I needed this snippet, so I went digging at PC for it. I found Frosty's code and hacked it up and made it a bit more... useful.
Then I was bored and decided to document it to a sickening level.
What's the use? If you have like dex.php and want to have ?id=001 but don't want the entire directory to be 001.txt and 002.txt, then you can add it to a "dex" folder and then use this code.
Then I was bored and decided to document it to a sickening level.
What's the use? If you have like dex.php and want to have ?id=001 but don't want the entire directory to be 001.txt and 002.txt, then you can add it to a "dex" folder and then use this code.
## Script Title: Include a Directory v0.1
## Author: JKaizer
## URL: http://www.jkaizer.net
## Usage: Have index.php?id=page with "page" being in a seperate directory
## Date: August 28, 2005
## Thanks: Jedi_Amara & Frosty
## Note: All sections that have a / * * / (no spaces) set surrounding them can be removed once you've got the code under control. They are there for expanation.
// Main variables - this is the only stuff you'll need to change
$folder = "folder/";
$ext = ".htm";
$main = "news.htm";
$error = "404.htm";
Variable Expanation:
$folder = Where all the files are stored. For example, if I wanted jkaizer.net/?id=pagetwo to include jkaizer.net/site/v3/content/pagetwo.txt, I'd have $folder be "site/v3/content/" Note: you need the trailing slash.
$ext = What's the extention of the files? All the included files must have the same extention.
$main = The main page, where they go if it's normal index.php
$error = The 404 page, what happens when they go to index.php?id=pagedoesnotexist
Optional Modification
If you're using CuteNews or a similar script that uses the $id variable already, you can fix it by editting this code slighty. Find the two instances of $_GET['id'] and change it to $_GET['somethingelse'] where something else is the new variable. Your pages would then be index.php?somethingelse=pagename
// Do not edit below this line unless you know what you're doing!
$page = "$folder" . $_GET['id'];
$newpage = $page . $ext;
include $main;
elseif(!file_exists($newpage)) {
include $error;
else {
include $newpage;
Code Expanation:
$page = "$folder" . $_GET['id'];
-- Includes the files in $folder
$newpage = $page . $ext;
-- Adds the extention onto the files
-- If $id isn't set...
include $main;
-- Include the main page
-- This section is done
elseif(!file_exists($newpage)) {
-- If the file called doesn't exist...
include $error;
-- Include the error page
-- This part is done
else {
-- Otherwise, it must exist and the variable is set so...
include $newpage;
-- Include the page
-- And we're done