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20 Questions

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Roses Ablaze

Avatar by Ayumeg
Oct 7, 2003
Reaction score
  1. How old are you? 18
  2. Do you go to school? If so, what level are you at? Freshman year of college.
  3. What type of college, if any, will/ do/ have you go/ gone to? I'm going to a small private liberal arts school.
  4. Grade school? Public schools.
  5. Major? Journalism.
  6. Where do you live? Indiana (Great Lakes region of the United States).
  7. What type of community? Small upper class suburban town.
  8. What is your religion? I waver between Christian and agnostic.
  9. Gender? Female.
  10. Ethnicity/ race? Caucasian. Mediterranian if you want to get specific.
  11. Sexual orientation? Bi, though I'm still a virgin and have never been in a relationship before.
  12. Where do you think you are on the political spectrum? Very liberal, liberal, slightly liberal, moderate, somewhat conservative, conservative, or very conservative? Liberal.
  13. What is your stance on gay rights? Very much for, though I think discrimination laws are more important than marriage.
  14. Abortion? I think it should be available to rape victims and women who really shouldn't be having children for health reasons, but I don't think it should be available for everyone.
  15. Death penalty? I see both sides.
  16. Iraqi conflict? I don't really understand what's going on, to be honest.
  17. The environment? I think we should be treating it better than we do now.
  18. Affirmative action? Against.
  19. Gun control? I think guns are bad, but I also don't know how effective more gun control would be.
  20. Anything I missed?
How old are you? 14 1/2. :O
Do you go to school? If so, what level are you at? Yup. I'm a fresher in high school.
What type of college, if any, will/ do/ have you go/ gone to? I want to go to Cambridge. :x I need to pick up my act a little, though.
Grade school? A private Catholic school. Meh.
Major? I think I'll be doing either English or History.
Where do you live? Nebraska. YAWN.
What type of community? A town of around 21,000.
What is your religion? PASTAFARIAN, baby! >D
Gender? The one with boobies.
Ethnicity/ race? Caucasian. To be specific, I'm half German, nearly half British, and have some Irish and Bohemian thrown in.
Sexual orientation? Bi. Everyone's a hot piece of ass, yo.
Where do you think you are on the political spectrum? Very liberal, liberal, slightly liberal, moderate, somewhat conservative, conservative, or very conservative? Liberal.
What is your stance on gay rights? Definitely for them. There is no reason other than an ideological one to persecute LBGTs, and since church and state are to be seperate...there is nothing that should stop us from having equal rights.
Abortion? Pro-choice.
Death penalty? Not sure. :/
Iraqi conflict? Against.
The environment? *Steals answer* I think we should be treating it better than we do now.
Affirmative action? Against.
Gun control? Probably in vain for the time being.
1. How old are you? 18
2. Do you go to school? If so, what level are you at? Freshman year of college
3. What type of college, if any, will/ do/ have you go/ gone to? Community college
4. Grade school? Public school
5. Major? Journalism
6. Where do you live? North Idaho
7. What type of community? Small suburban city
8. What is your religion? Atheist
9. Gender? Female
10. Ethnicity/ race? Caucasian via British and Irish, I think
11. Sexual orientation? Heterosexual
12. Where do you think you are on the political spectrum? Very liberal, liberal, slightly liberal, moderate, somewhat conservative, conservative, or very conservative? Very liberal
13. What is your stance on gay rights? Shouldn't be given a second thought
14. Abortion? Go for it
15. Death penalty? Against
16. Iraqi conflict? Vehemently against
17. The environment? FIX IT
18. Affirmative action? I don't have enough information on it to make a judgement
19. Gun control? Totally for it
20. Anything I missed?
1. How old are you? 17
2. Do you go to school? If so, what level are you at? Senior Year of HS.
3. What type of college, if any, will/ do/ have you go/ gone to? University about 3 hours from my hometown
4. Grade school? Homeschooled til 7th
5. Major? Instrumental Music Education and Psychology
6. Where do you live? West Arkansas
7. What type of community? Relatively big city
8. What is your religion? Non-Denom. Christian
9. Gender? male
10. Ethnicity/ race? Native American 50%, German , Welsh, British
11. Sexual orientation? Bi.
12. Where do you think you are on the political spectrum? Very liberal, liberal, slightly liberal, moderate, somewhat conservative, conservative, or very conservative? Moderate.
13. What is your stance on gay rights? Against and for.
14. Abortion? Only in certain situations. Ex. Rape Victim, or Life or death Circumstances for mother
15. Death penalty? For
16. Iraqi conflict? Against
17. The environment? One Word....BONED
18. Affirmative action? Err if i actually knew anything about it...
19. Gun control? Some Restrictions
20. Anything I missed? Nope
How old are you? 15
Do you go to school? If so, what level are you at? year 11
What type of college, if any, will/ do/ have you go/ gone to? I'll probably do an apprenticeship
Grade school? Public school
Major? ???
Where do you live? Melbourne, Australia
What type of community? very middle class suburb
What is your religion? agnostic
Gender? All man
Ethnicity/ race? Caucasian. 1/2 german, 1/2 aus
Sexual orientation? Straight, but ive never been involved with anyone before
Where do you think you are on the political spectrum? Very liberal, liberal, slightly liberal, moderate, somewhat conservative, conservative, or very conservative? Liberal-very liberal
What is your stance on gay rights? All for them
Abortion? Pro-choice
Death penalty? I don't like it
Iraqi conflict? Not keen on it, I think it shouldn;t have happened
The environment? We should look after it more
Affirmative action? ????
Gun control? It;s strict over here anyway, but I think the gun laws should be made more stringent in the USA
Anything I missed?
1. How old are you? 31
2. Do you go to school? If so, what level are you at? Already graduated.
3. What type of college, if any, will/ do/ have you go/ gone to? I went to a private university and graduated as a major in advertising. Then I went to a public one to get a diploma in graphic design.
4. Grade school? Public school.
5. Major? Advertising.
6. Where do you live? In the town of Curridabat, province of San José, Costa Rica.
7. What type of community? Suburban neiborghood.
8. What is your religion? I come from a catholic family, but I'm now agnostic.
9. Gender? Female.
10. Ethnicity/ race? Latin American.
11. Sexual orientation? Straight.
12. Where do you think you are on the political spectrum? Very liberal, liberal, slightly liberal, moderate, somewhat conservative, conservative, or very conservative? I'm not interested in politics at all.
13. What is your stance on gay rights? Everyone should be treated the same despite their sexual orientation.
14. Abortion? It only should be available for those women with health risks.
15. Death penalty? No.
16. Iraqi conflict? I'm not much up to date with what's going on.
17. The environment? I think it's time we stop treating our planet like we've been doing so far.
18. Affirmative action? I don't get this one.
19. Gun control? I'm all for it.
How old are you? 16
Do you go to school? If so, what level are you at? British year 12
What type of college, if any, will/ do/ have you go/ gone to? High School 6th form
Grade school? Public school
Major? Uhh... they aren't in england...
Where do you live? Newcastle, England
What type of community? Upper Middle Class
What is your religion? atheist
Gender? I am apparentley a male.
Ethnicity/ race? British
Sexual orientation? Straight
Where do you think you are on the political spectrum? Very liberal, liberal, slightly liberal, moderate, somewhat conservative, conservative, or very conservative? Moderate
What is your stance on gay rights? Go for Gold
Abortion? Go for Gold.
Death penalty? No point, what's a punishment if you learn nothing from it?
Iraqi conflict? Knowing the following, I feel the president of the US is to blame, and I'm against him, can you do the math?
The environment? Global Warming is taking it's effect now, We're screwed, and we should've done something about it before now.
Affirmative action? Go for Gold
Gun control? I like to control my ow- Oh GUN control? Uhh... Self protection is all good so long as it isn't shooting to kill.

So... yeah.
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How old are you? I'll turn 17 tomorrow >=O
Do you go to school? If so, what level are you at? Freshman at the Gymnasium/college alternative place thing =X
What type of college, if any, will/ do/ have you go/ gone to? I plan on going to the University in three or four years time. I may take a sabbatyear when I finish the current school I'm at, to go to the production school and earn some money and get some experience.
Grade school? Public school, sadly. I miss boarding school.
Major? I have no idea.
Where do you live? Lemvig, Denmark
What type of community? Some small ass town with about 7,000 inheritants.
What is your religion? Atheist
Gender? A female last I checked.
Ethnicity/ race? Danish =/
Sexual orientation? To be honest....I don't know o.o
Where do you think you are on the political spectrum? Very liberal, liberal, slightly liberal, moderate, somewhat conservative, conservative, or very conservative? Either moderate, or slightly conservative. A test a took claimed that I was a "soft" conservative <<;;
What is your stance on gay rights? People should be allowed to love who the hell they want, no matter what gender they have.
Abortion? I'm usually against it when it comes to idiotic teenage girls. But in the long run, it's the others of the idiots who gets to sour part. So I'll say, do whatever.
Death penalty? I want the fools gone, but I can think of better ways than just killing them. Although, sitting and awaiting death in the way they do, makes it bad enough. But how much better are the government to kill someone who maybe killed someone else? "OMG U KILLD SOEM1, NOw DIE!!11" <<;;
Iraqi conflict? Good they caught Saddam, bad they did it the way they did. I'm in between in this.
The environment? We're killing ourselves slowly, and foolishly. We don't have much of a future the way it's going by now.
Affirmative action? *blank*
Gun control? On who?
[/Lameass joke]
It won't help any with this overprotectiveness the governments are taking now after all this teorrism crap.
1. How old are you? 15
2. Do you go to school? If so, what level are you at? Sophomore at high school
3. What type of college, if any, will/ do/ have you go/ gone to? something to do with graphics, animation.
4. Grade school? public school
5. Major? uh, hm I dunno what a major is
6. Where do you live? SI New York
7. What type of community? large middle upper class neighborhood (lots of mansions and private tennis courts too)
8. What is your religion? born Lutheran, kind of follows Buddhism but made own religion
9. Gender? Female.
10. Ethnicity/ race?: Swedish, German, Italian and Irish.
11. Sexual orientation? 75% lesbian, 25% straight (or so I think). Lost my virginity to Clair ^_~
12. Where do you think you are on the political spectrum? as liberal as you get.
13. What is your stance on gay rights? they deserve everything the straights do
14. Abortion? It depends how early or late and for what reason
15. Death penalty? Depends on what reason
16. Iraqi conflict? I dont give a crap. Why get involved with Bush when I can climb a tree XD
17. The environment? it should be more like the Pokemon world. They better stop crowding Staten Island and then complaining they need new places to live. That's what Brooklyn is for. And they should plant more trees and help the deer population grow.
18. Affirmative action? No comprendo. I dont know what affirmative action is.
19. Gun control? let's not get into that
20. Anything I missed? I dunno
1. How old are you? 16 and counting
2. Do you go to school? Yeah, was just there!
3. What type of college, if any, will/ do/ have you go/ gone to? Not sure yet...
4. Grade school? Guetto-style public
5. Major? Planning on Education of some sort
6. Where do you live? Twin Cities, Minnesota
7. What type of community? One that's slowly being invaded with low-run jackasses and lazyasses
8. What is your religion? What's religion?
9. Gender? Male
10. Ethnicity/ race? White and proud of it (race is prominent up here)
11. Sexual orientation? Bi, leaning towards the gay side of the rainbow
12. Where do you think you are on the political spectrum? I'm quite liberal. Liberal enough to annoy everyone around me :3
13. What is your stance on gay rights? Marriage is something that everyone should be able to experience. Not that I will... >.>;
14. Abortion? Bad. Bad. Bad. I'll adopt the damn kid -.-~
15. Death penalty? Meh. You kill someone, you die!
16. Iraqi conflict? I've given up caring.
17. The environment? *hugs tree*
18. Affirmative action? ??
19. Gun control? Ain't my place to care
20. Anything I missed? Nah
Major = specialty. I am a journalism major, so I am going to end up taking a lot of journalism classes while I'm here.

Affermative action = Honestly I don't know that much about the issue, but I know it makes it easier for minorities to get into college (sometimes at the expense of whites).
1. How old are you? 21
2. Do you go to school? I am, technically, a junior in college.
3. What type of college, if any, will/ do/ have you go/ gone to? Random university (cheapest university in the state)
4. Grade school? In the grade schools I went to a public school system. My first elementary (moved at one point, so I had to transfer) had no walls...just dividers.
5. Major? History, more specifically Museum Studies
6. Where do you live? Oklahoma City (do I REALLY need to include the state)
7. What type of community? A suburban offshoot of the main city. It's quiet, and that's all I need.
8. What is your religion? I like the term Pseudo-agnostic.
9. Gender? Male
10. Ethnicity/ race? I always mark the "other" box. Technically I'm white, but I feel that if I say that, I'll never get anywhere in life.
11. Sexual orientation? Straight
12. Where do you think you are on the political spectrum? I'm a lefty.
13. What is your stance on gay rights? I don't think there should BE gay rights. I think it should be basic human rights. Gender, race, sexual orientation shouldn't matter. Maybe IQ, though.
14. Abortion? I'm pro-choice, but I don't like abortion. I'm pro-choice because I'm not going to force someone to live by my views.
15. Death penalty? Depends on my mood. Either I'm completely against the death penalty, or I believe in a three strikes law where if you're convicted of any three crimes, you're executed quickly. Nothing else about the way people are tried would be changed (although some minor crimes would no longer be crimes).
16. Iraqi conflict? I can't seriously answer this question right now. Too many rants.
17. The environment? Where's my freaking hydrogen cars?
18. Affirmative action?
It had a purpose when it was initiated but I think, for the most part, it's out-lived its time.
19. Gun control? Take all the guns in the world, put them on a spaceship, and send it hurtling into the sun.
20. Anything I missed? I'm sure there is, but I can't think of it.
How old are you? 21
Do you go to school? If so, what level are you at? 4th year of college.
What type of college, if any, will/ do/ have you go/ gone to? I'm going to a jr college I went to a state university for 1 year.
Grade school? Public schools.
Major? Film, but now I'm undecided
Where do you live? California, Los Angeles suburbs
What type of community? Ghetto-ish suburb
What is your religion? I'm not really sure right now
Gender? Female.
Ethnicity/ race? white part French, Welch and German I think? and half Mexican on my mom's side
Sexual orientation? I like boys, but I'm open to new things
Where do you think you are on the political spectrum? I don't vote in party lines.
What is your stance on gay rights? They deserve them
Abortion? I think it should be available to rape victims and stupid people who can't take care of their kids and neglect them.
Death penalty? I think the prisions are too crowded.
Iraqi conflict? When I first came out I supported it, but now I'm really against it
The environment? People need to live cleaner lives. But how?
Affirmative action? It was good on paper but not in action
Gun control? I think something should be done, but I'm not sure how
How old are you? 15, almost 16.
Do you go to school? If so, what level are you at? I'm a sophomore in high school(10th grade)
What type of college, if any, will/ do/ have you go/ gone to? Eh...I'm not exactly sure yet.
Grade school? Excellent public schools :D
Major? It'll be something to do with science or computers.
Where do you live? Neenah, Wisconsin.
What type of community? Uh...well, about a fourth of it qualifies as city, and the rest is town-ish. I guess...
What is your religion? Non-demoniational, AKA "My beliefs don't fit into any religion that I know of"
Gender? Female
Ethnicity/ race? White. Don't ask me what countries my ancestors are from, because I don't remember. >_> <_<
Sexual orientation? Straight.
Where do you think you are on the political spectrum? Liberal.
What is your stance on gay rights? They're a good thing, and civilization will have to accept gay marriage and such at some point. It's obvious that we're headed that way, anyway.
Abortion? As long as it's done before the 3rd trimester, I fine with it.
Death penalty? Eh, no thanks. The only real benefit is that if the person, WITHOUT ANY DOUBT AT ALL, commited a crime worthy of it, you've got one less criminal that has a small chance of escaping, and one less person taking up resources. Other than that...
Iraqi conflict? War shouldn't have started in the first place, kthnxbye.
Affirmative action? I'd rather see the underlying issues that made people create this be dealt with...it had good intentions, but like so many other things, fell apart when applied.
Gun control? HELL YES. Ban guns completely, I say.
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How old are you? 23
Do you go to school? If so, what level are you at? Not going to school, I graduated with an Associate of Arts degree
What type of college, if any, will/ do/ have you go/ gone to? Community college and one semester at a university
Grade school? Public schools.
Major? My major was Biological Science. I lost interest in it.
Where do you live? Florida
What type of community? The suburbs.
What is your religion? Christian, specifically Episcopalian, which is the closest thing to being a Catholic while still being Protestant. I do not go to church, though, it bores me, and the rest of my family became Catholic when my sister got with her current husband.
Gender? Male.
Ethnicity/ race? Caucasian. 1/4 Moroccan, 3/8 or more Irish, a bit of Native American, and who knows what else.
Sexual orientation? Straight.
Where do you think you are on the political spectrum? Very liberal, liberal, slightly liberal, moderate, somewhat conservative, conservative, or very conservative? somewhat conservative
What is your stance on gay rights? Just let them do what they want.
Abortion? Pro-choice.
Death penalty? I personally don't want to kill anyone, but if they are dangerous enough, there may be no choice.
Iraqi conflict? Against it. I'm aware of getting rid of the nasty dictator and all, but it just wasn't warranted. If it were up to me, there would be no war against terror, but that's just me. I would leave it to the countries on how they deal with it, and deal with the internal threats of this country.
Affirmative action? Against. Isn't it still discrimination?
Gun control? I don't like guns, but I'm not sure what to do myself other than have some kind of pychological evaluation for everyone that feels like they need a gun. Make sure they won't use it to purposely threaten/injure/murder people.
Anything I missed? I personally think society, at least here in the US, is generally messed up.
How old are you? 26
Do you go to school? If so, what level are you at? no, but i did go to Merrimack College.
What type of college, if any, will/ do/ have you go/ gone to? Augustinian Liberal Arts College. Grade school? Public school.
Major? Political Science
Where do you live? Southern NH, USA. an hour from Boston.
What type of community? Large rural town. A few farms, lots of trees and a strip with tons of stores and a few malls and restaurants.
What is your religion? Catholic.
Gender? Male
Ethnicity/ race? Caucasian. Half Italian/Half Canadian
Sexual orientation? Straight
Where do you think you are on the political spectrum? Very liberal, liberal, slightly liberal, moderate, somewhat conservative, conservative, or very conservative? Liberal.
What is your stance on gay rights? For it. I mean they deserve the same rights as anyone.
Abortion? Availible for health reason, abortion, etc. Her choiice really. But, there's always adoption.
Death penalty? Fry 'em! Fry 'em!
Iraqi conflict? Support troops, yes. Bush on the otherhand is a douche. He really should be focusing on domestic issues.
Affirmative action? Against.
Gun control? Guns are bad when the wrong people use them. Perhaps have more legislation to see who can carry what.
Anything I missed? Stance on people with disabilities. That's an issue that should be looked at as many people are still prejudiced against those who have a physical "abmornality" that sets tthem apart from other people.
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