Okay we all know Ash is a hacker with the whole "Aim for the Horn!" and "thunder armour" thing, but did he hack Noland or his Articuno or something.
Charizard being a Fire-type definitely gave an advantage for Ash, but also being a flying allowed Arti's Ice beam to do normal damage plus STAB.
So why did Noland decide to use STEEL Wing against Charizard. STEEL Wing! Steel<Fire. Why not Wing Attack? Steel wing is basically a slightly stronger Wing attack but steel-type. Wing attack would receive STAB power. Arti's Steel wing would only deal 1/2 damage.
Noland is officially a moronic trainer.
Yeah...does anyone else hate the Pokemon fans who think the anime has to be just like the game, and still thinks Ash never evolves his Pokemon and always wins cheaply?
The annoying thing is, they like the Indigo Season the best......when the problems they complain about are the worst.....