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Apologies for D/P

Johtoman 2

New Member
Dec 3, 2006
Reaction score
Lately I have been bashing Diamond and Pearl a lot, I would like to apologise as I have checked the new pokemon on psypokes psydex and they are, in fact, quite good, even if somewhat different from original styles of pokemon. My favourite is probably Weavile, but my favourite legendary is Lucario. As for the games themselves, obviously I haven't played them (I don't have a DS and I don't speak Japanese) but, looking back at reviews and features of them I have realised they will actually make a big name for themselves. If anyone does knock any other region *ahemZetaahemJohto* then they should look at info about said region, perhaps encouraging them to re-think their attitude. Once again, I'm sorry, the 4th generation is coming and it will be BIG.
Good on you. It's not good to judge a game before studying or playing it for that matter. It's definately a good game.;)

Also just want to correct you on something. Lucario isn't legendary. Though it is a favourite of mine. My most favourite is Rentoraa. To be honest I didn't like it when I first saw pictures of it. It was the sound and animation in the games that made it cool to me. That's what makes Diamond and Pearl interesting in that way. There are enough great Pokemon to enjoy in Diamond and Pearl and some really nice additions aswell.=)

I have Pearl version and I don't even understand a word of it and it still feels like great game.=D
Thanks, The Power of Pika and Doctor Oak, though I have no idea what ROFL means. I never knew Lucario wasn't legendary, it should be.
There's really no need to beat yourself up about this. Because, it's not like you're the only person who does it. EVERYONE, the instant they hear about or see pictures of a game, judges it by their first impression. It's just human nature, so there's nothing wrong with it. That's why I thouroughly find out about every game I'm interested in and rent it so I know whether I like it or not.
On the

We thought Lucario was a legendary at first (due to the movie) but it has a pre-evolution (a real one, not like Phione) is owned by a Gym Leader and is too early in the Pokédex. On the plus side, this means you could train one in-game if you want.

The D/P legendaries are listed here.
Look at those cool new pokemon, I am really sorry for hating them. I mean two new evee evolutions. AWESOME!!! and what about the masculine evolution of Kirlia. Freedom for male Kirlia. They're all very original no matter what I said and I may just save up for a DS and Diamond or Pearl when it comes out. Thankyou for posying on this thread (apart from Doctor O.A.K. you could at least offer CONSTRUCTIVE critisism...
That took guts.

People can't go on critisising a generation unless they plan on quitting pokemon entirely.
I think many peoples opinions on certain Pokemon change after they use them in-game.
My opinion of Greggle has already changed from seeing it in the anime.
Thankyou for even more replies. If anyone wants to check out the Shinou dex. look on www.psypokes.com or www.serebii.net (Psypokes has the better one) all the names (well, most of them) are still Japanese but that's only 'cause they haven't been translated yet. FabuVinny you're not actually that bad.
All this DP hate will blow over. It happens with eveyr gen.

Please note: The thread is from 18 years ago.
Please take the age of this thread into consideration in writing your reply. Depending on what exactly you wanted to say, you may want to consider if it would be better to post a new thread instead.
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