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About what ex main character would you like to see pokemon chronicles being made?

About what ex main character would you like to see pokemon chronicles being made?

  • Total voters

pokemon fan 132

pokemon fan 132
Dec 28, 2008
Reaction score
As we know there have been several traveling companions during Ash travels who got replaced at some point,so if you feel your favorites didnt received enough development and screen time wanting to see continuation of their story and adventures in pokemon specials this is right place to express such desire.

It is important to remember how purpose of this thread is not to speculate will it happen or how much chance another chronicles being made have but to talk about your personal wishes and what would you like to see in case they get made so please keep that in mind before posting.

To make choice more fair poll is multi-optional.

To answer my own question personally i would like to see chronicles being made about Misty and May.
Misty:because im interested in seeing what has been happening with her in past 6 years being great character with enjoyable personality.I also feel she wasnt fleshed out enough as character having many thing unanswered about her past and story like her goal of becoming water master with lot of potential being unused.

It would be nice to see whats been happening at gym in meantime and how much she improved along with pokemon,and chronicles being made following her perhaps on a journey to learn more about water pokemon and battling along with entering Whirl Cup again and some other tournaments gaining rivals in that way to advance her dream of becoming master of water types and get new pokemon could be interesting.

Having her skills as trainer being recognized by some pokemon agent inviting her to go with him to try becoming E4 could be great idea too,and with idea of becoming for example Lorelai apprentice preparing herself and dong some tasks you cant go wrong which could set up for interesting arc being made about it.

May:because i miss her too and i would like to see coverage about her journey as coordinator in Johto being made and how she went at Johto Grand Festival.It would be nice to see where she headed next to,what new pokemon she got and how much she improved,Judging by her performance in Wallace Cup she made notable progress as coordinator,.

It would be also great to see her rivals again like Drew,Soledad or Harley and how are things being played out between them and May.
I think I'd like to see May get a special, I've always wanted this actually. I mean, she had awesome contests and rivals.
All of them, really. I always like to think about what all the old characters are doing now that they're no longer on the show. I really enjoyed Misty, Tracey's and Brock's specials, so I'd love to see more. I didn't like Dawn's special, but I'd like to see others with her. And since May and Max have never gotten specials I'd love for them to have some.
More Tracey, because he needs to show his (hopefully partially evolved) team again. Co-starring Ash's Sinnoh Pokemon.
While the obvious answer is they should make specials about all the older characters, I'd say if there could only be one, Paul deserves one since he was the next most important DP character after Dawn.

If Dawn and Brock got specials, Paul definitely deserved one. I'd be content with Paul never appearing in the anime ever again, but even so seeing one last special of him could have been swell. Although at this point this is looking very unlikely.
I want to know whats happening with May! Are she and drew a couple yet? ;D

We've already had Misty specials but more couldn't hurt :) Any evolutions yet?
I'm interested in EVERYONE, but chronicles for the rivals, please!

To wit:

Who is Jun fining now?
Did Shinji ever beat his dad Jindai?
How's Shigeru's research?
Where are the other contest rivals and what are they up to?
Will Harley ever forgive Haruka for liking his cookies but not liking them enough?!

Mains meeting other mains would be awesome as well. :)
Since Hikari is in Houen now, will she meet Masato?!
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A special dedicated to Paul would be pretty interesting .Him and his brother,and they can throw in a random pokemon hunter or something as an antagonist to the show. I want to see paul in training with a new pokemon, maybe show that Ash grew on him a tiny bit as well.
So many. I want to see Max's life now: what he's learning, if he'd been retconned into being older, etc. Brock and Misty had interesting specials too, so I'd expect them to have more fun adventures.
You know what people are going to answer. I hold no preferences, really. I'd really want to see what exactly do Ash's pokes do at Oak's.
I'd like to see them all, since I have no preference.
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