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a few events


New Member
Jul 19, 2011
Reaction score
the point of this thread is for me to offer my events that are already cloned i have many others but they are not yet cloned its a temp thread till my trade shop opens which will offer much much much more anyway last noteNO HACKS

anyway on to the pokes (this will be updated)
movie 14 victini
colluseum celibi
gamestop celibi
alamos darkrai
tru regigigas
winn 2011 raikou
winn 2011 entei
winn 2011 sucicune
platinum registeel
platinum regice
dw arceus
dw glaceon
dw flareon
dw leafeon
dw torchic
dw poliwhirl
i also have a shiny cresselia cloned

dw events
good offers
fc 1850 2748 6625

For 4th Generation, I'm in need of a UT Dialga from Diamond caught in a Pokeball.

I have Pokemon such as Celebi, Shaymin, and others to offer.

still seeking Dialga
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I have a shiny kangaskhan and the carlita Hydreigon that i can trade for the Movie 14 Victini.
ok do you want to trade now 1850 2748 6625 ill take the kangaskan ive already got the caritas hydregion
Are your events UT (untouched, like no Pokerus, holding their event items, and haven't been leveled up)? If they are, I can offer a Shiny Adamant Boldore and Jolly Fraxure (I have to get this one again), both of 'em have 31/31/31/11/31/31 IVs. I RNGed 'em myself :cool: I'd like the Movie 14 Victini and Colluseum Celebi please :)
Are your events UT (untouched, like no Pokerus, holding their event items, and haven't been leveled up)? If they are, I can offer a Shiny Adamant Boldore and Jolly Fraxure (I have to get this one again), both of 'em have 31/31/31/11/31/31 IVs. I RNGed 'em myself :cool: I'd like the Movie 14 Victini and Colluseum Celebi please :)
both are ut and the movie 14 victini is holding the fire gem and the celibi is ut but this celibi never held an item
I would like the dw arceus. I can offer a rnged shiny drought vulpix 31/x/31/31/31/31 female UT. (cloned)
Please note: The thread is from 13 years ago.
Please take the age of this thread into consideration in writing your reply. Depending on what exactly you wanted to say, you may want to consider if it would be better to post a new thread instead.
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