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TEEN: A twist to the regular story

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welcome to my world
Jan 16, 2011
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HI I am still kind of new so this is my first attempt at a story that I thought up. If you would like to suggest anything plz post it and I will consider. It is mainly a mix between the dream world in B/W games but in stead lead to.. Wait I'm not ruining the plot.
And just so you know I WILL return a previous character.
So here goes:

Chapter 1: A strange wake up.

As the Sun rose of the horizon Ash ketchum began to awaken. Okay to be more precise It was 11:00 am and Cilian and Iris where ready to get going but Ash was still asleep. So pikachu took the honers of waking him up... With thunder. "AAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHH!" He screamed.
"Thanks Pikachu. What time is it again?" "It's 11.05 just so you know kiddy and where all set to move except you!" screamed iris in his face creeping him out. "uhh iris maybe you should be a tad gentler on him I mean he only just finished a gym battle that took almost all of yesterday" Said Cilan in a nervous voice obviously scared of iris' rath *cough*axew'sdragonrage*cough*After about 5 minutes of Ash rushing to get dressed and eat breakfast, they were off. Little be known to them (per-usual) that someone was watching them. Dun Dun DUN!(screen slowly fades to a black)
As the group trekked of what were left of the few daylight hours no thanks to SOMEONE. after a while They decided to get ready for lunch in which Iris forced ash to go look for fire wood alone in a nearby forest alone where any wild pokemon could attack him. not that this bothered iris. Pikachu And the rest of Ash s pokemon had to help with getting the food. So Ash set off into the foreboding forest which he realized was mearly a large clearing surrounded by several
tall trees that were connected at the top, many other trees were growing in the middle of this clearing. Ash began to look for some broken branchs on the grass, when ( you notice that not much action happens but a lot of description ?) a group of wild Galvantula began to attack the defenseless ash, or was he. just as they where going to lunge at him and begin to consume him a strange, thin blue shield surrounded ash. He recognized it to be like the ones Riley from iron Island to use. this stopped the Galvantula in there tracks and they began to back off. some nearby bushes began to rustle but nothing came out. So our completely creeped out hero grabbed some wood and ran like hell.(scene end) fades into black.

Sorry for it being so short it's really embarrassing if my parents find out
tell me what you think and try to be as positive as usual

( I am soooooo going to regret saying that)
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chapter two/2/too/to? : Quick and easy.

Ash ran as fast as his black trousered legs could him. When he tried to tell iris and cilian about the incident iris told him " Stop being such a child and imagining things all the time." cilian for once agreed. This really struck Ash as this was the first time anyone of his friends had disbelieved him. well this would be expected as probably noone in unvoa knows about aura. which if none of you watch the anime can go watch the eighth movie because i'm not explaining the aura concept.So back to the story! Let's where were we? hmmmmmmmm..... aha! ash wakes uuuu. no wait fast forward >> here we are ash dies, whoops wrong again, went to the alternate ending. there we go. Ash surprised and decided to explain aura to them. to which iris in her grumpy mood seemed o think as a lie for him to get away with, which she gives him a scolding. Cilian on the other hand believes him. the three go to their sleeping bags meanwhile a rustle in the bushes nearby brings the camera to it.

In the bushes some PLASMA grunts giggle to each other at their latest discovery. "That brat was exactly what the boss wants as his test subject." and those white suited rocketeirs simply gave us their binoculars."

scene fades to black.
"As positive as usual", you say?

Well, being the critical person I am when reviewing fanfics, that may not be as positive as you want it to be... >_>

So what is the twist here, really? From what I gather, it's just the fact that Ash somehow gains aura powers. In which case, you should probably update the title accordingly, instead of just saying "a twist to the regular story".

The fourth wall breaking was okay (e.g. the fast-forwarding to Ash's death and back again), but it might get lost on a few people.

Also, you're going to want to space out your paragraphs. Right now, I can barely tell what's happening because everything happens so suddenly. While that sometimes is a stylistic choice, in cases like this it's probably because you haven't included enough details about what really is going on.

That's it for now, come back for more later.
yeah i think i have to be more careful i really suck at stroies so i'm trying to add some humour to it and, also the TWist isn't actually supposed to be rev iled in the very begining

EDIT: and that was a typo it was supposed to be as positive as possible
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101views wooooooooow i'll make another entry!

the plasma grunts received a transmission from N. he was telling them to obey the orders of the fellow agent.

back to our gang/ threesome/ club/ friends/ associates/ etc. they had found a natural hot spring and decided to enjoy it. after sending out all of their pokemon , although exadrill stayed well you know how he is. anyway while they were enjoying themselves a boulder from the cliff above them was slowly falling iris noticed this and warned everyone, but was a fraction of a second too late. the boulder fell and some how *cough*all of ash and cilan's pokemons attacks*cough* missed them and shattered into several pieces. behind the ex-boulder's ex- standing point there were three shadowy figures of EQUAL hieght.
(scene fades to black)
okay no more bludges

As the dream team began to pack up Team rocket literary burst in. Seriously there was a large tear in the sky, not that this bothered TR. After doing a motto, they said "twerps grab on!" "why?" "Because this is all fake! It's nothing more than some kind of simulator to make you think this is real." This explained a lot why there where less pokemon but " why did you drop the boulder on Ash?" "That wasn't us it was them!" pointed TR And from the darkness emerged four shadowy figures, three plasma grunts and Iris!
Your chapters are getting shorter and shorter...
sorry about that typing in secret and my parents are always on my tail so i send what ever before they discover and it's looks longer in the quickreply bar!

New entry!

As the four shadowy figure emerged three were regular grunts and the other was Iris!
This left Ash and Cilan Flabbergasted as the three grunts pulled out a funny looking gun that shot a funny looking bullet that whizzed past the twosome and hit a tree. the bullet then ripped a hole in.... well really I don't know what it ripped a hole in it probably led to the dream world but.. the bullet was half blue and pink meaning dialga and palkia but you can use whats left your working creativity and just guess. Any way as the giant wormhole appeared it started to suck cilan, ash and tr. It didn't affect the plasma grunts iris, (apparently they were nailed to the floor)
As TR prepares to help the two...

(scene fades to black)

OOOOOOOOkay now viewers choice!

Should ash and cilan accept tr help or ignore it as if it is a trap.
or if the latter is chosen should ash sacrifce himself to save cilan because from the litwik episode we can tell he is a butter fingers?
oh and for the fun of it WOULD ANYONE WHO ENJOYS THE STORY PLEASE POST Oh and Sazand*ra do YOU enjoy the story?
sorry about that typing in secret and my parents are always on my tail so i send what ever before they discover and it's looks longer in the quickreply bar!

Hm... are your parents against you typing up this fanfiction or something?
Wat. I'm confused... This... No... Now Ash seems more like a gary-stu now that he has aura powers :p

You really need to work on grammar, and the pacing in the story. Everything's going waaaay too fast. And the chapters are short. And there's no spacing in between paragraphs. Plus that whole *fades to black* thing is... Getting on my nerves. It's more like a script than a story when you do that.

I hope I didn't offend you any, this is your first time and practice makes perfect.
NO They just don't know about it and i think they'd call it waste of time. and no you didn't offend me but quite the opposite (scene fades to black) is supposed to be light humour itt isn't supposed to piss people off but if you insist... NO! that is the story's catch phrase so deal. p.s. It pisses you off how? p.s.s. how am i supposed to pace the story? im only 14, p.s.s.s no one complained when ttgl did it
NO They just don't know about it and i think they'd call it waste of time. and no you didn't offend me but quite the opposite (scene fades to black) is supposed to be light humour itt isn't supposed to piss people off but if you insist... NO! that is the story's catch phrase so deal. p.s. It pisses you off how? p.s.s. how am i supposed to pace the story? im only 14, p.s.s.s no one complained when ttgl did it

Well, you can write a good fanfic no matter what age you are, really.
I'm not going to repeat what's already been said, but consider this. He's already been spotted by Plasma, and is rushing all over the place. You need there to be time for character development, before the evil villains start their plan.
And here's the other thing; you're not using OCs. Consequently, you have to develop these characters in a different way. I haven't seen that many good fics using anime characters; maybe 2 (Rival's Story was about a Video game character, it's different). You'll have to do an exceptional job to make a good fanfic. For this, I'd encourage you to, rather than shoot off 3 sentence chapters, type it all up on one word document, work on the spacing, make as many editions as possible, then post it here.
brilliant idea will take ur advice and use it from now on!
Well, you can write a good fanfic no matter what age you are, really.

I second this. I know a lot of TWELVE year-olds who are so much better at writing than me. I also echo what everyone has said: practice really does make perfect. Looking a particularly bulky essay I did last year (I mean BULKY bulky; 205 pages) and comparing it with my current fanfic, I can see a huge difference in quality.
If you're struggling, something that every author, literature agent or writing editor has told me is to read. I mean, seriously, if you don't read enough books you're missing a huge part of writing. It doesn't have to be a chore or a tedious job, just a casual pace and a book you like (it could be two pages a week casual, two pages a day casual or three chapters a day casual). That's my only advice, besides make your chapters longer. I don't see why your parents should stop you from WRITING, which is a large part of the curriculum.
Um... Excuse me but... I'm 13 and I have written a novel already. Age doesn't give you a right to be excused.

Oh and, it doesn't piss me off, it's just a grammar issue. It isn't supposed to be like that. If you were writing a script, yes, that would be OK. But this is a story, it's not supposed to be like that.
okay-okay i won't use my age as a fucking excuse just don't go on about okay and how the hell did you write a novel? and (scene fades to black) is supposed to be for humour and to show the anime works in words i'm gonna cheer myself up with this okay now that i'm better enough with the overly spammed comments of destruction and how about some god damn help full advise so i can feel good about this story plz and thank you
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The Team Rocket Explanation Corner! (don't like the title? suggest a new one)
[News opening with tr dressed as news readers sitting at a desk]
James: hello Twerp lovers out there
Jessie: This is where we the infamous team rocket
Meoth: explain anything that could boggling your little twerp loving mind

Jessie: First Question, Why did Nour386 fast forward on the second post to ashs death? from Ƶekurom
James: well Ƶekurom from what we can gather it seems that he was running out of material to make the story funny so in a really pathetic attempt to make the story interesting Nour386 added that as he thought that it was funny. NOt doing so well eh nour386?
Nour386: :/
James : moving on now to this from well just about every reader !
Jessie and what is the question james?
Meoth: yeah spill the beans!
James: Why is the story going so fast?
Jessie: well you see honourable twerp lovers, Nour386 just sucks at writing and is trying to use this as a way to help him increase his writing skills but to utterly truthful he didn't think about that now did you?
Nour386:fine fine I'll try to slow things down for you all happy now?
Jessie: very.
Meoth: and another question from Ƶekurom' why were the story posts getting shorter instead of longer?
James: well as Nour386 explained before he was posting every so often and the fact the quick post box is smaller than it looks
James thank you all. see you again in the next instalment of:
Meoth: Team rocket explanation corner.
Jessie: hold the phone!
James & Meoth: what?
Jessie we forgot to ask the viewer question again since noone noticed it the first time!
James & meoth (fighting over the same chair) :and the question was?
Should ash and cilan accept tr help or ignore it as if it is a trap.
or if the latter is chosen should ash sacrifce himself to save cilan because from the litwik episode we can tell he is a butter fingers?
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listen i really need your help here tell me the first optin with 2 votes gets to be in the story
Should ash and cilan accept tr help or ignore it as if it is a trap.
or if the latter is chosen should ash sacrifce himself to save cilan because from the litwik episode we can tell he is a butter fingers?
okay since its bee n three days the majority vote is accept TR! (IDC what you say don't like it? i do, so deal>:p)
AS the increasing gravitational force of the swirling purple vortex and ash's grip on the tree branch was loosening. James was grabbing Cilan and Jessie was on her way to helping ash when his hands slipped from the branch and was pulled back towards the vortex. Jessie quickly grabs ash's arm but it slips out from all the sweat Ash had generated thanks to the amount of pressure he was under; and down into the empty black hole like object behind him. unlike a black hole he wasn't destroyed but transported somewhere else some where, where a constant batte is being fought between pokemon and humans.

Chapter 2 into the vortex (wooo) (okay from now on I am gonna need help to make this funny so just bloody help me)

As Ash plummeted he saw the vortex was closing as his only way home closed before his very eyes he slammed into the ground. "oow!" he said picking himself up and and rubbing his back( falling onto a backpack which is on your back can be VERY painful just so you know). After the dust surrounding him cleared up he took a look around and noticed that he was no longer in a forest clearing but in a busy town, all the people nearby were staring at him. after slipping away from the crowd ash was able to take a look around the town. He found a town hall and discovered that the town was called "Mongolia", with his new knowledge ash set off in search of someone to give him directions when he saw three wanted sign nearby. It had images of three people who seemed very familiar to ash. the first was flint, Brock's younger brother but he seemed to be a little more "evil" or that's what the picture shows. Then next to him was Chilli , Cilan and Cress' triplet brother this picture seemed to be just like flint's making him seem evil. Then came the last poster it had a very high pay, stated a lot of gruesome crimes which some of you may never hear of, but what surprised ash must of all was who was wanted this much, well the answer was in the picture.... (dramatic pause) Ash! yet again this ash seemed evil.

Ash soon became more cautious around other towns folk he wrapped white scarf around the bottom half of his face and tried to avoid contact with villagers. Meanwhile three sets of eyes watched him from the shadows of a nearby alleyway. as ash walked through the market place he felt three hands grab his shoulders and pull him behind a closed stall. To Ash's astonishment they were the chilli and flint from the wanted posters! Chilli held his finger to his lips indicating that ash should be quiet, which was no problem considering that flint was pulling on ash's scarf therefore almost choking him. they both told ash to follow them. Now ash knew he shouldn't follow these two because of the wanted posters, but he had no where to go and was curios to find out if the posters were true since these two seemed the opposite the the posters.

New! character Profiles!
Flint / Chilli
age: thirteen age: 18
Personality: shy, kind good at digging / personality: sneaky, good at digging
Clothes: Formal wear / Clothes: orange and white t-shirt and jeans

(scene fades to black)
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