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Annoying Christmas songs!

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Nov 8, 2005
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  1. She/Her
What are some your most annoying Christmas songs?


--the Chipmunks song-Sure, it's cute, but you may not think so millions of times later!
--Overy jazzed up/remixed songs-If you're going to jazz up/remix a song, go easy on the remixing
--Deathly slow songs-On the other side of the coin, we also don't need even slower versions of already slow songs that go 30 beats per millennium
--Looney Tunes/Muppets renditions of certain songs of the season-Porky Pig doing Elvis' "Blue Christmas"? No thanks!
--Dogs barking/cats meowing the tune-No...just no.
90% of them are disgustingly annoying IMO. I cant stand Christmas music. There are only four Christmas songs that I like and one's for Hanukah (sp?)
The ones I absolutely cannot stand are
the super super slow ones
the really overdone ones
anything that I've heard year after year after year
and the classic ones
The ones I dont hate as much are the rock songs and all that stuff. I still dont like them though but they're better than some of the other crud out there.
I like christmas songs, just not carollers.. :p
Any remix of "Santa Claus is coming to town". I hate it. Everyone keeps delaying that first beat! IT DOESN'T GO THERE, DAMMIT!!! IT'S ON COUNT ONE, NOT ON THE UPBEAT OF ONE!

....*takes in breath*

Anyway, I prefer the somber ones to the damn Alvin and Looney Toon songs. The only ones I listen to out of season are: O Holy Night (usually by some out-of-date female singer; not Celine Deon :p), Carol of the Bells (by a choir or just instrumental), and Whose Child is This/Greensleeves. Those are by far my favorite songs, and I despise any "musician" who butchers them.

...And I hate Sleigh Ride. In band, we played it EVERY DAMN YEAR for the Christmas concert. Whenever I hear the song, I cringe and die a little inside.
I don't see any annoying Christmas songs out here. I haven't heard anything annoying. But sometimes if I hear a Christmas song, I may found out that it wouldn't able to make a perfect taste of my music to my head. :p
Anything with the word "Holly" in it, since that name...brings....painful memories...
Does Holly is based on religious thoughts? I wonder what can the Holly do to Christmas.
I agree. Christmas remixes are the worst thing to ever happened to the season. Although, if I'm in the mood, (sorry Silverish) I quite like a jazzy Santa Claus is Coming To Town, and, I have to admit, I like to hear the chorus started on the upbeat of one.
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All Christmas songs, with special mention to the obnoxious religious ones.
Except maybe Blue Christmas (only Elvis, though), The Chipmunk Christmas Song, and that funky one by Paul McCartney.
Oh, and caroling is about the most stupid activity in existence.
I absolutely LOVE christmas music, except when it is sung by Celine Dion, Whitney Houston, or Hilary Duff. I'd rather be deaf that have to hear anymore of there over (or in hilary's case under) done vocals on songs that get old after the 15th time as it is.
Santa Baby IS trashy. But I have to listen to it EVERYDAY when I go to work, because that's on the damn playlist. When it comes on, I cringe.

Sorry, but I can't stand jazzy remixes. They make me cry.
That one song that starts 'Chestnuts roasting on an oven fire... etc.' (i don't know the name) but the Team Rocket version. And Santa Baby. And sometimes 'Feliz Navidad'. Chipmunks. Jessica Simpson remix, Disney channel remix of anything and 'Must Be Santa' (the Pokemon Version)
Do you see what I see?

^Most annoying Christmas song ever! I'm not even sure what it's called!
I hate ALL Christmas songs.

The most annoying Christmas song I've ever haerd is Snowflakes.
Hmm at work there's an Xmas cd that's being overplayed, I think it's the recent Now xmas cd (disc one). I for one hate most of it as I hate christmas songs, but the one that really bugs me is the one that sounds like an irish dancing jig which has no lyrics. I'm pretty sure that work's copy has one song on their twice though, Fairytale of New York (or whatever it's called) is annoying the one time let alone twice.. and I don't care that there are multiple versions of the Band Aid song but don't put two of them on one disc >_< Last years was horrendous. Even the Girls Aloud one (who I do like) is crap, there's a reason why I didn't buy the xmas edition of their album: Christmas Songs are crap/annoying (delete as appropriate)
My worst Christmas song ever? The Chipmunks songs! Actually, the songs are good but (gets louder here) TUNE DOWN THE PITCH FOR GOODNESS SAKE! (normal voice) We don't want to hear (high-pitched) "Santa Claus is comin'... to town!" (normal voice) You see, that's why I hate the vocals to Alvin and The Chipmunks. Just tune down the already too high pitch pipes.
That song "Christmas Shoes" or whatever it's called. It was cute and touching the first couple of times I heard it. Made me cry the first time, I think. But they have played it /so much/ (and not just this year, but the last year or two) that I cringe every time they play it and have to turn the radio to a different station. Guh. I hate that song.
I hate ALL Christmas songs, because I have heard them over and over again for the last..um...6 YEARS!!!!! Well...I have a few exceptions...like "All I want for Christmas is you." I just pretend Misty is singing to Ash. Or May. The both look SO cute together!!!
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