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4kids' redeeming factors, guilty pleasures or truly good moments

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Well-Known Member
Jun 29, 2010
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I know what your all thinking: "How can 4kids be good in any way possible?"

Allow me to explain something: There's always a bad movie or TV show that you find to be entertaining because of either how bad it is or how there are pretty good moments that you can help but like. In the case of 4kids, there are certain moments, parts or aspects of their English dubs that I can't help but be entertained by. They may send me on a guilt trip or be truly good that a majority of people can agree on how good it is.

For example, I like cheesy puns when they roll off the tongue and when they're well-timed, fitting the moment. I also like the English dub of season 1 of Yu Gi Oh as it was before the major changes to the story began. Plus, the voice actors are pretty good and Cubix: Robots For Everyone is a guilty pleasure for me.

What about you? Were there moments of 4kids' dubs that you liked whether it be guilty pleasure or truly redeeming in quality? If not, please leave this thread alone.
The theme songs, and the fact they make good YTP Material:

I don't remember too much of their work, but I always enjoyed it, despite what many have said/will say. Pokémon and Shaman King will always be my guilty pleasures, when I talk about 4Kids.

I don't care what anyone says; 4Kids did a good job.
The voice actors. The actors they hire sure have a higher vocal range than some major anime companies (like FUNimation).
I REALLY enjoyed their uncut Shaman King dub (even if the characters still used accents and addressed each other by their names from the TV dub). Such a shame they had to cancel that after just the first couple volumes.
I actually enjoy their dinosaur king dub alot. So much to a point I own DVD's of it. The theme tune is probably one of my favourite theme tunes out of all their shows.

Also I do have a guilty pleasure of watching kirby Right Back at Ya! currently.^-^;;;;;;;
Aside from early Pokemon's dub, I don't think I've seen anything by 4Kids. I liked that okay.
They used some good voice acting talent from the NYC area who also worked on a lot of Central Park Media's dubs. That's about the only good thing that I can say for them.
They had some good voice actors, and some pretty good music too. The opening themes for Pokémon were pretty awesome up until they were dubbing it.
I've always been a fan of 4Kids. I think they did a great job with Pokemon. For me, I don't consider redemption necessary.
Well I know they cut stuff out from it but I was always a fan of their dub of the original Yu-Gi-Oh, mostly because of the voice actors in it for certain characters, namely Yugi/Yami and Kaiba
I have to say that some of their earlier works had better voicing acting.

...I guess that's really all I can say. I did like their dub of the Pokemon original series though, that and it was a big part of my childhood. So I'm still willing to watch those.
Anyone remember Cubix: Robots For Everyone? It had a lot of cheesy dialogue thanks to 4kids but I kinda liked it.
Anyone remember Cubix: Robots For Everyone? It had a lot of cheesy dialogue thanks to 4kids but I kinda liked it.

Holy crap, someone else remembers it! I remember liking it, although that's all I remember.
I have to give 4Kids credit for giving Pokémon and Yu-Gi-Oh! some pretty kick-ass theme tunes. Hearing the Yu-Gi-Oh! music still gives me chills.
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