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AUGH! GIANT FORUM! ...I mean, uh, hi!


For All Who Care to Watch
Aug 22, 2011
Reaction score
Hey, all. I'm SyracuvatTenlii, and obviously, I'm new to the forums. This isn't my first forum, but this one's definitely bigger than the other one I'm on...I think. Anyway, I hope you guys can accept a double-loyalty.

So, I'm an aspiring Let's Player. And, yes, I plan to do plenty of pokemon games. I'm actually getting close to be able to start an LP of Pokemon Silver Version. I'll let you know when that happens, and you can check it out on my Youtube profile (I think you can guess what the name is...8P)

Um...Class of 2012 ftw? Yeah, really satisfying to be a senior this year.

I'm a pretty good student, I suppose. Top 5% of my class has its perks, although I honestly can't be certain how good that really is at my school. Sometimes it looks like we're a high achieving school, and sometimes I feel like I'm surrounded by idiots. It's still kinda stressful, so this forum should be pretty nice to destress.

So, how about Pokemon, guys? Maybe I should get onto that... My favorite pokemon would probably have to be Quilava, just because it looks awesome. Cubone's also pretty cool. There's a bit of a back-story to why I always represent myself pokemon-wise as a Cubone, and I might get onto that later. The first pokemon game I ever played was Silver Version, and although I've seen quite a bit of all of the generations now, I really didn't get started playing pokemon until, what, 2005 with Pokemon Ruby (then FireRed and Emerald), and I actually didn't get any good at them until a couple years ago, when I finally figured out that to beat the game, you gotta have a team of 6, and ONLY 6... and also not 1...that Blaziken was pretty BA though.

I'm a Southern Baptist Christian, in case you were wondering, so I don't plan to ever do any kind of self-destructive behavior. That's all I'll say about it here.

That was really long, now that I look back at it. Well, if you read it in its entirety, thanks for bearing through it. Anyway, thanks for having me here! Svat out.
Welcome to Bmgf! Don't worry, it will shrink before your eyes in no time. ;P
Welcome to the forums! There are all kinds of people here, but I'm sure that most of them will like you and help you! Why not join the Mentoring Program, by the way? That will help you get started. I hope to see you again! Also, post around in other threads, OK?
Hey there, welcome! :3

Don't worry about the seeming "huge-ness" of the forums. You will soon get used to recognizing the users. It's a very cozy place so I'm sure you will like it :)

I think it's awesome that you want to become an LP-er. I hope you can become very famous! X3 what are your LP inspirations? I love watching Chugaaconroy's LPs myself.

Ahahaha, when you are top of your class, you will usually feel like you don't fit in with the rest of the group. Trust me, I know D:

Anyway, hope you enjoy yourself here. ^^ hope to see you around!
Hey, you seem cool.

Welcome. Everyone here is nice withafewexeptions

So, need a friend? Ask someone nice. Or alternatively, ask me. Just drop me a VM or PM. Any questions? Ask a Mod (italic name) Super Mod (bold name) or Admin (bold italicised name) and they'll answer your questions. Alternatively, ask a nice person like I mentioned earlier 

The BMGf Mentor program matches up Newbies with Oldies, so you become buds. It's an idea that was posted in our Suggestions Forum, and was voted up by people, so it happened.

Before I go, here's some random Japanese: いえ67はらたなあさたかまやたらまはまらたなたさたら

I have no idea what I just said, but its a reminder that Firefox is brilliant. It's by far the best browser for Forums.

And that's all. So enjoy our wonderful forums!

~ Chao
Please note: The thread is from 13 years ago.
Please take the age of this thread into consideration in writing your reply. Depending on what exactly you wanted to say, you may want to consider if it would be better to post a new thread instead.
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