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A Rant! (Non Political,)

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Jun 11, 2004
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Okay, Okay, I am really upset about this, and I feel like getting this off my chest as writing about my feelings help (the fact I'm positing it on a Pokemon Board is another issue)...

Once upon a time, when Habunake was a young 8th grader, I met a girl about my age at my Youth Group (I went to talk to people, I really didn't care about the church aspect....). I was kind of a loner, the "gay" kid without any friends really, sure I got laughs, but I really felt lonely. This girl, I'll call her Harley for kicks (I'm sure I've mentioned her real name before. Plus, you can see Harley fits her personality....).

At first, she laughed at me, but not mean. Like friendly, and she listenened to me talk about my feelings (Which I do alot). We were best friends and talked all the time at church, and occasionally at school (I didn't see her much their though....). She even let me on her Field Day Team.

Over the summer, I saw at church one day, and she waved at me. And said she was my friend. It was the happiest moment ever. When High School began, we were in the same first period and sat next to each other, making me happy as she said we were friends. Then, it happened. She did a complete 360 on me and was talking about me behind my back, and soon to me, telling me I was a loser, and a motherf*cker (that really hurt me, I get my feelins hurt when someone says damn to me). I was in shock, and did things I regret (such as actually wanting to be her, going as far as to calling her sister "sis", and waving at her boyfriend. I had lost it, and I upset her so much I was suspended and she never talked to me again.

Two years later, and I see her everyday at the pool, with her boyfriend, and I feel like breaking into tears. I trusted her, and she let me down, so now I can never trust anybody the same again. It's really bothering me, I got over it, but now it's starting to keep me up at night, giving me nightmares, and making me jealous of her.

So, their. That's the whole story. I feel better talking about it though. And now that I look back, this would make a cool movie.
Well, why don't you just confront her then? If you don't do anything about it, it's just going to haunt you for the rest of your life.
I just can't. It's way too hard too me, plus she probably wouldn't listen to me. I'm very passive.
Whatever man, I'm just saying you should. Just don't end up killing yourself over it. Many people have committed suicide because of matters like this.
That's a little extreme, don't you think? He didn't say he was clinically depressed because of it.

Anyway, if it were me, I would approach her and ask, in a non-accusatory tone, if there was a misunderstanding. Whatever you do, don't start out by blaming her for anything, because that means she's going to stonewall you and hurt you even more.

Alternatively, if you have any mutual friends or acquaintances, you could ask them to do some investigating on your behalf.
Exactly. And I didn't say he might commit suicide, I was just warning him that people do commit suicide from matters like that. I was only saying that he shouldn't. And if you can't confront her, try not to let it bug you too much.
I'm not gonna kill myself everone (then I'd miss D/P!)...

Besides, I could get in trouble for talking to her. Her mom threatened to call the police if I ever did.
Wow, that's what I call going overboard! O_O Sheesh, what did you do to cause that? Anyways, you could get a friend to talk to her.
I pretty much actually wanted to be her. Even going as far as to put on lip gloss.

It's not like I phsyically abused her or anything, her mom thinks I'm some kinda jevenile delinquent.
She was weak and abandoned you to fit in. There is apparantly nothing more impressive to someone than making fun of the same people they do. Yes, you reacted in a poor manner and probably understated your actions in this post (to get suspended), but to an extent, it is understandable. From personal experiences, you may not recover entirely until you find someone else to fill the emotional void. However, once you do, and even if that goes nowhere, it puts things into perspective and you will feel much better for it. Sooner or later though, you will have to accept that you may have lost a close friend forever.
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