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EVERYONE: A former astronaut meets Palkia, Dialga, and Giratina


New Member
Jun 1, 2011
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At a space lab, a couple were undergoing an experiment where they
were placed inside a booth with the door locked. Outside was
a technical worker outside with the computer ready to go.

"Justine are you ready?"
"Keven are you ready too?"
"We are ready and waiting Dr. Reynolds! Push the button."

Reynolds was still downloading what he would need to get this
right. But by mistake he got the wrong program and pushed
the enter key on the computer.

"What is happening to us?"

The couple turned a light purple and vanished from Reynold's sight.
Justine closed her eyes and so did Keven. Justine screamed into
Keven's chest while she held him and the tingle feeling stopped.
They both opened their eyes to find themselves in a cave like
setting with a ruined temple inside. Justine found herself sitting
on a rock or a stump. So was Keven. She looked around and
saw a group of people that had on space suits that were different
than what they were used to and heard an evil laugh come from
the leader of the group.

"Will you look at that! Where are we?"

Soon Justine looked and saw a tall woman with long blonde hair
past her knees wearing a pant suit, an elderly gentleman, and
a young girl that looked ten with long black hair up in a white cap
and knee boots with a blue like creature in her arms. She looked
at the tall blonde and got her attention.

"Excuse me, where am I?"
"You are on Mt. Coronet and I'm Cynthia. Who are you?"
"My name is Justine and this is my husband Keven."
"How do you do! "
"What is happening here?"
"There is a group here that call themselves Team Galactic. Their
boss Cyrus is ready to use a red chain to call Palkia and Dialga."
"Palkia and Dialga? I guess I will find out if I wait."

About that time Cyrus gave out another evil laugh and threw
two chains up in the air and they stayed on two pillars as
the two dragons appeared.

"What beautiful creatures Keven!"
Cyrus shouted. "This is wonderful! My new universe is about to
be created! Palkia the ruler of space! Dialga the ruler of time!
Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha!"

The two dragons hissed and roared at Cyrus with their eyes
filled with anger and pain from the chains. Soon a tremendus
earthquake rumbled and almost knocked Justine off this stump
she sat on. Then they saw another awesome sight when a
shadow came up from the ground that reached out and grabbed
Cyrus and took him with it.

"Doesn't he know that's against the law to torchure any animal
or creature?"
Justine stood up in protest.
"Which one is Palkia?"
Cynthia smiled as she looked at Justine.
"Palkia is the one thats purple and lavender colors and Dialga is
the blue one."
"What beautiful creatures! Palkia and Dialga I'm on your side."
"Justine I forgot! You need pokemon to protect you here from
other pokemon and people like that."
"Pokemon? Oh! I'm sorry. I came from a place called Florida
and I work for a space company. I was an astronaut about
three years ago. Since I heard that Palkia controls space, I study
astronomy constantly."
About that time Justine walked up to the ten year old girl and
smiled wearing her shuttle suit that was red.
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"Hello my name is Dawn and what is yours?"
"I'm Justine and I just arrived here by mistake and it seems
like I got here just in time. I hope that other one had
Cyrus for lunch! Those beautiful dragons didn't need to be
torchured or provoked like that. Where I'm from, that is
against the law. Who is your little buddy you're holding?"

"Oh! This is Piplip. Ash will be here shortly with Picachu."

"They say the blue one is the master of time. It probably
even time travels. Now that would be neat if Dialga did
time travel, and Palkia space travels which I only got my
ankles wet on that one myself. I used to be an astronaut."
"An astronaut? Cool!"

Justine looked up at the two and walked up to them and
smiled. Palkia and Dialga looked down and saw Justine
in tears.

"Cynthia, does anyone know how to get those chains off
of those beautiful creatures. The sight of them in those
chains are breaking my heart. Okay Palkia and Dialga
don't fear I'm on your side and I want to be a good
friend to you."

Cynthia had her Garchump to jump up and use dragon
claw and snapped the chains apart. The two deities
landed on their feet. Dawn had the three lake spirit
pokemon to calm the two down so that Justine could
have a real close look and she touched them gently.
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"Everything will be all right now. I'm on your side.
Palkia, since you rule space I study it as an
astronomer and astronaut. Dialga you are also just
as special since you rule time. Do you know that
when it's night time here the sun is shining on the
other side of this world? That's what I know about
time and it takes either a clock or watch to measure
the hours and minutes of time."

Justine petted Dialga and he responded like a horse
that was getting it's neck rubbed. Palkia responded
like a cat getting it chin rubbed when Justine touched
one of it's tusk shaped like sideburns. Dialga's neck
was as smooth as baby skin when touched and
Palkia's neck was smooth as silk. An elderly looking
gentleman walked up to Justine with a smile.

"Do you have any pokemon? My name is Professer
Rowan. I study the evolution of pokemon. I will
give you two pokeballs to catch those two pokemon.
I will catch one of them to show how to catch pokemon."

"Hello, I'm Justine. Okay show me what to do."

"Justine, it seems like Palkia and Dialga has taken up with
you and want to be your friend and pokemon. If some
one challenges you with their pokemon, you can let one
of these out and battle."

"Dr. Rowan, is there a place where I can learn about these
creatures? I'm really interested in them now."

"Of course! You will have to go to Jubilife City where there
is a school there. I've been with pokemon for sixty years."

"Bless your heart! I've been studying the heavens since
college and now I'm a former astronaut who rode a
space shuttle. You should have seen me with my space
suit on. I looked like Palkia without a face."

Pro. Rowan pressed a button on one of the balls and Dialga
went right in and the ball clicked shut.

"Now justine, I want you to catch Palkia with a master ball.
Aim it at Palkia and push the button. Congradulations!
You just cought your first pokemon!"

"Oh wow! What should I do with these two?"

"Justine you are now their trainer and master. Give them
time and they will bond with you and get very close."

"Thank you Dr. Rowan. Keven, we need to find a place to
make camp. It's too cold here."

"I will take you where there's a big open space for you two
so Palkia and Dialga can get use to you. Hop into my jeep
and I will take you there."

"Thank you Cynthia."
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Thank you Eternal Fire! I just made this one up. I"m adding more to this story. I like it too.
Here's some more of the story.

Cynthia dropped the couple off at the lake near
Twinleaf Town to make camp there. It wasn't
long until Palkia and Dialga were let out of
their master balls.

"Hello Palkia and Dialga! We're camping here
for the night. You two are so beautiful in those
colors and your light as you are glowing."

Justine walked up to Palkia and reached out as if
she wanted to hug it with her hands reached up
and touched it's hand.

"I heard you control space and Dialga controls
time. Palkia you and I have something in common in
in that respect. You control space and I study space
as an astronomer and a former astronaut."

Palkia reached over and laid her chin on Justine's
shoulder after Palkia got into it's sleeping position.
Since Palkia was pink and red Justine considered
the dragon to be a girl.

"Aw that's a nice girl. Have yourself a nice rest
for you and Dialga might be tired."

Justine felt of Palkia's tusk and it felt like smooth
rubber. She went over to pet Dialga and it also
responded by laying it's head on her shoulder.

"Dialga they say you control time. I'm wearing a
device that counts time. Where I'm from it's
eight o'clock. This is a watch that counts hours,
minutes, and has a date on it to tell me what
day it is. I see Oct,25,2011. You're a big sweety
like Palkia. Find yourself a place to rest for you
might be tired. We will have a big day tomorrow.
I need to get used to being a trainer instead of
being the trainee."

They both nodded and Dialga got into it's sleeping
position. Since Dialga looked like it did, Justine
considered Dialga to be a boy.

"Good boy! Good night you two."

Justine went back to her husband and hugged him
with a kiss and he did the same with her. As the
campfire was burning to keep them warm, Keven
got out his harmonica and played a nice tune of
Home on the Range.
Palkia and Dialga raised their heads and listened
to the music they never heard before. Palkia
looked at Dialga and yawned which made Dialga
yawn real big. They looked at each other
and laid back down and went to sleep as if the
music was a lullaby. Justine looked at Keven
and smiled.

"I forgot to tell you something before we were
transfered. I'm expecting!"

"What! Are you sure? That's great! We will
need to find a place where you can have your
baby. This will be interesting."

"You're right and we will have to take these two
somewhere in case they get hurt or get sick.
The two dragons look like kids sleeping. You know,
even though we have been with these beautiful
two, I've all ready grown attached to them as if
they were our kids. Isn't that strange?"

"I know you loved your pets back home but these two
are huge ones. I just wonder how you train them and
what do you train them for? We need to get some
good sleep too. Good night Justine. Good night Palkia
and Dialga." He kissed her good night and they went
to sleep."

Next day Justine was awakened by Palkia licking her on
her face and Keven was licked on the face by Dialga.

"Good morning! Oh Palkia that was sweet of you to wake me up.
You too Dialga. Keven get up we need to find something for
breakfast. We are all hungry as it seems."

"What do they eat here? We don't have anything but coffee.
All we have is what's in our backpacks."

"Let's go to the next town and see what we can find."

About that time Ash, Dawn, and Broch showed up with Pikachau
and Piplip.

"Hello again! My name is Dawn, this is Ash Ketchum, and this
is Broch."

"How do you do? I'm Justine and this is Keven."

"I came here with Ash and Piplip to show you around
these places. I just got news from Pro. Rowan and
Cynthia about you. I'm here to show you the ropes
of being a pokemon trainer. Let me demonstrate how
to recapture what you all ready cought."

Dawn gets out a pokeball to let out Bunery.

"Do you see that my pokemon is out of her ball?
Watch this! "BUNERY RETURN" "

Dawn pushed the button on the red and white
ball and the bunny went back in it's ball.

"Okay I'll give it a shot. Palkia, Dialga return!"

Justine pushed the buttons on their master balls
and the two big dragons returned to their balls.

"I did it! Where do you get supplies? I will probably
need a lot of things including food for these two
big guys and us."

"Okay I will show you."
After Justine and Keven gathered their things and left
their tent they camped in, the three preteens walked
and took them to Sandgem Town to meet Professer
Rowan again.

"Hello Justine! This is my lab and I have something here
to help you out with your stay and journey here in
Sinnoh. I hope you enjoy being here. I also have a
bag for you to carry all of your needs in including some
more pokeballs. You will have to go to jublife city to
learn about different pokemon. I know that this school
will be full of kids but you still need to learn about these
creatures called pokemon. You all ready have two that
were considered years ago to be deities. Now you are
their master and trainer. I wish you good luck!"

"Thank you Dr. Rowan, I will give this my best shot."

On their way to Jubilife City, Dawn showed where the
Pokemon center was and had her to heal Palkia and
Dialga there for practice in case she needed them
healed and showed them the Pokemart where they
could buy supplies and more Pokeballs. Justine and
Keven's stomach started to grawl.

"Do you know of a restaurant here or a place to buy
groceries and food?"

"Sure Broch will make us some lunch after he buys
some more supplles. I think we could use some
lunch about now. Do you like sushi or would you
rather have rice noodles? We do have it in that
style. What is your favoriate dish?"

"I prefer salads with everything in them. Do you
have a salad bar somewhere?"

"I believe there is a cafe outside somewhere but
since your pokemon are so big, we will eat dinner
that Broch makes and we will help you get some
pokemon food for them. I will give you five
poffins to see which of those the might like."
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They went back to the tent so that Palkia
and Dialga could be let out from their
master balls. But, on the way back Justine
was surprised by a starly. She opened up
one of red and white balls and the little
starly went right in and the ball clicked shut.

"I forgot to tell you, you need to go to a gym
leader and get yourself a badge before you can
get certain things. I have all eight and I'm also
a Champion."

Dawn opened up her badge collection and showed
Justine and gave Justine a map of the Sinnoh
region to find where to go and where all the towns
and cities were.

"I have a badge too but it's from the space program
that I'm from. Let me call Palkia. Palkia come here!"

Palkia came right to Justine with a roar as if it was

"Palkia, do you see this badge I'm wearing? As of
today I consider it a badge just for you since it's
a space shuttle. How about that?"

Palkia nodded and laid her head on Justine's shoulder
and minimized herself small enough to be seven foot
tall and so did Dialga.

"I love you too big girl! You too Dialga. You two are
remind me of two big kids. I wonder what flavors you
like best. I will try a hot one first Palkia."

Palkia ate the hot poffin and ran to the lake and had a
big drink and shook her head."

"Too hot for you? Okay, let's try a dry one."

Palkia ate the poffin to hear it crunch in her mouth from
being so dry. She shook her head again.

"Too dry? Okay, how about a sweet one?"

Palkia ate the sweet poffin and layed her head on
Justine's shoulder.

"I take that as a yes that you like it sweet. Okay
from now on your food will be sweet. Now we need
to see what Dialga likes. Go play with some of the
other pokemon."

Palkia went and laid down close to where the other
pokemon were playing. Pikachau and Piplip jumped
upon her shoulder when Justine called for Dialga.

"Dialga come here!"

Dialga came to her with a dinosaur like roar and nudged
her on the neck like a horse.

"Let me see what flavors you like. First I will try a hot one.:

Dialga ate the hot poffin and ran straight for the lake to drink
some water. It shook it's head throwing water everywhere.

"Too hot? How about a sour one?"

Justine gave Dialga a sour poffin and he made a face with one
eye closed and got some more water.

"Too sour? Let's try a dry one."

Justine gave Dialga a dry poffin and he heard it crunch hard
in his mouth and roared like it hurt it's mouth.

"Too dry? Let's try a sweet one this time. I'll get it right sooner
or later."

Justine gave Dialga a sweet poffin and it nodded it's head and
licked her face.

"I take that as a yes! What a sweet boy! Now go over where
Palkia is and play with the other pokemon. Okay, I love you
two since you also like to lay your head on my shoulder.
You are both sweet."
As everyone ate and the pokemon were playing the
water in the middle of the lake began to bubble up
like as if it were boiling and soon a whirlpool started
to spin. Palkia and Dialga looked up and grawled as
they stood back up as if to get ready for a battle.
Then a really big ghostly figure came up from the
whirlpool and Ash called it's name.


Justine and Keven looked puzzled at each other and
looked at this twenty two foot monster that appeared
as a big six legged dinosaur like dragon with six
legs and black wings that looked torn with six red
tenticles on the end. It went toward Palkia and Dialga
and stopped. It then turned it's head to spit up
pieces of a body which were bones. Justine and
Dawn screamed and held on to Keven and Ash.
Palkia gave out a roar and so did Dialga as if they
were talking to it and knew it. Justine walked
up to Giratina between Palkia and Dialga.

"So you are Giratina. Huh? Just like these two
you are so huge and beautiful. I don't want to
battle you right now I'd rather make friends with
you since I'm their new dragon master and trainer.
Would you like to join these two and form a team
and family with me and Keven?"

Giratina nodded as it looked at Palkia and spoke as
it reached down for Justine to rub the side of it's
neck and it's crown felt like pure gold and was really
smooth and it purred like a big cat.

"Oh my goodness I found another one who likes it's
chin rubbed. Was that Cyrus you spat out?"

Giratina nodded it's head again and purred again
with a deep growl.

"I will have to catch you in a master ball and let
you out again. Is that okay?"

Justine got out another master ball and pushed
the button on the top and Giratina went in and
the ball clicked shut. She then raised the ball
up and kissed it like she did with Palkia and
Dialga when they were cought.
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"Good catch! What do you want me to do with
those bones?"

Justine handed Keven the master ball and ran
somewhere to throw up being totally grossed
out from the sight.

"What is wrong with Justine? I saw her grab
her mouth and ran somewhere. Does she have
a problem with the sight of blood or things like
"We might as well get used to her not being well
for she is in a family way. She told me last night
that she was expecting and she wanted to see it
through between me and her. But, I think that
she should either see a nurse or doctor to make
sure that she is that way. She's wanted a child
every since we married and that's been for
five years. I hope she is that way. Just like she
is with Palkia and Dialga here, when I got her
a cat, she treats it just like a baby. I notice she
babies Palkia and Dialga like they were her big kids."

"Oh that's great! I treat Piplip like it's my baby but
I still train him like a pokemon."

"Thank you Dawn. The sight of Giratina spitting up
those human bones almost turned my stomach.
That was nasty!"

Keven let Giratina out of it's ball and gave a command.

"Giratina! Take those bones you spat up and hide
those things. That looks like a murder scene.
Plus you made my wife very sick when you did that
and almost turned my stomach. As your first command
clean up your mess!"

Giratina let out a deep roar and buried the bones in the
lake to not be found. Justine came back and scolded
Giratina rubbing her upset stomach.

"Giratina, don't you ever do that anymore. That was
really mean. You spiting up those bones made me
very sick. You don't see Palkia and Dialga doing that.
I want you to behave from now on. Is that clear?"

Giratina shook it's head in remorse. It looked up when
it felt Justine rub it's neck and chin.
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"Aw, that's all right. I've been queezy for the last
few days. I'm going to be a mom and I need to
get used of an upset stomach once in a while.
I can't stay angry for long. You are now a part of
Palkia and Dialga's team again. You are so pretty
and big! Dawn, is there a place where I can be
checked to make sure that I will be a mom?"

"Sure! We can walk to the Pokemon Center to talk
to Nurse Joy. She does all the doctoring here."

"Well let's go then! Giratina, return! Palkia return!
Dialga, return! Starly and Bibarel, return! I can't
wait to meet Nurse Joy."

They walked to Sandgem Town to visit Nurse Joy
at the Pokemon Center. On their way a Shinx
jumped up and suprised Justine and justine reached
for a red and white ball and clicked the button and
cought it. Keven looked at Justine and smiled.

"It looks like you got yourself a cat this time!
Will you give it a name this time? Back home
you had one named Prettygirl."

"Okay I will name this one Prettygirl since it's
a cat. This one looks like a lion cub. Dawn,
how old are you now. I know that when I first
saw you, you looked to be at least ten. You do
look a bit more mature now."

"I'm thirteen now. I will also take you to Jubilife
City to get a poketch watch. You need one after
all of your work on your training of your pokemon.
You don't have one yet. I have one and that's
what they look like. They are something like a
watch that let's you keep check on your pokemon."

"Thank you! I'm twenty four now and I've been
trying to become a mom for the last five years."

About that time they were in front of a building with
a red roof that looked like a breadbox.

"What a cute building! Is this the place where Nurse
Joy works Dawn?"

"It sure is! Let's go inside so you can talk to her."
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"Welcome to the Pokemon Center. My name
is Nurse Joy and may I help you?"

"Yes you may. I am the one who needs to be
checked out to see if I'm expecting for sure.
I've been queezy for the last few day and I
threw up when it got worse today. Can you
give me some kind of check up?"

"Sure! I can give you an exam. Besides just
pokemon, people need medicine too once in
a while. I had to help ash with a nightmare
a few years ago. Come with me to one of the
rooms. Nurse Day I need you to take over
until I come back."

"Okay! I will take care until you come back."

Nurse joy took Justine to a room with a bed
in it and some equipment.

"Okay, I need for you to take your cloths off
and put on this gawn for me. This will be an

Nurse Joy checked out her blood pressure first
then the physical to check out for a future baby
growing. Then she put on some rubber gloves.

"Okay I did find something when I listened to
your lower stomach and found a very fast
heartbeat. What I'm going to do might be
painful so hang on to your husband's hand.
There you go!"

She reached to feel for any swelling and she
found it and then used her stethoscope to
listen and found a tiny heartbeat. She looked
at Justine and smiled. Nurse Joy had her to
put her legs up to check her inside and Justine
squeezed his hand as he gave her a kiss.

"I love you Justine!"

"I love you too Keven!"

"All right now. I will let you get your
cloths back on and I will talk to you when
you get to the front desk. So far everything
seems perfect."

"Thank you Nurse Joy!"

When they got the front desk Nurse Joy was

"Congradulations! You are going to have a
baby. You feel as if you are all ready about
three months down there. I will see you
back in about three months from now.
I wish you good luck."
Justine was crying on her way back and was
rubbing her stomach. Keven was watching
her emotions take a roller coaster ride as
they walked to Jubilife City for another class
to learn more about pokemon. One little
girl challenged her with a battle.

"Starly I choose you!" Justine was shouting.
"Abra I choose you!" The little girl yelled.

The battle began. Justine had Starly to use
wing attack to find that the little bird only
knew tackle. She switched it out.

"Palkia I choose you! Use dragon claw!"

Just with one swipe the Abra was out and
Palkia won! The little girl paid Justine for

"What did you pay me for? We just fought
pokemon as practice."

"Lady, it's customary for the loser to pay
the winner for the battle. Your pokemon
won the battle. So I had to pay you for

"Okay, thank you. I didn't know about that.
I should challenge more since that will make
us enough to live on if I keep it up."

The little introduced herself.

"My name is Elicia, what is yours?"

"My name is Justine Goddard but you
can call me Justine."

"Mrs. Goddard, when you switched out
with your pokemon, the starly will also
get more strength to grow on. Check
on your poketch and it will tell you and
check on their pokeballs to see how
much they have leveled up. Then you
can deside which pokemon you want
to use in a battle."

"Oh I get it now. Thank you Elicia for
the information tip. I will try to remember."

After they left the school Justine was quiet
and reached to give Keven a kiss. She was
so happy to hear of the good news.
"I love you Keven! I can't wait until I can
tell my pokemon the news. I wonder if they
would understand? Only one way to find out
is to take a break and sit down here by the

She clicked the button on all of the pokemon
on her team.

"Palkia, Dialga, Starly, Biberal, and prettygirl,
Come on out! Giratina come on out!"

She walked up to the biggest ones first and
petted them and the rest of them. She hugged
Palkia and rubbed it's neck.

"Guess what Palkia! I'm having a baby for sure!
Oh you are so pretty in that pink and red!"

Palkia let out a roar as it looked up at the sky
and raised her hands. Dialga roared too and
nudged her neck like a horse. Giratina took
one of it's talens and touched her stomach.
The starly churped and the shinx rubbed it's
side on her leg like all cats do and purred.
About that time Dawn and Ash walked up to
her and Keven.

"Well, how did it go? I saw you crying when
Nurse Joy gave you the news. How are you
feeling right now?"

"Great! I couldn't have been happier with the
results. We're having a baby! Do you see
Palkia's responce?"

"Well that awsome! Way to go Justine!"

Dawn gave her a hi five while Piplip stood
on one foot and spinned. Palkia still roared for
joy and so did Dialga.
"I love you Keven! Now I'm hungry. Are you
guys hungry? I am!"

All of the pokemon surrounded Justine as she
got out some pokemon food for them and looked
for something for them to eat. Broch cooked
something for lunch.

"Okay guys, lunch is ready! Enough egg rolls
and pidgey teriyaki for everyone!"

"Thank you Brach. Me and Ash were hungry too!
I will have an egg roll and a piece of the teriyaki
Please! Justine you can have anything you want

"Thank you Dawn. I will have two egg rolls and
some Moo Moo milk to drink."

"Coming right up! Will fresh water work instead?"

"Sure Brach. Thank you, I need water too!"

"You're welcome Justine!"

About that time the shinx walked up to Justine
wanting a piece of the pidgey meat and purred.
"Well, hello Prettygirl! I don't have any pidgey.
I'm sorry sweety. I know how cats love their
meat. Back home, my cat would even catch a
mouse or a bird. Go and play with the rest of
the Pokemon. I know that Palkia and Dialga are
big but you can still get to know them. You are
part of the team also. I'm almost finished so
we can play. I know all of you would like a little
play time even the three big dragons."

Soon after the lunch and letting the pokemon have
a little play time, Justine and Keven headed on
their way to the next town. There was a gym there
and Justine was itching to let Palkia do some moves
and Dialga too. This was the coal mining town of
Oreburgh City. Justine walked into the gym.

"Hello challenger! In this gym the leader uses rock
type pokemon. Rock type pokemon are very week to
water type pokemon and other rock type moves.
Good luck!"

"Keven will you wait for me right here. I will be right
back with a new badge. I love you!"

"I love you too! Here's a kiss for good luck. Use your
beaver like pokemon for that task. Don't get out Palkia
unless you need a last resort. Clear?"

"Okay. See you in a few seconds."

By the time she started with this gym leader he let out a
Geodude and it gave a rocky sound when it roared.

"Beaver use rock smash! Good boy!"

The gym leader got out an Onyx for the next battle.

"Beaver use rock smash again! Great going!"

The gymleader got out a dragon like pokemon with
spikes on it's head and looked at her with a grin.

"Miss, do you think you can bring this one down?
He's my strongest one with the highest level.
Can you knock this one out too?"

Justine got out Dialga on this one.

"Okay Dialga use Flash cannon! Good boy!
Yea! We did it!"

"Miss, I don't know how to say this but you won!
I will pay you for winning and I will give you this
brand new badge. You remind me of Dawn when
she first stepped foot in this gym."

Justine was in tears as he handed her the badge
and one thousand bucks. She ran to her husband
and gave him a big hug.

"Okay Keven, you're next! See if you can't win a
badge. You will need one too."

After they both won the badges, they walked to
a place to make camp in a forest. They met up
with yet some more trainers until they met Dawn
and Ash again.

"Hello again! Would this be all right if we set up
camp here? My wife could use some rest by now.
We both won a badge in the coal mining town.
Now we are here in this thick forest."

"Sure it would be all right. I hope you guys
some more good luck on your travels and
your baby."

"Thank you Dawn. We need to let our big
Pokemon out to get some fresh air too."

"You are welcome Keven. Me and Ash will
be going. Good bye!

Dawn ran and gave Justine a hug and handed
her Piplip to pet.

"Hello Piplip! I heard that you were quite a
penguin. You are so cute! I guess my shinx
will be my little one until I have this baby.
Here's your Piplip back it's so cute."

Dawn and Ash left for Eterna city to stay the
"Keven, do you want to have some fun
before we get some sleep? We are alone
right now in here. Palkia and Dialga is out
side resting along with Giratina. It's been
a while since we got here. I want to
celebrate our new life, and new adventure

Justine gave him a hug and a passionate kiss
while he rubbed her back. While they had
their fun Palkia and Dialga were listening.
Dialga got up and nudged Palkia to love him
too. Palkia gave him a roar and a growl
to leave her alone. Then she heard Justine
enjoying herself. Palkia looked at Dialga
and gave Dialga a hug and nudged his
face and neck. After Justine and Keven
went to sleep Palkia and Dialga mated.
Weeks later, Justine and Keven finally won
the championship after winning all the badges.
The starly grew up into a nice straptor and
knew how to fly and Giratina was able to fly
as well. They flew to Sandgem Town to
visit Nurse Joy for a check up.

"Nurse Joy, I'm back for the next check up."

"Look at your stomach! It's really growing
in there! Okay, let's go this room you were
in before. I will need to use some of this
equipment this time."

After the exam, they went to the lake to
make camp again. She let out Palkia
and Dialga first then the rest. Palkia came
out with a roar rubbing her stomach.

"Palkia look at you. You're belly is as round
as mine. What have you and Dialga been
up to? You look like you're having a baby.
Dialga, you've been a bad boy have you!
Keven, go get Nurse Joy. Palkia is expecting
just like I am."

Keven laughed and looked at Justine and
he laughed some more.

"Okay, I will get Nurse Joy for you."
"Keven hurry! I guess I will have to take some
special care of Palkia. I used to be a midwife
before I became a scientist and astronaut. I will
check her out with my stethoscope and check
to see if she is that way or is just gaining weight."

While Keven went to get Nurse Joy, Justine touched
Palkia's stomach very gently and used her stetho
scope to listen for any other heart beats besides
Palkia's heart. Palkia laid on herside and let Justine
rub her big belly reacting like a puppy getting it's
belly rubbed.

"Oh girl! You have two little ones in there. Dialga,
come here! You need to give Palkia support now
that she will be a mom. Keven give me support
since I happen to be six months with mine."

Palkia rubbed her stomach and doubled up as if she
was pushing. Dialga walked up to Palkia and nudged
her stomach and gave her something to squeeze on
if she hurt too bad. Justine kept rubbing Palkia's
lower stomach as well to try and ease the pain.
Nurse Joy arrived with Keven just in time.

"Keven, Nurse Joy, am I glad to see you two. Palkia is
about to have her baby. She's with Dialga right now
laying on her side and pushing."
Please note: The thread is from 13 years ago.
Please take the age of this thread into consideration in writing your reply. Depending on what exactly you wanted to say, you may want to consider if it would be better to post a new thread instead.
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