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B/W DW Elekid *Closed*


Twitch Streamer
Jan 2, 2010
Reaction score
Hello, I am currently looking for a dream world Elekid (or one of the evolutions.), with the Vital Spirit ability. I would prefer if it was female.

So if you have an Vital Spirit Elekid, please place an offer.. Please don't ask for legendarys, but what I can offer in the way of something special are some clones of shinys I own, I have Shiny Charizard, Pichu, Cyndaquil, miltank, Ponyta, Cranidos, Gyarados, Parchisus, (Zoroarck Event) Suicune, (Zoroarck Event) Raikou, (Zoroarck Event) Entei, Eevee, Rattata, Manaphy, Darkrai, Grumpig, Milotic, Sneasel, Fearow, and Shinx.

(Zoroarck Event Beasts) Can be traded to Johto or Shinnoh games if prefer to relocate and unlock Zoroark. (one beast i need for this event)

Thank you for considering. =3
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Re: B/W DW Elekid

I will take Manaphy for a female DW Elekid if you are okay with it.. :)
Re: B/W DW Elekid

Sure! I'll need sometime to get it cloned (if you dont mind) and migrated to Black & White for ya, but I'll gladly trade for the DW Elekid. (Hoping its Female)
Re: B/W DW Elekid

Yeap.. I will breed a female one for you.. Hopefully it won't take long.. :p
Re: B/W DW Elekid

Longer you take to breed the more time I have to get mine cloned. x3
Re: B/W DW Elekid

Haha.. I got it already.. So I can trade when you are ready.. ;) My fc is 3009 7637 7723..
Re: B/W DW Elekid

Oh.. Already? You are fast! Im not sure when I'll have mine cloned, im trying to contact a cloner for help. Hopefully someone gets back to me soon. My FC is 3739-9540-0484
Re: B/W DW Elekid

Lol.. Kinda lucky got it after 8eggs or so.. It took me hours to get DW female Eevee.. F/ Hmm.. You can have the Elekid first if you want.. Just drop me a next time when you got it cloned.. ;)
Re: B/W DW Elekid

Are you sure? I dont want to take it and end up without being able to find a cloner and give you, your half of the trade..
Re: B/W DW Elekid

Hmmm.. How about a simple rare candy then? I will do the trade with that.. ;)
Re: B/W DW Elekid

Oh, I got tons of rare candy, I never use them, you'd really trade for those?
Re: B/W DW Elekid

Great, I will take one of those candies then.. :3 I will head into the wifi club after I added your fc.. See you there!
Re: B/W DW Elekid

Ok! Im in the wifi room! Waiting.
Re: B/W DW Elekid

Uuuu... Maybe one of us recorded wrong fc.. Mine is 3009 7637 7723, just to confirm..
Re: B/W DW Elekid

I just checked yours, and my own FC, both were correct.. 3739-9540-0484
Re: B/W DW Elekid

I see you and are contacting!

Edit: Gah... now issues contacting eachother. x.x i guess Nintendo hates me today

Edit: now you poofed. ;~;

Edit: Yay! Thanks for trading, for a rare candy, If i find a cloner I'll clone you the manaphy anyways. =3 Thanks!
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Haha.. No problem, rare candy is good enough.. There's no need for you to clone the Manaphy.. Thanks for the offer anyway! ;) Enjoy the Elekid!
oh I will, this guy is my secret weapon to beat my friend, I try to use only electric pokemon, and my friend likes to God mod with a Smeargal who knows Dark Void, and a Gengar for dreameater and what not.. with this Elekid, I can make an Electrabuzz immune to sleep and can kick his smergals butt with cross chop! Mwhahaha!
LOL! Your friend gonna be surprised with your Electabuzz (Not going for Electivire?).. XD Guess I should top spamming here.. Kinda feel bad for doing this.. XP
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