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Anime Characters...AS POKEMON!


Jun 11, 2004
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I've seen ones about what Pokemon a character would have, but here is what Pokemon they would BE (they would probably be somewhat more humanoid versions though...)

Yugi Mutou- Riolu, since it looks weak yet courageous.

Pharaoh Atemu- Lucario, but don't look at it as an evolution of Riolu, it would be like the Yugi-Yami change...kind of...

Sugoroku Mutou- Hayashigame, since it reminds me of an old man for some reason and he owns the "Kame" game shop, Kame being Turtle. And yes, families are not limited by species.

Seto Kaiba- Pottaishi. It's stuck up, rich, and it reminds me of Kaiba with the coat it has.

Mokuba Kaiba- Pochamma, since it is proud like Mokuba but kind of weak.

Katsuya Jounouchi- Machop, but I can't really say why. It just reminds me of him...(maybe since they shared VA's in the dubs?)

Shizuka Jounouchi- Abra, since it's eyes are kind of closed and it looks kind of blind.

Hiroto Honda- Mankey, since Honda is kind of a fighter. Also, because of a plot point in a later season......

Anzu Mazaki- Kirlia, because it is full of good feelings and looks like a dancer.

Pegasus J. Crawford- Xatu, since it can see into the future. It would be a very bishouned one though...

Saruwatari- Mukkuhawk. It's tough, and it's hair COULD ASSAULT YOU!

Insector Haga- Venonat, it just...fits.

Dinosaur Ryuuzaki- Zugaidosu, a dinosaur Pokemon with a arrogant looking personality.

Ryou Bakura- Sneasel, I can't really tell why I picked it...

Dark Bakura- Weavile, to compliment Sneasel.

Mai Kujaku- Mililop....cuz.....well, it should be obvious.

Kajiki Ryouta- Gabite, since it looks like a tough and stubborn Water Pokemon.

Crazy Gay Clown Player Killer- Mr. Mime...cuz he's creepy.

Player Killer of Darkness- Gengar, a dark and intimidating Pokemon.

Bandit Keith Howard- Pidgeot, closes thing to an Eagle, which is the symbol...IN AMERICA!

Ghost Kotsuzuka- Sableye, small, creepy, and ghostly.

MeiKyuu Brothers- Plusle and Minun, but EVIL ones!

Shadi- I guess....Celebi, since he kind of travels across time like Shadi "kinda" does, and is a "Guardian".

Rebecca Hawkins- Teddiursa, with a human doll. ^.^

Professor Hawkins- Ursaring.

Otogi Ryuuji- A gamblin' Pokemon, and the first thing that comes to mind is Meowth for some reason.

One Piece Characters
Luffy- Aipom. Eteboss is just...dunno, not fit.
Zoro- I'll go with Erlade, I guess. Dunno why, I had Scyther pre-DP, but Erlade seems to fit as well.
Nami- Nyaruma, has the feminime and thief look to it.
Usopp- Sudowoodo, obviously.
Sanji- Lombre, because I can picture it smoking.
Chopper- Um...a humanoid Stantler??? 0.0
Robin- I would go with Eteboss, but Aipom is Luffy, Alseus has many "hands" but a ledgendary would be weird. Hell, I'll just go with Mojanbo. A sexy one, woot!
Franky- Machoke, it already has the speedo.
Buggy- Mr. Mime, triple duh!
Mohji- A Teddiursa, since he reminds me of a bear.
Cabaji- Hitmotop, because he's acrobatic sort of.
Kuro- Persian.
Django- Hypno, since it has the pendelum.
Krieg- Cloyster
Pearl- Um....Dootakun?
Arlong- Gablias
Hatchi- Octillery
Kurobi- Mantine
Chuu- Remoraid?
Smoker- Torkoal, cause it exhales smoke.
Ace- Mokouzaru, obviously it fits so well with Luffy Aipom.
Wapol- Snorlax, as most will say.
Crocodile- Feraligatr is tempting...but it ain't sand related really...I wanna go with Karabudon...but....I dunno.
I suppose Edward Elric would be a Cubone. He's short, powerful, and misses his mother.

Lust would be a Gardevoir
Envy would be Scizor,
Gluttony would be a Snorlax,

and I'll come up with more later.
I suppose Edward Elric would be a Cubone. He's short, powerful, and misses his mother.

Lust would be a Gardevoir
Envy would be Scizor,
Gluttony would be a Snorlax,

and I'll come up with more later.

I think Gluttony would be more fitting with Swallot, since they move much quicker, and it has the tiny eyes for Gluttony.

Al would be one of the Regiis. Preferably Registeel(Though my personal favorite is Regirock)

I'd like Ed to be a Combusken, mainly for the attitude.
I think Gluttony would be more fitting with Swallot, since they move much quicker, and it has the tiny eyes for Gluttony.

Al would be one of the Regiis. Preferably Registeel(Though my personal favorite is Regirock)

I'd like Ed to be a Combusken, mainly for the attitude.

I think they're the same height! But...don't tell him I said that.

Al would be better as Lairon or Aggron, since they're both Iron Armor pokémon.

Wrath - Sableye, since they're both creepy and mean
Sloth - Vaporeon, since they can both melt into water
Pride - Rentoraa
Greed - Shedinja (Damn Wonder Guard)
Mustang - Buuburn/Magburn
Major Armstrong - Machamp. Just picture Machamp posing with those bishie sparkles!
Pretty Cure/Pretty Cure Max Heart
Nagisa/Cure Black - Totodile or Psyduck
Honoka/Cure White - Kirlia
Hikari/Shiny Luminous - Flaaffy
Mepple - Plusle
Mipple - Minun
Porun - Pichu

The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya (Feel free to kill me for this)
Haruhi - Meowth
Kyon - Houndour
Yuki - Baltoy
Mikuru - Azumarill
Itsuki - Golduck

Tokyo Mew Mew
Ichigo - Delcatty
Mint - Altaria or Swellow
Lettuce - Quagsire or Gorebyss
Pudding - Mankey or Aipom
Zakuro - Mightyena
Ringo - Delibird
Berry - Azumarill
Masha - Chimecho
Kish - Nuzleaf
Tart - Misdreavus
Pie - Pidgeot

Feel free to kill me. :awww:
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