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Review AG133: Okido Laboratory! All Members Assemble!!


May the Aura be with you.
Jun 10, 2005
Reaction score

So all members are Ash's Pokémon, but is there more to it than that?

Professor Birch and Max are in it but May and Brock are currently nowhere to be seen.

And what is Wobbuffet up to? Their next plan seems to involve filming something for tv...

And then there is the already-famous Misty/Tracey bit!
I can't wait to see pics from that episode...
(Especially, since my sis, who's a Tracey-fan, got a huge shock while reading all that pro-Orangeshippy stuff... lol)
Well, I'm pretty interesting myself, especially since they're back in Kanto :)
FabuVinny said:
Professor Birch and Max are in it but May and Brock are currently nowhere to be seen.

Haruka is in it for a split second. Take a closer look at the scene where the Rockets are sucking in pokemon with their super-vacuum-mecha of doom.
Ok, now I see it. You'd have to be looking, though.

They will probably pick up Brock on the way to Mt. Moon.
I wonder how Ash will react when May returns. He put on a confused look when he saw Misty again, but put on a huge smile when he saw Max.

I wonder what kind of a reaction May will bring him.

Also, this episode better have more Vineshipping. I sure hope May lets out her Bulbasaur to go play with Ash's Bulbasaur again, that would be so sweet.

Munchlax meeting Snorlax would be cool too.

This will also be the first time that May meets Delia, I sure hope Veronica Taylor has been practicing when May and Delia speak to each other. Anyway, it'll be nice to see May meet Ash's mother and all his old Pokemon.

I'm also hoping for some Misty/May interaction, as they didn't have much time to talk in the Hoenn 2 parter.
This episode seems to be based around Ash's Pokémon, so it is unlikely that May's Munchlax and Bulbasaur will get much airtime.
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^ There is another shot in the preview where you see the edge of Combusken's arm, so I assume May lets all her Pokemon out of their pokeballs as well.

I mean, it would just be bad writing if Ash's Bulbasaur didn't want to see May's Bulbasaur again, especially since they got along so well in the previous episode with them.
I had been wondering what that was.

It's not a matter of the Bulbasaurs wanting to see each other. There may not be time with the main action. Though, I suppose May might decide to let Bulbasaur out.

Can someone who understands Japanese post what the narrator is saying?
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May's there. You see her with Max, plus there's a scene where you see part of Combusken's right arm.
She DOES come back, you know. She's going to be in the next movie, as is Takeshi. Why does everyone keep forgetting that the current AG group is sticking together and that Kasumi isn't coming back for good? :|
I haven't seen anyone saying Kasumi is coming back for good. Or maybe I'm misreading what people are saying?

She'll be at least in 3 episodes and that's all we know. Too bad they don't seem to be ditching Masato for good, that's my only complain.
I think it depends on whether or not you're an Anti-AAML conspiracy theorist. If you are, than that's what everyone is saying. If you're not, everyone knows that we don't know what the future holds.
TK n Happy Ness said:
May's there. You see her with Max, plus there's a scene where you see part of Combusken's right arm.
Yeah, check the pictures I posted.

What everyone also seems to be forgetting is that the movie doesn't necessarilly have to occur at the exact point the animé is at. Or is this island in the middle of the Battle Factory? Until we know otherwise, there is a good chance that it is in Hoenn.
May is going to be in the ep - there's a screenshot somewhere with the top of her head in view. I think Brock is still in Pewter, though. As for Ash's reaction to seeing May, I don't see why there would be anything out of the ordinary about it. Judging from the preview, May doesn't have much to do in this ep, although naturally I'm pulling for some interaction with Misty. Actually, some Misty-screentime full stop would be wonderful. She's always entertaining. And the question of Azurill's parentage has to be cleared up before all the shippers' heads explode. ;)

Speaking of shipping, may I briefly register a "blech!" at the notion of Vineshipping? Sorry, but there's zero evidence for it and it's always come across to me as a thinly-veiled ploy to push Ash and May together. It's just as irritating as the Contestshipping & Beautifly/Masquerain combo. Although at least that one is just a fanfic cliche rather than a "this will happen in canon" theory.

(ETA: OMG, I've just realised that Contestshipping now has enough fanfiction to have cliches! *wipes away tear* We've come so far...

Ahem. Now back to your regularly scheduled on-topic-ness.)

Roses Ablaze said:
I think it depends on whether or not you're an Anti-AAML conspiracy theorist. If you are, than that's what everyone is saying. If you're not, everyone knows that we don't know what the future holds.
XD LOL. Too true.
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Jo-Jo said:
Speaking of shipping, may I briefly register a "blech!" at the notion of Vineshipping? Sorry, but there's zero evidence for it and it's always come across to me as a thinly-veiled ploy to push Ash and May together. It's just as irritating as the Contestshipping & Beautifly/Masquerain combo. Although at least that one is just a fanfic cliche rather than a "this will happen in canon" theory.

The Beautifly/Masquerain thing isn't the same as the two Bulba's. For one thing the two Bulba's actually interacted outside a battle, unlike May and Drew's Pokemon. (who don't even seem to have real personalities, they're both just flying bug types with no emotion)

And really, the writers have made it so obvious that May's Bulba is a girl, (and Ash's is too aggressive to NOT be male), plus in the episode that they meet the two Pokemon did nothing but play together. It actually seems plausible to actually happen in the show, unlike other random Pokemon pairings.

Bulbasaur even pats May's Bulbasaur on the head before Ash sends it back to Oaks.

And as you can, Bulbasaur acted completely different with May's Bulba then it did with Squirtle. Bulba and Squirtle appeared to be best buddies, but with May's Bulbasaur, Ash's acted far different, as if he was attracted to it.


Anyway, more Bulba interaction!
I like Bulbasaur with that Gloom from the greenhouse or whatever it was.
Belldandy said:
I like Bulbasaur with that Gloom from the greenhouse or whatever it was.

Too bad it belonged to a filler character that we'll never ever see again.
Yeah, and what are the chances of Florinda appearing again unless Ash needs to go to the Xanadu nursery again?

I doubt the writers even remember half the filler characters from Kanto.

A.J. with the Sandshrew should have appeared again, as well as Giselle, but I doubt the writers even remember them anymore.

If they can't even remember that Ash promised to get his Pidgeot back (especially when the forest he left it in is so CLOSE to Pallet) then I doubt they remember filler characters from 8 years ago.

How sad, this would have been the perfect oppurtunity for Ash to check on Pidgeot again too.
I know she most likely won't be shown again, I was just stating I prefer Ash's Bulbasaur with that Gloom instead of May's Bulbasaur.
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