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EVERYONE: - Complete A Weighty Matter! (Part 1 in a Series of One-Shots)

Nov 8, 2005
Reaction score
  1. She/Her
This is the first part of a series of one shots starring the Kanto Trio...the series as a whole is called "One Fit Wonder."

The Kanto Trio in

"One Fit Wonder"

Part 1: A Weighty Matter

"I'm home..." Brock wheezed to his housemates as he trudged into the house, tired after a long day. He paused to fan his face, but that did little to help his sweat stained vest and shirt.

"And how was your day?" an orange-haired girl asked as she looked down at a row of cards depicting various Pokemon, energy, and items. She paused to also wipe the sweat from her brow, then fanned her sweaty clothing as well. "It sure is hot today..."

"Don't tell me, Misty..." Brock groaned as he plopped in an easy chair and flicked on the TV. "To make matters worse, Nurse Joy said no to my latest date idea..."

"Figured..." replied Misty's opponent, a black haired boy who was conferring with his Pikachu on his next move in the card game playing out on the living room floor.

"Ash, your move..." Misty sighed as a Togetic flitted over and began massaging the exposed part of her back that was not covered by the yellow top or shorts she wore. Ash quickly nodded, placed a red counter on his active Charizard card, and ended his turn.

Brock, meanwhile, was about to fall asleep to the soothing lullaby of commercial jingles the TV was playing when a female voice barked "Hey, you!" This was enough to jolt him awake! He scratched his head, confused as to where the voice was coming from. "Yeah, you watching the TV!" Brock quickly sat up and paid attention as the mysterious announcer asked "Are you tired of coming home all worn out and sluggish?"

"Yes..." Brock replied...he had been coming home like that for the last three days.

"Do you want to look great and increase your energy level?" the TV asked.

"Yes!" Brock was interested in the commercial now. Maybe this'll help me win Nurse Joy's heart, too! he thought.

"Then you need the Acme Power Workout home gym! One session every day for thirty days is garanteed to help you lose weight, boost your energy, and drop a minimum of two pant sizes!" the TV proclaimed.

"And grow a minimum of three heart sizes..." Ash whispered to Misty. Misty snickered at this, all the while bemused by Brock's admiration of the home gym's supposed features.

"Call 1-800-745-2248 now to order!" the TV urged. By the time the phone number had been announced, Brock had already dialed it and was now awaiting further instructions on placing his order.

"Honestly, does he really need a gym?" Ash sighed as he watched Brock punch a few numbers on the phone. "He's already the leader of one!"

"If he thinks he needs another one, he can have another one!" Misty groaned as Brock hung up the phone and strolled outside to mail his mail-in rebate...

The next morning...

Misty woke up to hear the door slam, followed by a crash coming from the living room. When she had arrived downstairs, she found Brock, clad in workout attire, setting up the various exercise devices. The weights went over in one corner, and a chinup bar went in another; with a climbing rope nearby. An exercise bike went nearby the doorway, and a punching bag went in a third corner, among other items.

Once each device was in place, he opened the last box, which contained a DVD. He popped the DVD inside the VCR/DVD player and flicked on the TV, where a girl with long auburn hair and clad in a black sparkling leotard blipped on the screen.

"Hello, and welcome to the Acme Power Workout home fitness program." she began as various options blipped on the screen beside her. "My name is Migaru, your host and trainer...I will be guiding you through your workout for each session. If you would like to go through the exercises in order, press PLAY on your DVD remote now...if you'd like to create a workout routine of your own, select the exercise you would like to start with from the menu on the right." Brock just pressed PLAY and awaited Migaru's instructions.

"Now...we will be tracking your progress using a special modified Pikachu 2 pedometer." Migaru explained, showing Brock what looked like a Pikachu 2 pocket pet. "Unlike a typical Pikachu 2, this Pikachu 2 is designed to track the calories you burn and how much weight you lose as well as how far you walk. The burnt calories are converted into watts, which keeps your cyber Pikachu happy. Before we go any further, please clip the Pikachu 2 to a comfortable place on your leg."

"A pocket pet?" Ash was surprised. "Now I've seen everything..." he sighed as he watched Brock clip the small yellow device in his hand to a spot on his gym shorts.

"All set?" Migaru's voice asked from the TV.

"You bet!" Brock smiled, patting the Pikachu 2 resting comfortably on his left leg. Ash just sighed and left the room--the things his friend would do to woo a lady's heart simply amazed and baffled him.

"Okay!" Migaru announced from the TV screen. "Today we're going to start with the barbells." With that, Brock hurried over to one corner of the room, where various weights were lined up in a row according to size. After selecting one that weighed a comfortable weight for his strength level--or so he thought, he glanced over at the TV, listening for his auburn haired trainer's instructions.

"Feet in position?" Brock took a minute to make sure his feet matched Migaru's position. "Now...one, inhale..." Brock obediently took a deep breath. "Two, bend down..." Just as Brock bent down to start lifting the weight, he heard a RIP! This was enough to make him pause the DVD and check behind him to see if the ultimate embarrassment--ripped shorts--had occurred. Thankfully, his shorts were still in one piece, so he resumed the DVD and bent down again. "Three, flex your knees..." Brock complied with this, despite feeling a sharp pain in his back. "Four, grip the weight in both hands..." Brock obediently placed a hand on each side of the weight to give him leverage. "And five...lift!"

The whole house shook with grunts and groans as Brock fruitlessly tried again and again to lift the weight. He shot an annoyed glance at Migaru effortlessly lifting a weight identical to his on the TV screen. She makes it look easy... he thought. He wiped the sweat from his brow, eased himself to his feet again, and tugged with all his might to lift the weight--but wound up dropping it on his fingers! The whole block heard the ensuing scream of pain.

"Is everything doing okay?" Misty raced in the room, piqued by Brock's excruciating cry. Ash was not too far behind her, carrying some gauze to bandage Brock's throbbing hands...

An hour or so later...

After his hands had healed somewhat, Brock decided to attempt the weight again. After gripping it just as Migaru had showed him, he watched and lifted as Migaru counted "And, one-two-three, one-two-three, one-two-three..." lifting her own weight in time to a waltzing tune.

There is a love which I have searched for all of my very life... Brock sang as he lifted along with the music. Ever since I lost my true love from this day, it's caused me a strife! Well, I gotta get back up on my feet, and wish myself good luck....I've been training all day for that girl I've struck! It's been so long since we met, I must be so heartstruck! I've been waiting on you for a very long year, and it's time for love! We'll go down to the ocean, or to the seven seas....I've been seeing you forever and now, you're like my crackers and cheese....

"And you might want to watch your knees..." Migaru interuppted. Brock, watched, horrified, as his legs gave out from under him, making him fall to the floor. The weight managed to pin him entirely to the floor a few seconds later.

After managing to free his hands, he tried to regain his footing enough to push the weight off of him, but with the weight binding his upper body, this proved impossible. Next, he tried to lift the weight off of him with his own feet, which for a moment, appeared to work. Suddenly, the weighted circles on the barbell slid forward, sandwiching Brock's feet between them and leaving him in a ball-like position. He rocked back and forth for about a minute, all the while straining to get his feet freed. However, his struggle soon flipped him right side up again, riding the barbell like a bicycle. A quick check of the Pikachu 2 by his leg revealed that the whole ordeal had rang up 200 watts...just as the barbell rolled off a plank of wood lying by the mirror in the farthest corner of the room, catapulting him in the air! He amazingly landed feet first--holding the barbell over his head--a few seconds later. He weakly smiled as Misty and Ash appeared in the doorway, applauding.

"Well done!" Misty cheered.

"He finally lifted it!" Ash agreed.

Brock was about to acknowledge his applause when a high-pitched buzz caught his attention. The proud, yet tired look on his face turned to a look of shock as a small purple fly-like Pokemon with large red eyes--a Venonat--began circling around his head.

The Venonat weaved a few more erratic circles around Brock's head, prompting him to silently plead with the tiny bug Pokemon: Please don't land...please don't land... But his prayers went unheeded as the Venonat landed at the end of the barbell, making him struggle to keep his weight aloft. Despite the bug Pokemon's small size, its casual walk across the barbell made for an extra addition to the heavy load Brock was now struggling to keep holding up. As if that wasn't enough, the patch of floor that he was standing on began to buckle and crack beneath him as the Venonat tromped across, only pausing to jump over his hands. By the time the Venonat had made it across and onto the barbell's other end, the floor underneath Brock was now very visibly cracked. As he glanced down at his struggling feet and the sagging floor, the only words he could muster were "Uh-oh" before the floor finally gave way, taking him and the barbell with it!

Ash winced at each of the noises coming from below: girls screaming, wood crunching, various sized crashes, a few matallic KRONG!s, paniced Pokemon noises, and to top it all off, Brock screaming "EEEEEE-YAHHHHHHH!!!!!!! when he finally hit the bottom.

"I'll get the gauze..." Misty sighed, frustrated. Before she could start off for the bathroom, she heard the front door open, followed by a very battered Brock collapsing to the floor.

"Now see? That wasn't so bad, was it?" Migaru smiled from the TV as Misty went to tend to Brock's injuries.

"Easy for you to say..." Brock grumbled in reply as he watched Misty start bandaging him up and Ash arrive with tools to fix the floor...

THE END (for now)
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