Yeargh, I feel miserable right now. Pills and all and my entire life is ganging up on my very presence. ALmost anyone whose known me, will probably tell me that I go through this kinda depression almost every month. But, I tell you. this time it's different. too much pressure, and no confidant. I am alone. Well, offline anyway. Online I have most of my forced readers. *hugs you all* *laughs* I just realized, i maybe forcing you all to read, and forcing you to be hugged by me. Force, such a...well forceful thing. *sings* In the darkness of Mordor, I met a beautiful girl. BUt gollum... Led zeppelin (ramble on) I think. now for all you symbol hungry freaks, just analyze my mood in relation to that song's lyrics. Or not.. Ah well, blame the doctors in our lives. The medical, the witch, and the spin... Whatever sense that made. Go figure. Ahh well to close it all off, Fuck.
So far I've lived
a life insignificant
So far I've dreamed
a dream of beautiful penchant
NO matter what you say
What you do!
It's all of no difference
For fate deems my very actions unworthy
A life I dream
Of actions heroic
Of metaphorical fantasy.
A life ever stillborn
An existence I see:
Day after day,
of no good consequence.
No dream of mine.
A distilled dream.
Sift away
all the dreams.
Only my destined decay.
A distilled Dream and the Destined Decay
So far I've lived
a life insignificant
So far I've dreamed
a dream of beautiful penchant
NO matter what you say
What you do!
It's all of no difference
For fate deems my very actions unworthy
A life I dream
Of actions heroic
Of metaphorical fantasy.
A life ever stillborn
An existence I see:
Day after day,
of no good consequence.
No dream of mine.
A distilled dream.
Sift away
all the dreams.
Only my destined decay.