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EVERYONE: - Complete Ash and Misty Forever (G-PG)


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Feb 27, 2003
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Ash and Misty Forever: Part 2

I will not post Part 1 of Ash and Misty Forever. I did type it, but I decided not to post it on these forums. However, this is Part 2 of the saga. Part 2 takes place the week before a school dance. Anyway, enjoy! (Note: The rest of the saga will go on as if Part 1 was never written. Nothing from Part 1 will be mentioned. (Please do not beg me to post Part 1. Thank you.))

"Man, this is boring," Ash thought to himself. He was working on his last English assignment and then he would be done. You see, his teacher had to leave under mysterious circumstances earlier that day. It is the last class of the day and Ash wants to go home. His school lets out at 3:45. "It is now 3:00," he thought to himself as he closed his English book and handed his work in to the substitute. He went back to sit down. He then went over to a bunch of other kids at the back of the room. They were acting real crazy like usual. Ash had a camera with him. He showed it to his friend, Brock. Brock wanted to take a picture of a girl he liked. Ash would not let him. Ash wanted to take a picture of a girl he liked. The girl's name is Misty, a beautiful young girl. He decides to ask her if he can take a picture of her. Misty and some of the other girls around her try to shield her from the camera. Ash couldn't understand why at first. But then it hit him. Misty eventually calmed down and let Ash take a picture of her. Brock noticed something that Ash did too. Misty was scratching one of her legs. She had to pull the leg of her... whatever she was wearing up to scratch. Brock said to Ash, "Man, you missed a perfect picture, man." "I know," he said. Ash knew what he missed. He was watching. He just missed the right moment to take a picture of Misty. Misty and some of the others around Ash wanted to know if he jacked off to Misty.
He didn't know what to say. Misty said, "Well, since he didn't say anything, I guess he does." Now, what did Misty and some of the others want to know about Ash? We may never know; or will we? It was nearing time to go now. Ash already took a picture of Misty. "It is now 3:40," said the sub. "Please hand in your work whether you are finished or not." The intercom came on and the afternoon announcements were made. "Attention all teachers and students, it is now 3:41; time for the afternoon announcements. There will be a dance for the 8th grade next Friday night from 7:00 until 10:00. The price of one ticket is $8.00. Dress will be formal and semi-formal. You know what to wear. That is all. It is now 3:43. Have a nice day." Everyone in the room instantly began talking about the dance. No sooner had they started, the bell rang. It was time for school to end. All of the students went to their buses. Everyone got on their buses. There were two groups of students still left. Their buses were late. Ash and Misty looked greatly worried. What could have happened? It was already 4:15 now. All of a sudden, two buses came speeding up to the campus. Their doors opened. "Bus 347," one driver said. Misty was puzzled. The driver was not the normal driver. It was her mother! "Bus 125," the other driver said. The driver was not the normal one. Both Ash and Misty were shocked to find out who was driving Ash's bus. It was their English teahcer! They both got on their buses. They waved goodbye to one another and said goodbye to each other. The drivers then shut the doors and drove like crazy out of the campus. Misty was wondering why her mother was driving her bus and why her and Ash's English teacher was driving his bus. Ash was wondering the same thing.
Part 3 will follow later on. Keep an eye out for me and Part 3. See ya later!
Ash and Misty Forever Part 3

I hope you enjoyed Part 2. Here's Part 3.

Ash and Misty are riding on their buses. Their buses are about five minutes away from going by each other. A fight starts on Ash's bus. It is between two girls. A fight also starts on Misty's bus. This fight is between two boys. Their buses are just about to go by each other when they both stop at once by the other. Both buses have to wait for a while. The drivers call the bus depot to tell them about the two fights. While that's going on, Ash and Misty each go to a window and talk to one another. "Have you asked anyone to the dance yet,?" Ash said. Misty says, "No, not yet. Have you asked anyone?" "Nope." Ash and Misty continue to talk. Meanwhile, security has arrived to break up the fights. They give all the students a lecture on why not to fight. Ash and Misty are still talking. Ash says, "Misty, I want to tell you something. I... I... I... lo... lo... love you." "Awe..... I love you too Ash." "Misty, will you go to the dance with me?" "Yes, Ash. Yes, I will. I will go to the dance with you." Security got off the two buses. Just as they did, a mysterious figure riding on another mysterious figure rode up to Misty's bus. The smaller figure jumped off the larger one. The smaller figure is Giovanni! The figure he is riding is a Suicune, a legendary Pokemon. He demands to know where Misty is. Ash and Misty are talking still. They do not realize what is going on. Giovanni grabs Misty and jumps out of the bus. He jumps on Suicune and rides away. Ash is outraged at what just happened. He crawls through the window on Misty's bus. He pulls out a walkie-talkie and starts to use it. "Attention! Attention! Brock! Are you there?! Over!" "I'm here, Ash. What's the situation?" " Misty has just been kidnapped by a man riding on a Suicune. He just grabbed Misty and took off on the Suicune." "I'll be there momentarily, Ash" "That's no good, Brock. We'll have to meet each other along the way. Call my mom and have her send my Lugia and Ho-oh to me. Tell her to also put the tracking equipment on one of them." "Roger, Ash. Where should I meet you?" "Just call my mother. Have my Pokemon set the tracking devices to find you. Then ride with them to me. Then have the tracking devices set to find me after you get on one of my Pokemon." "Roger, Ash. Over and out." "I'm sorry, but I have to go now. I will find your daughter. I will return her to you as soon as I can find her. I will see you later. Without another word, Ash jumped off the bus and started running down the road. He kept on running and running. He got tired after a while. He decided to stop for just five minutes only. Just as he is about to start running again, he sees his Lugia and Ho-oh flying with Brock riding on Ho-oh. "Hey, Ash. I'm here now." "Thanks Brock." "You really do like Misty, don't you, Ash?" "Yes, I do, Brock. I even love her." "Love her,?" he thought. They not set the tracking equipment to find Misty. As soon as the equipment got a fix on Misty, Ash and Brock, riding on Ho-oh and Lugia, flew off to find her. Back at the buses, the drivers and security didn't know what to do. So, Ash's bus driver called his mother and told her what was happening. Ash's mother said she knew what was going on. She wants her and Misty's mother to do the rest of the two routes and not worry about Ash and Misty until they are through with their routes. Ash and Brock are flying in the air when they get caught up in a net. They have been captured by Team Magma. They want Ho-oh because it is a fire-type. They also want Lugia because it usually lives in the water. They want to keep it away form Team Aqua. Team Magma likes to capture fire Pokemon and Team Aqua likes to capture water Pokemon. They take them to their secret base. Lugia and Ho-ho break free and help Ash and Brock escape from the net as well. They then continue to search for Misty.

Well, that's Part 3. Part 4 is coming soon. Watch for it.
Ash and Misty Forever Part 4

They pick upa reading on the tracking equipment. "It is Misty! We have found her!," Ash said. It is indeed Misty. There are Team Rocket members all over the area. They are guarding Misty. Ash and Brock go in for the kill. They jump off of Ho-oh. Ash tells Ho-oh and Lugia to attack the Team Rocket members and rescue Misty. Lugia uses Hyper Beam to break Misty free of a huge net. Ho-oh then uses a special attack to erase the memories of all the Team Rocket members there. Misty has finally been rescued. "Oh, thank you Ash. Thank you. Thank you very much." "You're welcome, Misty." "Well, let's get you back to your mother now, Misty. She must be worried sick." "I know." Just then two school buses drove up to where they were. Misty's mom jumps out of one of them and hugs her. Ash and Misty's English teacher jumps out of the other one along with Ash's mother. "I missed you so much, Misty," her mom said. "I missed you too, mother. Ash and Brock are the ones who rescued me, mom." "Thank you very much, you two." "You're welcome," Ash and Brock said in unison. "May I stay over at Ash's house tonight, mom,?" Misty asked. "Well, as long as Ash's mother doesn't mind." Ash's mother says, "I don't mind at all. Ash and I would be delighted to have her spend the night." "That's right," Ash said. Ash, his mom, and Misty start out for Ash's house. They walk until they are stopped by a strange Pokemon. "It's Suicune! That's the Pokemon the strange man used to kidnap me with,!" Misty said. Just then Giovanni appears. "Hand Misty over to me now." "No way! I will not let you harm a single hair on her! Go away and leave us alone!" "What makes you think I'm going to listen to you?" "I will have Lugia and Ho-oh attack you if you don't leave us aloen." "I'm so scared." "Suicune, atack, now!" Suicune uses Bubble Beam on Lugia and Ho-oh. Only Ho-oh is affected. Lugia attacks Suicune by using Hyper Beam. Suicune then flys off in a terrible scream. "I will remember this, Ash. I will be back. I will return... for Misty." Giovanni then runs off and disappears. "Let's get home now, you two." They arrive at Ash's house. "Dinner will be ready in a few minutes, you two. Go ahead and wash your hands please." So, Ash and Misty go to the bathroom and wash their hands.
"You may go first, Misty," Ash said.
"Why, thank you, Ash."
"You're very welcome"
Misty finishes washing her hands. She waits beside the sink for Ash to finish.
"I can't get any of this soap out of the tube," says Ash."
Misty said, "I'll help."
Misty squirts the soap bottle and puts some soap on Ash's hands. Ash now washes his hands.
"I'll turn off the water for you, Ash," Misty said.
"Thank you."
Misty touches Ash's hands as she turns the water off.
"Your hands are really smooth, Ash."
"Thank you," he said, blushing a little bit.
"I know now that we love each other. Do you think we could kiss real quick before dinner?"
"Sure," Ash said.
Without another word, Misty and Ash leaned towards one another and kissed. They kissed for about thirty seconds. They sure loved that kiss a lot.
"Dinner!," Ash's mom yelled out.
"Coming," said Ash and Misty.
They walked into the kitchen with their hands held together on each other.
"Let's now pray. Misty, you may begin."
Misty says: Dear God, please bless Ash and Brock for rescuing me today. They are real true friends."
Ash says: Dear God, please bless Misty for being so beautiful. She deserves the very best there is to offer in life. Bless my mother for making this wonderful dinner as well"
Delia says: "Thank you, God, for this food. Please bless this food for us so that we may eat it. Thank you. In God's name we pray...Amen." Ash and Misty: "Amen."
Please note: The thread is from 22 years ago.
Please take the age of this thread into consideration in writing your reply. Depending on what exactly you wanted to say, you may want to consider if it would be better to post a new thread instead.
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