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Aspie Club!

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Blackjack Gabbiani

Back due to popular demand!
Jan 1, 2003
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I noticed that a lot of posters say they have Asperger's Syndrome, so here's a club for us to get together and talk about it!

It makes sense, after all. Pokémon seems tailor-made for Aspies, and heck, Satoshi Tajiri is probably one of us.

So hi, I'm Blackjack, and I was diagnosed when I was 16. I'd actually suspected something before that...when I was around 10 I read a definition of autism in a book and told my mom it sounded just like me. But she laughed and said "Oh honey, you're not autistic!" Lo and behold, turns out I am!
I'll join I guess. I found out I had Aspergers actually several months ago. I was honestly depressed when I found out, that I had been lied to all my life that I was never different. I kept thinking "What am I gonna be told next that I've been lied about all my life? I'm adopted?" And one night I cried about it when I was outside looking at the stars with my beloved dog, Cindy Girl, cause I sort of got a flashback about one day when I had probably one of the worst days of my life at school and I asked my mom if I was different and if I had a problem or snydrome or whatever, but she lied and said no. But it turns out I did. And I've sort of felt like a different person since then. But I've gotten over it a bit now. But at times it has been hard, I have told very few people about it. In fact, the only person I've told in real life is my best friend, Dominic, who I was sure I could trust. So, anyways, I'm just gonna join! ^_^
I'll join too
I have it. Throughout my childhood, I had really weird obsessions that no one else had. I was obsessed with road maps (I know almost every street in my entire town), I was obsessed with geography... I had many obsessions that are too embarrassing to say here, even on the internet. I also have a huge obsession with Pokesho (in a way no one here could ever imagine).
I also have obsessions with certain Pokemon characters like Shinji and Cassidy.

I heard lots of people who have this syndrome tend to be good at foreign languages. That would explain my incredible passion for the Japanese language (I'm hopelessly hooked to it).
Not only is it the Japanese language I have an obsession with, but the Japanese culture too. I even made 3d models of Japanese houses (modern) on Google Sketchup and just love drawing girls in sailor fukus (although that may be my anime fangirl in action

I've seen loads of people with the syndrome at Serebiiforums. I joined the alliance too.
I heard lots of people who have this syndrome tend to be good at foreign languages. That would explain my incredible passion for the Japanese language (I'm hopelessly hooked to it).
Not only is it the Japanese language I have an obsession with, but the Japanese culture too. I even made 3d models of Japanese houses (modern) on Google Sketchup and just love drawing girls in sailor fukus (although that may be my anime fangirl in action

You really have a passion for the Japanese laguage and it's culture and stuff? Me too! It's one of my #1 goals to learn Japanese! Well, I need to if I want to be a Japanese Manga writer.

I also have obsessions with certain Pokemon characters like Shinji and Cassidy.

Really? Well, again, me too! Well, not exactly Shinji and Cassidy but I have a complete obession with Michael (Pokemon XD hero) as you can see from my signature and stuff and I sort of have an obsession with Wes (Pokemon Colosseum hero) as well. But mostly Michael. lol
Oh boy do I know about obsessions. That's one of the reasons I like Jirarudan so much, because I know what it's like to have a mindset like his.

When I was a teenager, I was obsessed with a certain singer. I had a picture of him by my door, and I had to kiss it when I entered or left. Even if I was in the middle of talking to someone or something like that. It drove my boyfriend at the time nuts, because this singer was all I could talk about.
Obsessions? Oh god, don't even get me started. How about we start with my obsessions with anything electronic from early childhood... while all the other kids were playing with normal toys, I was dismantling radios, cassette players, went through at least three fisher price record players. And of course there's been my obsession with computers since age 4 or 5, and collecting... another obsession. It's always been music, from my 500+ record collection to my... well, let's not even talk about how I needed an extra harddrive because my music collection had become way too big. Audio video equipment as well. Well, there's my long-winded reply about obsessions/collecting.

And Blackjack... you speak of having an obsession with a singer when you were a teenager... I had an obsession with a music group when I was a teenage and even dated their guitarist at one point. lol
Of course, my big thing when I was really little was dinosaurs, but I don't think my parents noticed anything unusual since it's "normal" for kids to love dinosaurs, especially at that age.
I can't really say I had any major obsessions when I was little, except Pokemon because it was fairly new when I was really young. But, when I would be in public at like, little kid places or whatever, I wouldn't play with other little kids like most of them would do. I actually spent time building stuff with blocks/legos/etc. I was (And still am) very unsocial with others and I don't really like talking on the phone, even with relatives. I'm just nervous and unsocial and don't like being messed with.
Obsessions have always been a part of my life, but I have generally tried to make positive use of those obsessions, although they generally just end up costing me more and more money over the years. Don't even get me started about my home theater that I still am not satisfied with after years of selecting components.
Boy, tell me about it. My obsession with dinosaurs was basically free (for me, anyway), what with me being about 5 and my parents paying for all my dinosaur toys and books. The thing with the rock singer was more expensive, since I had to buy all his albums and see all the movies he was involved in.

And then there's Pokémon. Whooboy, you should see my den. Plushies *everywhere*.
Oh wow, that the problems with having an obsession with music/musicians/bands. You have to go buy everything they have available in stores, see all their movies, and then after that you have to go hunt down bootlegs and other such. It can be crazy, but I will say that I would never trade my music for anything. :D
I didn't know we were referred to as Aspies! XD

In case it wasn't obvious, I have it. Found out several years ago, in fact. While I don't have any problem with having it, I do sometimes feel self-conscious that people would think I'm retarded or something if they knew I had it, and for how eccentric I tend to act. But in some ways, it can be seen as, in Spiderman terms, a gift and a curse, with much more emphasis on gift.

And Blackjack, you're describing how I am with Eric Stuart. :p Hell, I even went all the way to bloody New York to see him in concert! He is just all kinds of awesome.
I remember back when I was growing up, most of the kids in the neighborhood usually treated me like I was a retard, even going so far as to say that to my face. This always bothered me, because personally I didn't feel any different from any of them, and I didn't think that I acted different. It was frustrating as hell I must admit, especially since I knew that I wasn't a retard, and I was always very smart.

Now though I could care less. If someone wants to instantly judge me without first getting to know me, they weren't going to be a good friend in the first place.

My only problem is, I can function in society pretty damn well, but I fear that I might never be able to completely function in life without someone to help me out occasionally. There are some things that "normal society" does that I just don't understand how they do it (such as keeping up with bills, balancing a bank account, I am so damn scatterbrained sometimes). But whatever, as long as I don't end up 70 and in a home with no one to help or support me, I'll be ok.
I've been obsessed with Star Trek, Nintendo, Sony, Microsoft, Pokemon, Jessie, Cassidy, Jessiebelle, Domino(which the 4 characters from Pokemon), Technology, History, Yuri, Art, Anime, and everything in between.

So, I'll Join!

Like the time I became so obsessed with a girl I wanted to be her?

Yeah, I have those. And that's the reason I went to the Counselor and found out I had slight Asperger's though.

But I don't mind, I've always been kinda odd anyway. :p
I have Asperger's Syndrome as well. I found out when I was eleven. I remember how a counslor was able to look at my eyes and could tell my teachers about it. All of my teachers before then thought that my emotional behavior and crying often was me being immature. Now, the majority of my teachers are more willing to help me than my teachers from elementary school.

As for obsessions, I've had a few. Like Pokemon, Yu-Gi-Oh!, video games, specifically handheld video games, and The Lion King when it came out. My parents are understanding about my autism, especially my mom. I don't think that my brother does, but he and I don't talk that often to begin with.
I would wager to guess that all of us were the "weird kids" at our school, and that most of us never really fit in, although we never understood why.

Quick question for Hidden Mew: How was your councilor (sp?) able to look at your eyes and tell? That's pretty interesting.
Also, I identify with the being extremely emotional and such in my younger years as well. I was the biggest crybaby. :(
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So today I almost rented a movie about people with AS called "Mozart and the Whale". We wound up not getting it because I'll be going out of town this week and wouldn't have time to watch it, but I was wondering for the future how it is and what you all think of it. From what I gathered from the back, it's a romantic comedy.
I really do think I have it also. I kinda hope not, because I already have ADHD. It's hard to deal with it at times. My whole family just sees me as a weird person, that needs to grow up, and stop acting stupid :( I always knew I had problems though. It was not untill my mom took me to the doctors, and I found out it was a fact. *drinks a Starbucks* I like being weird though :D
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