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A Meditation of Bulbagarden Status Quo


Dead Again
Aug 20, 2004
Reaction score
Given the current attention being drawn to working Bulbagarden into a better website, I thought the matter over in full, assembled them into a long essay during this slow day at school, and felt it would be a good idea to share my conclusions with you all. Implement them or reject them, I only request you give them thought first.

Currently, Bulbagarden is nothing.

Bulbagarden has well established itself to be community-driven. The primary aspect is the forums, which is a dynamic community that discusses topics of concern, the bulk of which are relevant to Pokémon. Its two other primary aspects, Bulbanews and the Bulbapedia, were also added with the community in mind, being open-door wikis which everyone is allowed and encouraged to contribute to. Even our lesser projects, like the Bulbacast, have a strong focus on the community - one of the main ideas behind the Bulbacast was allowing other Bulbagardeners to 'call in' and voice their thoughts. There is nothing on Bulbagarden which is cold, hard content. It is all incredibly dynamic and easy for new ideas to grow in, much like a real garden. Bulbagarden does not just depend on the community, it is the community. With no community, Bulbagarden is nothing.

But whenever I look at the front page of the Bulbagarden forums, my eyes often wander down to where our user statistics are, and I always see the same thing - more guests than users, most of which are web-crawling search engine spiders, and about half of the active users being moderators or administrators. This is a very unbalanced ratio - we have a huge gap where all the regular users should be. And not many people are as surprised or concerned by this as they should be. What the rest of the Pokémon fandom knows of Bulbagarden seems overshadowed by our elitist reputation, a characteristic highly unbefitting of a community-driven website. We are doing too much in terms of construction and too little in terms of rolling out the welcome mat and drawing people in to what we already have. We are building a metropolis and populating it with a small village. We do not have our community.

So, with no community, Bulbagarden is nothing, and Bulbagarden has no community. Therefore, as it is, Bulbagarden is nothing. Damian mentioned we are like a ship without a captain, but I feel we are like a ship with more people navigating than swabbing the decks, and no one's trying to patch that big hole we've had on the side that's been making us take on water.

In short, before we do anything else, I strongly believe we should direct our attention to two areas - fixing what we already have and regaining our community, the very essence of Bulbagarden.

One main part of this is increasing flow between the wikis and the rest of the site. If you'll allow me to continue the metropolis metaphor from earlier, the Bulbapedia is a wonderfully large library which sits in the back corner, cut off by a big river and with a small bridge to connect it to the rest and a few signs pointing towards it. We need to better bridge the huge gap between the wikis and everything else, and while a main page would help, it's a small solution to a large problem. They don't even look like part of the same site. We need to find a way to make the colors of the forum skin of choice feed into the wiki skin - or, failing that, have skins which correspond to the forums skins that change based on the skin chosen at the forums - or, failing that, have skins corresponding to the forum skins which users can choose to match their forum skin of choice - or, failing that, change the standard to match Bulbagarden Neoclassic - or, failing that, at least make the background dark blue. This is just the tip of the iceburg - I propose external links on articles to relevant forum threads, articles on some of Bulbagarden's best known threads and areas, a renewed campaign in encouraging people on the forums to contribute to the Bulbapedia, and perhaps, despite Zhen Lin having mentioned this being a very bad idea, a global account for all Bulbagarden aspects, which would allow new users to access all of it without having to register for each and permit moderation to ban a user misbehaving on one part of Bulbagarden from all aspects of the Bulbagarden community, hopefully giving greater incentive for users to not come just to stir up trouble. If none of these are acceptable in solving the problem, fine, but the gap is there and it is hurting Bulbagarden's growth.

Besides filling in the gap, we need to get the word out to the bulk of the Pokémon fandom that Bulbagarden exists and they are welcomed and encouraged to become a part of this community. For all the time I've been here, Bulbagarden's strategy in this has been, "If you build it, they will come." This isn't working. We have built more than enough. What I feel is the best thing for us to do now is to hold off on the production, clean the place up and make it look nice, lay out a nice, big red carpet and yell to the rest of the Pokémon community, "HEY! We've got an awesome site for you guys to visit, and it needs you more than Brock needs a woman, so come check it out!" Personally, I've always felt contests and other short-term community activities were good at catching eyes and warrant loud, blatant advertising. Free-use signature banners for Bulbagarden and its most popular aspects for people to use at other forums would be helpful as well. However we do it, we need to step up advertising and if we start any new projects or campaigns there should be at least be one focusing on this.

As sad as I am to admit it, with TSS_Killer currently lacking internet access and little community participation through call-ins and the like, perhaps the Bulbacast should be mostly moved to the back burner. Casts have been irregular, so I don't think it would be disastrous if this became bi-weekly at most, and expanding it - yes, even through the Radio Drama, I am saddened to admit - should wait until we've gotten our act together and we have more people involved. There was only one entry to the Radio Drama Contest, and I find this unacceptable, even given that the deadline was not particularly long - the community showed an utter lack of interest in it, and I blame this on a lack of community. If we change the Bulbacast right now at all, it should be to integrate it more with the Pokémon community at large and vice versa.

Lesser aspects of Bulbagarden, like the oekaki and the chat, need to be given more attention pronto, since there are great ways for people to take interest in Bulbagarden but currently they are lost in the shadows of our large projects - there are still people who are surprised and delighted to learn that we have a chat and oekaki. In fact, the [HASHTAG]#bulbagarden[/HASHTAG] channel has proven itself to be very useful in discussing issues relating to Bulbagarden itself, and I believe it would be an excellent idea to have roundtable discussions in the channel regularly to stimulate more communication between the moderation team and the rest of the community. We need to know how the community feels about Bulbagarden, be it comments, criticism, confusion, or what they would like to see it become, and it is best to hear that by listening to the community itself. And I do mean listening - what upset me about Damian last night was when he dismissed what another person saw as an issue because it disagreed with what his personal view of Bulbagarden's issues are, when what we should be doing is considering these views and encouraging the average member to speak his or her mind. I admit the moderation can be scary at times, but we never bite without warning, and we need to make it clear that we won't get upset with anyone for saying how they feel about it and their opinion does matter. It not only matters, we want it.

Because no matter what, Bulbagarden is ultimately powered by the community for the community, and we need to make an effort to establish a much larger, stronger community if we want Bulbagarden to grow. It has been mentioned Bulbagarden needs focus - I propose that this be our focus, because this appears to be our single greatest problem, and I find it foolish to assume it will fix itself if it has not done such already.

This is my stance on the issue at large, and you may take it or leave it - I only ask that thought is given to this issue. And I would like everyone to consider and feel free to give feedback, since limiting this discussion to just amongst the moderators and administrators would be entirely against my point.
Very well written. Even if we don't go with any of this, I do think we need to pause to think about our direction from here after the events of the past 24 hours.

Generally I agree, though I don't know if globalisation of accounts would work for reasons of what already exists. We are nearly at the first anniversary of Bulbapedia opening to the public and I don't know how easy it would be to link all of the accounts. Especially since my own wiki username is hyphenated. :rolleyes:

I'm also unsure about making the 'pedia dark blue, though I don't use the Neoclassic skin. I can certainly understand the logic. Would a choice of skins be feasible there as well as here?

On the Bulbacast... I do have an idea on that, though I think it can wait until we've sorted out our primary issues.
I know Zhen and some of the others discussed merging the accounts before I resigned.

The consensus, if I recall correctly, was that it would be a dangerous move.

Simply consider the recent spammer crisis on Bulbapedia. If accounts had been linked between Pedia, the forums and so forth, we would have been forced to lock down registration on the forum as well as all other parts of Bulbagarden to prevent spammers from registering on Bulbapedia.

I might be wrong, though.
Very nice post Pie. I agree with most if completely. :p The thing that needs to happen is more work, and less idea. For now anyway. We have all the ideas made into actual things, but those "things" aren't helping us with our Community Effort.

I hope this is the start of something good. Some new motive and enthusiasm to bring forth BulbaGarden once again as the True, Pokemon Community. :)
I agree. I don't see the community here as being elitest as much as just incredibly tight nit. I've been here since April 05 and I still don't feel like a member of the community, which is party the reason for my semi-lurker status. I'm not even sure how many people here know who I am. A more welcoming atmosphere would be nice.
I agree with Pie. As an owner of of one of the most popular pokemon sites in spanish, I can say that making a nice presentation helps.

Also, the navigation through the pedia and news should be more like the "typical pokemon site layout" as most people are familiar with those.

So basically, the main point, is finding some coders and webmasters that could help rebuilding the whole bulbagarden community. All content is in the pedia, so that's not much of a problem, it's most of it a matter of presentation.

In the wikis i can see the bulb, and on the forums that old fanart from the "old days english fanart sites". Getting an official image or something to put in all headers is important. "Pokémon symbolism" in any pokemon sites should be important.

I can't say much of these forums organization, but the mods and admins must act as a real team if they want the forums to prosper and help the community spirit grow
I've been inspired to finally take a stab at skinning the 'pedia, but it appears my experiments are having no effect. Seemingly it's because of this, so if someone could activate it, or point out where else I'm going wrong, it'd be very greatful.
chaos said:
Spambots can't register forum accounts due to the image recognition test.

That does nothing to stop human spammers, which IIRC are a large part of the pedia problems.
Kento said:
Also, the navigation through the pedia and news should be more like the "typical pokemon site layout" as most people are familiar with those.

You know I will not agree to that.

Moreover, I fail to see how the typical layout can be applied to Bulbanews. It is a purely news site... in fact, it is practically an online newspaper. The most suitable thing would be something like the layout of CNN.com or The New York Times.
As a key person behind the creation of Bulbanews, I have to disagree. Bulbanews is as independent as Bulbapedia, and I intend to keep it that way. It is part of Bulbagarden in the sense that we are funded by the same person, hosted on the same server, use the same name, share some of the staff... but get over it, Bulbagarden as a site does not exist, not since 2002.

There is no identity crisis from my perspective. Bulbagarden is simply different. Get over it, we are not just another Pokémon site and we stopped trying to do that years ago.
My dear, you clearly have no idea what the status quo is. This is exactly the way things have been done for the last year and senior management has had no problems with it. If you are unhappy about this situation, resign.
And I'm the one who get blamed for the high handed attitude ;-)
Zhen Lin, perhaps you didn't read what I wrote at all? Status quo, we're nothing. Zip, zilch, nada, dead.

Bulbagarden may not be a site. Bulbagarden is, however, a community, and a very dead one at that. And keeping things the way they are now is not going to change that. New projects will not change that. Complaining about the problems with the current ones will not change that. Nothing will change that except reestablishing our community, and that's not going to happen if we have separate communities for Bulbagarden Forums, Bulbapedia, and Bulbanews. This gap is not healthy, and we need to start looking into bridging it immediately.

Our situtation is bad. And we need to change our strategy, or it will never get any better. That's the long and short of it, and if you ignore this problem, then I would say you have no right to complain about the apathy of Bulbagarden, given that no one will care about this community if the people in charge don't care about it.
What we need is a way to reign everything in. I'm not sure how much changing that would imply, but to do that our Front Page needs to become more prominent somehow.

Hmm... That bar with links that goes along the front page of the wikis... Could we implement something like that to the top of every page of each section of the site?
I do not have nearly enough time now for a fully sufficient response, but the preview of what I'll say later is as follows:

1: Bulbagarden is significantly more than nothing.
2: Bulbagarden has a community outside of its mods and admins.
3: Zhen is entirely right in saying that this site is completely unlike all other sites. We are essentially trying to, and only trying to, be a small- to midsize- site as it is, and I think that is the niche we best fill. We cannot aspire to have the size of Serebii or the comprehensiveness of the old Pokefor.
Except that we are building it to be a community-driven site, and we are very low in the community department. Look at the front page right now, and give me a ratio of Guests : Regular Members : Mod/Admins. I dare you.

I don't care about competing with other sites or how we compare. What I do care about is that we are severely lacking community when community is what we're based on.

We need to focus on regaining that community. That should be our primary goal and intent right now. This is a real problem and it will not fix itself.
Zhen Lin said:
My dear, you clearly have no idea what the status quo is. This is exactly the way things have been done for the last year and senior management has had no problems with it. If you are unhappy about this situation, resign.
Then I guess I'm resigning.

This is also the reason I left staffing at PC - the admins simply don't listen to what others say. They're stuck in the mindset that what they think = the law.

evkl said:
We are essentially trying to, and only trying to, be a small- to midsize- site as it is, and I think that is the niche we best fill. We cannot aspire to have the size of Serebii or the comprehensiveness of the old Pokefor.

I don't have enough time before I have to leave for work to respond to this properly, but quickly...

NO. We should be aspiring to much greater than this. We can achieve the comprehensiveness of the old Pokéfor in our 'pedia, and (with time) we can achieve the same sort of size as Serebii. We simply need to actually make an effort to turn this into a reality, instead of moaning that it's impossible like we all seem to have thusfar.

As far as what Chaos has just said....indeed, fuck the status quo. Perhaps it's about time I started going a bit iron-fisty for a while, and started imposing my vision of Bulbagarden, if only so we have one definitive vision that everyone can work with, because right now, it does seem like we're a chicken running around with its head cut off.

As far as the issue with what BulbaNews and 'pedia are and aren't...they are semi-autonomous projects, which exist for the betterment of BMG as a whole. A layout like CNN might suit BulbaNews best, but at the very least, it should have the same colour scheme as everything else, and honestly....it might be in our best interests to simply give the site a uniform layout, and stop trying to be unique simply for the sake of being unique, since it would seem to not be working.
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Please note: The thread is from 19 years ago.
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