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Balanced Team Builds

vahn roi

New Member
Jan 30, 2007
Reaction score
I've been trying to come up with a team build that covers pretty much all the bases when it comes to type-matching.

Here is what I have right now
  • Flying
  • Fighting
  • Ground
  • Water/Ice or Ice/Water
  • Grass
  • Electric
This build covers type-matching, both offensively and defensively for all types with the exception of Ghost and Psychic.

Anyone else have there own well rounded team builds?
I would make sure each one of my Pokémon had a normal move, and normally a move that makes them more awkward to fight, or other Pokémon easier to catch (ie: Sleep powder, sand-attack). For this reason i normally wouldn't need a 'normal Pokémon itself. I would normally try and have a water, fire and grass type in my squad. The others would be made up of the remaining types, but i have no ultimate preference when it comes to electric, ghost, psycic, ground, poison (grass are often grass/poison anyway) etc.

I'm assuming your flying Pokémon is normal/flying?
Im not sure what a realy good team would contain i just use pokemon i like but i usualy have

An ice/water pokemon
A ghost
A psychic pokemon
A grass pokemon
A fighting pokemon
And an rock or flying (Aerodactyll in my most recent team which is both)

Im not sure how good this team is but through tms and hms i usualy can kick the crap out of any pokemon i fight
I have quite a good one I think(I've listed all the types in my team obviously I have a few dual type pokemon)
I would also like to point out that my pokemon have well varied movepools so theres Dark,Normal,Electric,Bug,Ice,Poison, and Ghost types as well effectively, this is actually all the types so I have virtually no weaknesses.
My most recent Emerald team covered all the types, I think. I can't remember whether or not that's right, but they were all dual types and I never used the same type twice. So 12 types in all, I think.

And I always seem to change my last pokemon so i never have a certain type for number 6, though ground seems to do me well
Can any one suggest the best team to have on LeafGreen please?
At the moment I'm using Lapras, Snorlax, Meowth, Bellsprout, Charmeleon and Pidgeotto
Please note: The thread is from 18 years ago.
Please take the age of this thread into consideration in writing your reply. Depending on what exactly you wanted to say, you may want to consider if it would be better to post a new thread instead.
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