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An anon's review of BMG

Dec 29, 2002
Reaction score
  1. He/Him
From Alexa's page for Bulbagarden

2 of 5 stars An Ok "site",
Bulbagarden is alright but it isnt really a site

All it is is a collection of wikis and small forum. The wiki's as with other wiki's are just a collection of information from other sites, and majoritively incomplete and a totally different pointless Wiki for News. Really all thats good is that members can put in information however this makes the quality fluctuate, Sometimes being of good quality, sometimes bad. It also means it can have inaccurate data.

The forums are ok, good and small so you wont have to suffer from n00bs or anything, but the majority of the admins there have a superiority complex which can get frustrating

All In All Bulbagarden is an alright place to go but there are many better sites & forums among the internet so check them out. However if you want to be a provider of information to a site, go to this one...they accept anything in their Wiki

Why do I get the feeling someone we might have banned posted that? I don't think we have a superiority complex. We just do what we can to make the community a better place. Our wikis like all wikis are work in progress. So, basically, just ignore him, Arcy. Not worth the time. Let's continue doing what we always do. And get certain projects rollin'

To put it simply?

The admins don't have a superiority complex.

The entire *STAFF* has a superiority complex.

You guys are much too attached to your idea of a "mature" community. We've banned people(I won't name names in a public setting) that would probably be happy as clams on SPP or PC. I'm not saying this is necessarily bad, but taking this route is basically akin to killing our growth. Unless DP somehow start bringing in older audiences(something I very much doubt with Nintendo at the helm), we have to choose between "maturity" and "growth". We simply cannot have both in this day and age.
We have a certain pride in our site that could be classed as a superiority complex...

We have a certain standard for quality that could be classed as a superiority complex...

We might even have some people who have superiority complexes...

But it is doubtful that we all do.

I am thinking this anon user is one of the ones who would write poorly, point out the obvious, repeat dispelled myths, and get ignored or scolded.
The english major in me groans with pain.


(smirks) I guess some of us do have a superiority complex then. =)

The point?

Although - are we sure this isn't a spp prank on poor ole bmg.... I kid. I kid. =)

BTW: if a web address, an ip, a server, data, and daily hits do not a Site make...then what should, does or will?

I have to admit, this board can be a little bit elitist at times, though I understand not wanting the place flooded with n00bs. Maybe it'd help to instate a rule requiring proper capitalisation at all times? I remember a couple of Harry Potter sites doing that and it really helped to weed out the spammers.
tyger said:
BTW: if a web address, an ip, a server, data, and daily hits do not a Site make...then what should, does or will?

Well, I wouldn't consider this place a site, i'd consider it to be a forum portal, as it is. It's a board and a set of wikis, all of which make up additions to a site but do not a site itself make.

Unless it's Wikipedia, which is based solely on the wiki concept of course, but the wikis here were added as an addition to the forums.

However, with the Bulbapedia and Bulbanews combined, you do more or less have what a site would generally contain - in a more formal manner and in a fully interactive way.

There's not much Bulbagarden's missing, or much that could be done to it. If it were to be relaunched with a main 'site', it'd just be another portal mirroring what has been submitted to BN and the BP.

Really, BMG's fine as it is.

Especially concerning the 'mature' part. There are lots of kiddie fans of Pokemon and there will be many more after the western launch of D/P but they have two HUGE places to go to where they're accepted and are left to run free within their specific rules.

Why shouldn't us older members have our own board where we don't have to put up with a bunch of 7-9 year olds asking how to beat Wally in Emerald every other day?

I'd much rather have maturity over growth. It's also a more stable method to continue, where do you think such kids would go to in a few years when they've matured and are no longer willing to deal with a bunch of immature pre-teens?

Makes sense.
Lol superiority complex.

This is one of the least control-happy forums I've ever been to. :D So just ignore that moron.
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We don't have a superiority complex, we have high standards.

And seriously, if that makes us seem like we're superior--to what, people who refuse to take the time to speak properly online?--so what?
Misty, superiority complex or not, we're not going to change them. If we wanted a board with SPP's standards, then we'd be posting on SPP, not going through the hassle of setting up our own site.

Also, note these various facts :

-"All in All" with the random capitalization of A
-Author has a problem with the "Elitist" admins. The high profile admins being evkl, Arcy, myself pretty much.
-Author has a problem with the factual accuracy (or alleged lack of thereof) of pedia ("Will accept anything", "False information")
-Author tries to phrase thing to NOT bash BMG (ie, "It's an alright site"), but still insist on there being much better sites out there, and on the forums being small.

Now think about it five seconds. Who do we know that use random mid-sentence capitalization, has an axe to grind with evkl, Arcy and myself (especially Arcy), has had HUGE issues with teh factual accuracy of pedia, and yet would try to make himself look good in his criticism by still saying things like "alright site" et al?

I can certainly think of a certain banned user who fit all those.
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It could either be that person, or someone who wishes to spread more hatred against him.
And I agree with Misty in some ways.
Another grammatical mistake that makes me cringe when I see it: "alright." It's "all right."

And a superiority complex is generally accompanied by aggressiveness or arrogance. I don't see evidence of that type of behavior here. Having and adhering to high standards does not give one a superiority complex.
^ *thumbs up* And it should also apply to a few not-so-new members as well.
We should nurture newbies, not n00bs. Nurturing n00bs is a waste of time.

*was just reading Wikipedia* >.>
For the most part, "n00bs" refuse to take into account other people, and don't deserve the privledge of being on these boards.

Why not join a few more topsites? You could stick them down at the bottom~
Please note: The thread is from 19 years ago.
Please take the age of this thread into consideration in writing your reply. Depending on what exactly you wanted to say, you may want to consider if it would be better to post a new thread instead.
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