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Review AG187: Haruka VS Shū! Rivals Forever!!


Registered User
Mar 8, 2005
Reaction score
I don't make threads like these but I feel compelled to do it this time because of the preview.

May and Drew are battling...in a CONTEST? Eh? I thought the Contest arc was over for now? Why are they in another Kanto Contest when the GF is over?

Even more screwed up than that, Drew apparently has a Butterfree now. He's battling with Roselia and Butterfree Vs. May's Combusken and Beautifly. Harley's Cacturne then jumps out to attack them, and Ash has a flashback of Gary in a lab coat.


This ep totally came out of left field. That was one confusing preview.
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My Gary senses were tingling!

Seriously, I haven't kept up with the anime in forever, yet I was compelled to click on this thread. And I must see the Gary. I repeat Kasumi-san's sentiment!
More stuff I noticed:

How can Ash have a flashback of Gary in a lab coat when Ash has NEVER seen Gary in a lab coat? He only wore that lab coat in a Hoso which Ash wasn't in.

Anyone notice the judges for the Contest? Prof. Oak and Scott are there instead of Mr. Contesta and Mr. Sukizo! Why are Oak and Scott the judges in this ep? :eek:
Also, I heard Ash was wearing his Hoenn outfit, and he never saw Gary in it either. And someone mentioned they were on a snowy mountain or something (can't see preview till obtains Pyramid episode as WMP sucks!)

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seen the preview.
it looks like a full action packed episode, can't miss.

and the gary & ash scene, doesn't look like a flashback to me, it's like a mist in the air.
Scott85 said:
More stuff I noticed:

How can Ash have a flashback of Gary in a lab coat when Ash has NEVER seen Gary in a lab coat? He only wore that lab coat in a Hoso which Ash wasn't in.

Anyone notice the judges for the Contest? Prof. Oak and Scott are there instead of Mr. Contesta and Mr. Sukizo! Why are Oak and Scott the judges in this ep? :eek:

Makes me think this whole contest thing is one organized by Nurse Joy from the previous episode. Seems like she's a fan of contests as well as normal battles as seen in the episode pictures from filb.de.

Also, lol at the lack of continuity. :p

Habunake said:
My thoughts exactly. T__T
They better have them back up, or we'll have to resort to LQ RM files from Pokebip.
Scott85 said:
I don't make threads like these but I feel compelled to do it this time because of the preview.

May and Drew are battling...in a CONTEST? Eh? I thought the Contest arc was over for now? Why are they in another Kanto Contest when the GF is over?

Even more screwed up than that, Drew apparently has a Butterfree now. He's battling with Roselia and Butterfree Vs. May's Combusken and Beautifly. Harley's Cacturne then jumps out to attack them, and Ash has a flashback of Gary in a lab coat.


This ep totally came out of left field. That was one confusing preview.

Are you sure about the labcoat? It was white and had lapels, but it was double-breasted, and Gary's labcoat doesn't look like that.
They're probably not battling in a Contest, just in an empty Contest hall...
Someone wanna upload pics of it? My damn computer never shows the WMP videos correctly!
important words here ---> said:
They're probably not battling in a Contest, just in an empty Contest hall...

Indeed, but Ash/Max/Brock (and Harley) aren't the only ones watching.

The seats are filled with people, those same generic people that watch in every Contest episode. If this isn't a real Contest, why in the world would all these people come out of nowhere to watch?

Anyone else happy that May has Beautifly back on her team? Thank god she's using that, I'm bored to death of Squirtle. Not to mention Beautifly is probably her second strongest after Combusken, since it was her first capture and original Contest Pokemon.
Ah, much obliged.

I still wonder wheir the PM torrents are?

EDIT: That definately doesn't look like a flashback with Gary, maybe they are in a storm making it foggy?
Yeah, it can't be a flashback because Ash is in his AG clothes and Gary is in his lab coat. Ash and Gary NEVER saw each other in these clothes.

It has to be something new, but why did they put that fog/white montone board-esque thing that they only use for flashbacks?
Ash and Gary could easily have talked together over the phone or something without us having to see.
Or pictures, whatever.

Though, judging from how everything was in that scene, I'm guessing it's a sort of dream because of those odd... things that hang around in the air. Actually, it looks like those that are in very very old movies. Those...bug...thingies.


Ash is probably doubting himself and then he gets a dream or something where Gary gives him a preech, yadda yadda. We know the drill.
Please note: The thread is from 18 years ago.
Please take the age of this thread into consideration in writing your reply. Depending on what exactly you wanted to say, you may want to consider if it would be better to post a new thread instead.
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