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Anyone help? Semi-legal related

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Blackjack Gabbiani

Back due to popular demand!
Jan 1, 2003
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OK, so my ex is getting his internet cut off because he's sick of dealing with the provider. He pays and pays and they keep saying that he hasn't paid.

My thought--is there any legal recourse he could take? I've told him to call the BBB, but he doubts he would be believed.

He has until the end of the month, and I'm really worried because the internet is basically his only outlet to people...
If he keeps getting cut off, don't bother paying those idiots, and go for a reliable ISP. Maybe you could find out if anybody else is getting screwed over by them, and maybe you can have them charged if you find other people with the same problem.
If he's been paying, and he has some proof of it, then logically, the BBB should believe him. Are there any other consumer advocate groups near where you live?
Well, the problem is that he lives across the country from me, and I'm not sure what all they have out there.

Also, he can't just terminate service, because there's a 200$ disconnection fee and he can't afford that.
What he should do is write them checks, then keep a copy of the check for his own records. If he pays by any electronic funds transfer--credit cards or whatnot--there's a paper trail there too.
Exactly; he should have proof of payment. In fact, he should have shown it to the ISP long ago. No offence, but the guy's an idiot.

EDIT: Perfect example where Americans would rather sue than use some (un)common sense.
This same thing happened to my dad and that's how we lost our cable modem - the idiots at Comcast thought we didn't pay and cut us off. Since we're bad off financially, we let them take the modem away a week later.....with much sorrow.

Man, it sucks that he doesn't live in Washington state, because there is a FREE internet provider available here that my dad is currently using...

(and plenty of free internet accelerators out there, too)

He better get busy on looking up records, or he's screwed. And this does sound highly fishy to me...
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