed the last time you and I talked was probably on the other side of your college experience. hope you're doing well man.
    Radio Free Derry
    Radio Free Derry
    This is a year late but I was thinking about you as well. Hope you're doing well, would love the chance to catch up sometime. Lot's happened since the old days!
    Ty the Tasmanian Tiger! Neat! I remember watching my brother play that game. He said it sucked and I was like "Duh! It's Australian!" xD
    Something funny I noticed going through my old fakemon journal from 2012 or 2013: we both have guinea pig Pokémon with similar names. Mine's Piguin, although it doesn't evolve into a Normal/Water type.
    It is going to become part of Fic/Author of the Month and we aim to do three lessons throughout the year, the first one going up this month.
    Radio Free Derry
    Radio Free Derry
    Ballin'. Hope I'll get the chance to contribute at some point.
    I hope that signature is your team because all 6 of them are very good choices.
    Radio Free Derry
    Radio Free Derry
    Yeah, it's my ORAS team. I pretty much consider them my "canon" team, or closest to what I'd have if Pokemon were real.
    So what's new with you?
    Radio Free Derry
    Radio Free Derry
    I'm studying animation at university! I'm hanging out up in Dallas and working towards my degree. Hopefully I can get an internship at Rooster Teeth over the summer.
    Well that's good. Don't be like harry potter and leave the poor kids unprepared for non super-powered life!
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