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Ages of the characters?


hot take-haver
Aug 29, 2011
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How old do we think certain characters are in Pokémon?

I got the idea when a 'debate' ensued in the 'Pokémon trainers go to school' thread because of the ages of the PCs. I'd say the Gen 1-4 PCs are 11 or 12, and Hilda and Hilbert are 15 or 16.

This also expands to gym leaders, champions, etc.

Cynthia looks to be 23-25 (in my mind) in DPPt, so she'd be 29-33 in BW.

Would the rivals be the same age as the PCs? I think maybe around a year or two older, but not much. I guess Blue, Silver, and Barry could be 13 or so, Wally and Brendan/May would be the same age, and Cheren and Bianca are pretty much confirmed to be the same age as the PC.

But what do you guys think?
Gym Leaders:

Brock: 18, 19
Misty: 16, 17
Lt. Surge: 34, 35
Erika: 22, 23
Koga: 45
Janine: 13, 14
Sabrina: 25, 26
Blaine: 65
Giovanni: 45

Falkner: 17, 18
Bugsy: 12, 13
Whitney: 16, 17
Morty: 20, 21
Chuck: 36, 37
Jasmine: 16, 17
Pryce: 70
Clair: 26, 27

Roxanne: 16, 17
Brawly: 20, 21
Wattson: 60
Flannery: 21, 22
Norman: 40
Winona: 30, 31
Tate and Liza: 14, 15
Wallace: 28, 29
Juan: 50

Roark: 18, 19
Gardenia: 18, 19
Maylene: 13, 14
Crasher Wake: 36, 37
Fantina: 35, 36
Byron: 40, 41
Candice: 16, 17
Volkner: 20, 21

Cilan, Chili, Cress: 15, 16
Lenora: 33, 34
Burgh: 27, 28
Elesa: 22, 23
Clay: 47, 48
Skyla: 16, 17
Brycen: 30, 31
Drayden: 60
Iris: 13, 14

I think these ages are quite accurate.
^^ Wow, I'd say.

Lance: 26-29
Steven: 24-27
Wallace: 25-28
Cynthia: 23-25
Alder: 30-34

Ghetsis: 45-50

Professor Oak: 48, 50
Professor Elm: 23, 24
Professor Birch: 30, 35
Professor Rowan: 55, 58
Professor Juniper: 26, 27
Shauntal: 22-24
Grimsley: 24-26
Marshal: 32-36
Caitlin (BW): 20-21

Karen: 24-26
Bruno: 35-38
Will: 23-26
Agatha: 63-66
Lorelei: 27-29

Darach: 17
Gym Leaders:

Janine: 13, 14
Skyla: 16, 17

I think these ages are quite accurate.

I disagree with these two.
Skyla because 16-17 seems a tad too young for a pilot (although it's not ridiculous), I imagine she would be about the same age as Elesa.
And since Janine and Falkner are friends (sort of) I would think they are about the same age. Her sprite makes her look older than 13, at least.

And I also thought Alder was WAY older than 30! His face looks old and wrinkly in the games!
N - 30-35
Ghetsis - 50
Clay - 40-45
Black - 15-20
Drayden - 45-48

BTW I am very bad at estimating.
Last edited:
N - 30-35
Ghetsis - 50
Clay - 40-45
Black - 15-20
Drayden - 45-48

BTW I am very bad at estimating.

Actually, those seem quite good, with the exception of N. I mean... the hell!? N could only be, at the most, five years older than the protagonist of BW.

Also, Black (is that Hilbert or Hilda?) couldn't possibly be older than around 16. Professor Juniper looks to be in her early twenties... If your PC was 20 too, then things would get awkward.
Caitlin - 10, 11 (DPPt), 16-18 (BW)

I wouldn't think Caitlin is 20 in BW. Late teens, definitely. Maybe 19.
^^ Caitlin was confirmed to be 14 in DPPt. That's why I only listed her BW age. Besides, doesn't 1O seem young for a pseudo-frontier brain? 14's still young, but it's more believable than 1O.
I have a WHOLE NOTEPAD dedicated to the ages of the protagonists. ._. It also goes in order of how I have the Pokemon Timeline go in my story, but eh. OTL I'll just list ages that I think they're at. And other characters, which I'll separate by spoiler tags.

Beware a long list. 8D; Here I go.

Player Characters and Rivals
Red: 11
Blue: 12
Fire (I point-blank refuse to call her Leaf ._.): 11
Ethan: 12
Lyra: 10
Silver: 13
May: 11
Brendan: 11
Wally: 10
Lucas: 12
Dawn: 12
Barry: 13
Hilda: 16
Hilbert: 16
Cheren: 17
Bianca: 15
N: 21

Regional Professors
Oak: 50
Elm: 23
Birch: 33
Rowan: 62
Juniper: 25

Gym Leaders (by region)
Brock: 18
Misty: 15
Lt. Surge: 35
Erika: 25
Sabrina: 23
Koga: 47
Blaine: 56
Giovanni: 45

Falkner: 18
Bugsy: 14
Whitney: 16
Chuck: 34
Jasmine: 21
Pryce: 62
Morty: 26
Claire: 28
Janine: 17

Roxanne: 24
Brawly: 26
Watson: 56
Flannery: 20
Norman: 36
Winoa: 27
Tate and Liza: 12 and 12
Juan: 50

Roark: 19
Gardenia: 24
Fantina: 32
Maylene: 15
Crasher Wake:
Byron: 39
Candice: 16
Volkner: 27

Cilan: 18
Chili: 18
Cress: 18
Lenora: 36
Elesa: 25
Skyla: 23
Clay: 44
Brycen: 29
Drayden: 59
Iris: 13

Elite Four and Champions
Agatha: 60
Lorelei: 36
Bruno: 40
Lance: 31

Karen: 26
Will: 23

Sidney: 27
Phoebe: 25
Glacia: 32
Drake: 49
Wallace: 28
Steven: 26

Aaron: 18
Bertha: 59
Flint: 27
Lucian: 25
Shirona: 27

Caitlin: 17
Shauntaul: 28
Marshal: 25
Giima: 30
Alder: 53

Finally (because this is getting to be a REAL long list D8).

Villainous Teams
Rocket Grunts: 23-28
Arianna: 41
Archer: 37
Petral: 36
Proton: 30

Maxie: 47
Tabitha: 29
Magma Grunts: 18-25
Archie: 39
Shelly: 25
Aqua Grunts: 19-26

Cyrus: 27
Saturn: 26
Mars: 28
Jupiter: 29
Charon: 55
Galactic Grunts: 18-25

Ghetis: 45
Plasma Grunts: 21-25
The only protag with a canon age is Red, at 11, so I make him 11.

Everyone else is anywhere from 10-18 years old depending on how I'm feeling that day or whatever the plot of a fanwork demands, because very little in my headcanon is actually consistent. Also because I feel that their ages were left ambiguous so the players (who are mostly young people) can imagine themselves in their shoes.
Pre-Gen V Protagonists: 10
Gen V Protagonists: 15
Blue and Barry: 10
Silver: 13
Cheren and Bel: 15
N: 18

Too lazy to post the ages for the Gym Leaders, Elite 4 members, bosses, and professors.
I'm too lazy to post all Gym Leaders, Elite Four, Villains, etc. right now, but I'm sure I'll get back to that later.
For now, (obviously at the time of their introduction)
Red, Blue, Leaf: 11
Ethan, Lyra: 11
Silver: 12
Brendan, May: 11
Wally: 10
Dawn, Lucas, Barry: 11
Hilbert, Hilda, Bianca, Cheren: 15
N: 19-21
Brock: 15
Misty: 12
Cilan, Chili, Cress: 16
Iris: 12
I've been trying to figure out if Kris and Lyra are the same age. It's difficult for me to tell, is it easier on anyone else?
^^ Caitlin was confirmed to be 14 in DPPt. That's why I only listed her BW age. Besides, doesn't 1O seem young for a pseudo-frontier brain? 14's still young, but it's more believable than 1O.

Anabel is a Fronteir Brain and she has to be around 10 cuz in the anime she had a crush on Ash...
^^ I don't know much about the anime, I see.

That's interesting. So then...

*goes to google every frontier brain*
Please note: The thread is from 13 years ago.
Please take the age of this thread into consideration in writing your reply. Depending on what exactly you wanted to say, you may want to consider if it would be better to post a new thread instead.
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