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Aim For the Horn!


Jun 11, 2004
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Okay we all know Ash is a hacker with the whole "Aim for the Horn!" and "thunder armour" thing, but did he hack Noland or his Articuno or something.
Charizard being a Fire-type definitely gave an advantage for Ash, but also being a flying allowed Arti's Ice beam to do normal damage plus STAB.
So why did Noland decide to use STEEL Wing against Charizard. STEEL Wing! Steel<Fire. Why not Wing Attack? Steel wing is basically a slightly stronger Wing attack but steel-type. Wing attack would receive STAB power. Arti's Steel wing would only deal 1/2 damage.

Noland is officially a moronic trainer.

Yeah...does anyone else hate the Pokemon fans who think the anime has to be just like the game, and still thinks Ash never evolves his Pokemon and always wins cheaply?

The annoying thing is, they like the Indigo Season the best......when the problems they complain about are the worst.....
They probably prefer Kanto and Orange Islands (as do I), because the series were new and original at the moment.

But is still funny that people after all these years think the anime should follow the games' logic. If they didn't do it at the beginning, they are never going to do it.
Yeah, but the stuff they always complain about happens in those seasons......
My logic in games is as simple as:

"If Pokemon LOOKS like grass type, it IS grass type and can be easily defeated by fire attacks".

And it works for all battles except Elite Four. Battling E4 is different, because i need lots of potions and revival stuff, + high level ones.

Steel Wing seems to be stronger than Wing attack, so it is in the anime. Simple.
You got that from GameFAQs, didn't you? I vaguely recall that post.

Fact is, some people are so blind to what actually makes for GOOD TELEVISION that they just think it should all be 100% like the games. I loved how the writers didn't stick purely to game logic in Indigo/Orange, because it involved creative solutions to certain problems and often seemed more logical than the so-called "game logic". Nowadays, the writers are a lot closer to game logic, and I find battles to be much more boring these days (Articuno vs Charizard excepted).
The damage done in game battles is calculated by formulas. Obviously the anime battles aren't done the same way, so of course they're not going to be the same.
You got that from GameFAQs, didn't you? I vaguely recall that post.

Fact is, some people are so blind to what actually makes for GOOD TELEVISION that they just think it should all be 100% like the games. I loved how the writers didn't stick purely to game logic in Indigo/Orange, because it involved creative solutions to certain problems and often seemed more logical than the so-called "game logic". Nowadays, the writers are a lot closer to game logic, and I find battles to be much more boring these days (Articuno vs Charizard excepted).

Well, personally I think the battles are more exciting now adays....

But yes, watching them take turns would suck.

Ash: Go on Brandon, your move!
Brandon: I Summon...REGICE! Now attack, Ice Blast!
Ash: Pikachu loses 50 lifepoints, but now his SPECIAL EFFECT ACTIVATES!
I'd rather see the games become like the anime... come on, isn't it about time for real-time battle in Pokemon?

Sadly, my dreams of an anime-based game are most likely to remain unfulfilled.
I don't think they'll ever make a real-time Pokemon game, mainly because the game is supposed to be playable by very young children, children who may not have the proper hand-eye coordination to do well in a game like that.

However, as others have said, making the games more like the anime would be nice, and I think Game Freak agrees. If we look at Advance series vs RBY and GSC, things like traits, and the concept of "contact" and "sound-based" moves are very much things we'd expect in the anime.

My favorite example of Pokemon Anime Logic is during the fight between Ash's Charizard and Gary's Blastoise. Charizard employs a strategy to get extremely close to Blastoise, at which point the advantage of Blastoise's hydro cannons, due to them being ideal for mid to long range combat, are neutralized.
Actually, the real problem with a real-time game is that it would completely destroy the current design of the multiplayer - which is a very honed design employing significant amounts of skill. The fighting game genre is easily one of the most broken in existence - even in games with a case of 10-15, pronounced tiers develop. Imagine what would happen in a game of 386. This problem would be especially bad in the first game that employed this idea - such an overhaul would require pretty much the unadulterated attention of most of Game Freak.
I wouldn't mind a special, one-area place where real-time battles could be done, but I certainly wouldn't want the whole game to be like that.
I'd be alright with it if it was a spin-off game and the main games remained turn-based.

By the way, which episode is "aim for the horn" from?
I'd be alright with it if it was a spin-off game and the main games remained turn-based.
Which is what I'd love. Just an anime-based RPG, with anime characters (possibly playable) and events based DIRECTLY on the plot of the anime (not loosely, like Yellow). And real-time battle, of course.
So...you would basically move from town to town helping people, and battling Team Rocket over and over? XD
...Er, yeah.

Come on, it's not ALL about battling TR. Ash has battled other trainers.
We complain about the anime being different from the games cause we prefer the games. That's it. Really.

Also, some anime things just conflict, even if we assume that rhydon's plates do not contain a component that dampen the effect of electricity, games say that the horn is the strongest point on rhydon's body, unlike the anime where it is the weakest.

I really feel that such conflicts could be avoided. It would be nice for me.

Also, the anime is a bit more camp with the system of battles, they are very dramatic and that just happens to be very unappealing to me.

The reason I am posting this is to show that I am not just a mindless game followers. I do base my opinions on reasons besides that it comes from the games.
You do have to realise this was before Rhydon had Lighting Rod.

But, the games logic wouldn't work well in the Anime.
I like anime battles better. More strategerizing than just "Hit first". Also, a lot of haters complain about the games being nothing more than RPS with pretty sprites. A real time game might shut 'em up.

But sadly, the closest we'll probably ever come to anime-style battle for a while is Battle Revolution, with the deformable fields and actual hit animations.
And, by a stretch, the Pokemon in Smash Brothers.
Please note: The thread is from 18 years ago.
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