Piii. Art. ^^ It's been a while.
'Finished' (as in, 'well, it's in colour. o.o; I guess it's done.')
Water Pulse - Hurr. Rio, a Vaporeon Pokemorph. I dunno. It's a boring picture, ta be honest. ^^;
Anyway... Sketches! I apologize for how messy some of 'em are - I never was one for neatness.
Chu Practice - Messing around with the electric mouse line. Livewire, meh typical 'chuu.
More Chu - And it seems that when I get bored, I draw random Tropius... es. Tropiuses. Tropii. Whatever.
Non-Chu! - Collection of random Poke-sketches. Fearow, Pidgey, and Mew~
Falkner - The more I look at it, the more I think the Pidgey above was supposed to go with this picture. Whoops.
And some oekaki... which are still better than the 'finished' piece. ._.
YuuMitsu 1 and 2 - w_^; Yuuki/Brendan and Mitsuru/Wally. And look, more Tropius.
Latias and Latios © - Trying them both for the first time. I should have given them s'more interesting poses. Fuu.
Richie - 'Pi~!' If Ash is Pikachu's "Pikapi", what do you think Sparky calls Richie?
Y'all have full permission to tear my art ta shreds. Actually, I encourage it. ^^; Have fun.
'Finished' (as in, 'well, it's in colour. o.o; I guess it's done.')
Water Pulse - Hurr. Rio, a Vaporeon Pokemorph. I dunno. It's a boring picture, ta be honest. ^^;
Anyway... Sketches! I apologize for how messy some of 'em are - I never was one for neatness.
Chu Practice - Messing around with the electric mouse line. Livewire, meh typical 'chuu.
More Chu - And it seems that when I get bored, I draw random Tropius... es. Tropiuses. Tropii. Whatever.
Non-Chu! - Collection of random Poke-sketches. Fearow, Pidgey, and Mew~
Falkner - The more I look at it, the more I think the Pidgey above was supposed to go with this picture. Whoops.
And some oekaki... which are still better than the 'finished' piece. ._.
YuuMitsu 1 and 2 - w_^; Yuuki/Brendan and Mitsuru/Wally. And look, more Tropius.
Latias and Latios © - Trying them both for the first time. I should have given them s'more interesting poses. Fuu.
Richie - 'Pi~!' If Ash is Pikachu's "Pikapi", what do you think Sparky calls Richie?
Y'all have full permission to tear my art ta shreds. Actually, I encourage it. ^^; Have fun.