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A matter of curiosity


smoothly does it
Apr 23, 2006
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Firstly, I am not here to troll as some of you might think =) I would just like some constructive insight into a matter of curiosity; why do you watch pokemon?

I used to watch the show in its original series and though I quickly recognised that most episodes were filler and uninteresting, I remained keen to follow Ash's journey. However, gradually I noticed just how repetitive the storylines were and the script writing is undoubtably lazy. Subsequently, I lost interest and moved on.

Where does the appeal of the show lie?

Perhaps it is partly explained by the repetitiveness; the fact that the plots are so predictable, it becomes a gimmick, which is attractive to people. For example Team Rocket would fail every episode; I call it the "Scooby Doo" syndrome (Scooby et al would meet one person per episode so that one person inevitably would turn out to be the evil cosplayer).

Is it the characters? Though it remains my opinion that the characters are horribly one dimensional (except May's chest, which is three dimensional), I understand there are moments in both the anime and movies where a deeper side is projected. However, this deeper side is even in itself rather predictable and shallow; probably to accomodate for a young audience.

Is it escapism? For the same reason that Lord Of The Rings is popular. LOTR shares many attributes with Pokemon; it is poorly written, the story is plodding, predictable, and there exists no deeper meaning (World War II commentary blah blah does not count). However, it is enormously popular, why? It offers an alternative reality for people to immerse themselves into, similarly to Pokemon.

I am particularly interested in the opinions of the older audience; do you wish the show had matured with you, or are you happy it reminds you of your childhood? Is there anything else that I have missed?

The ideal outcome of this thread is to make you consider objectively why you do something, anything, not just watching pokemon. Identify your incentives for doing everything you do, and weigh that against the costs (time, money, something else you could be doing instead) to decide whether you should be doing it. It is the first step to rational thinking, something that needs to be more common. I obviously decided long ago that the opportunity cost of watching pokemon outweighed the diminishing pleasure ("utility") gained.

On a side note

Personally, I do not understand the fuss caused by new voice actors. It only serves to show people are irrational, which is perfectly normal. It is a natural response to be opposed to change, because you cannot know what the future will bring; but given time, people realise that 1) they can do nothing about it (I'm sorry SOVA, but it's-ova) 2) other things are more important 3) the changes are not terrible and people adapt.
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I like it because it reminds me of my younger years, and all in all I still think it is better then most crap on TV now adays.
<i>I am particularly interested in the opinions of the older audience; do you wish the show had matured with you, or are you happy it reminds you of your childhood?</i>

Definitely. At the moment there is one reason I watch Pokemon anymore, and that's nostalgia. The originality is mostly shot (though last night's ep made me wonder if there's still some spark there); the music has gone from excellent to shoddy (once again, last night's ep showed some change in that department, so perhaps there's hope); the characters have lost most of their depth (and we lost Misty who, imo, actually had quite a bit of depth up until about 3 eps after she got Togepi). Granted, for me there's little cost (I have too much time on my hands X), and Pokemon is one of the few things I still can claim genuine interest in. Still... even if Battle Frontier proves to be excellent, my interest in Pokemon is waning badly, and one hopes DP are there to reignite some sort of flame. :p
Why do I watch it? Oh so very simple, the first thing that drew me too it way back when I was 16 was the fact that I am a sucker for shows with cute little animals in it, I saw some footage of Pikachu and I was all "I must give that a watch", eventually got to watch it and my first reaction was pretty much "The humans are weird, but the little creatures are so cute!". Of course, the more I watched the more I got used to the human characters too and I love them now just as much as the Pokémon themselves.

Just over 7 years later and I'm still hooked on the show, the little creatures are still appealing to me as are the human characters, granted around the end of Johto I started losing interest, but then they re-vamped it a little with Advanced and introduced a lot of new stuff, like Contests as well as May and Max who I simply adore and Drew and Harley of course~!
Right now I still love the show and I hope to love it for years to come yet :3 I'm excited to see where the DP anime will lead X3
I guess I am also drawn to it's child-like appeal. There was a time that I got tired of watching it because it was getting too repetitive and it was taking too long for something interesting to happen. So far, I have liked how PUSA has done the new eps.
I have to say Battle Frontier really raised the bar in my opinion, it has been perfect, and DP looks just as good.
I watch it because AG has IMO been great. There are a few dull episodes here and there, but I loved how the writers looked at the flaws of the Johto season and improved it tremendously by introducing a heroine and the Contest arc.

The D/P series looks like an AG repeat, so I'm not sure if I'll still be watching next season. The only thing I like so far is Gary, but everything else just screams a rehash of AG. If Hikari does Contests, she's May all over again.

I'll probably lose interest if that happens, but I'll definitely collect the DVDs from Kanto through Battle Frontier.
Well, my opinion is practically Misty's. I watch it because of the nostalgia. Of course, I wish the plot was a little more mature, but this is a show aimed at little kids so that's asking for the impossible.

I basically started watching because I was curious, the creatures are cute, like PDUTogepi said and that was enough to catch my attention. Then I fell in love with most of the characters and kept on watching.

Orange Islands and Kanto were the best seasons for me (in that order), because of the novelty and the character driven plots in OI. Then Johto came and was dull at best, especially the first season. AG was very dull for me as well, except for a few episodes (I still have to see the Hoenn GF and League), but Battle Frontier has been a nice season and I'm looking forward to seeing Diamond and Pearl.

In short: I still watch because of the nostalgia, but also because I love the little creatures and I want to see if Ash is going to fill his dream of being a Pokemon Master one day. One can dream, after all. :p
I think I still watch it out of habit and a desire to see the characters I used to love (and still do to a lesser extent) realize their goals.

I think the concept of Pokémon themselves is extremely interesting, and I'm drawn to their qualities and design.
I like fantasy-genre shows that take place in alternate worlds. I also like to make up stories about the Pokemon world.
Please note: The thread is from 18 years ago.
Please take the age of this thread into consideration in writing your reply. Depending on what exactly you wanted to say, you may want to consider if it would be better to post a new thread instead.
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