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Best Ash Team.

Best Ash Team!

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


Jun 11, 2004
Reaction score
Kanto: Pikachu, Pidgeotto, Charizard, Bulbasaur, Squirtle.

Orange Islands: Pikachu, Charizard, Bulbasaur, Squirtle, Lapras, Snorlax.

Johto: Pikachu, Noctowl, Phanphy, Cyndaquil, Totodile, Bayleaf.

Hoenn: Pikachu, Grovyle, Swellow, Corphish, Torkoal, Glalie.

Battle Frontier: Pikachu, Sceptile, Aipom, Donphan, Corphish, Swellow.


Hoenn for me by the way, mainly since I LOVE Torkoal and Glalie. Also, his entire team I absolutely adored for once.
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Ok, fixed.

I didn't know who too put as Member Number #6 in the Kanto team, since he had that space open alot....
I like the BF team best. This is a cool thread. Kingler, Muk, or Tauros should go as 6th in Kanto IMO.
Kingler was only used a couple times (2? maybe 3), Muk was used once, and Tauros was Oaked the for all of Kanto... if anything Butterfree deserves that spot, since it actually stuck around for a while.

As for my favorite, Hoenn by a mile. Torkoal and Snorunt (Glalie sucks) totally destroy Donphan, and Aipom, bless her, was barely on his team at all. And Sceptile isn't THAT much cooler than Grovyle. Hoenn wins.
I like BF just because it was a strong team. Also I'm a fan of evolution and the BF team was one of the ones with the highest percentage of fully evolved pokemon.
Kingler was only used a couple times (2? maybe 3)...
Yes, but Kurabu/Kinguraa helped Satoshi a lot during the first battles at the Indigo plateau. It surely deserves to be mentioned in the poll.

I voted for the Orange Islands team. I miss Rapurasu. :(
His Hoenn/BF team is more or less the same, just switch out Torkoal for Donphan. I always have a soft spot for the Kanto team as well.

His Johto team overall sucked. The only decent one was Chikorita/Bayleef, the rest were wasted potential with barely any memorable moments. Thank god the writers actually evolve Ash's Pokemon now and give them real personalities since AG began and don't stick him with unevolved one-dimensional crap like they did in Johto. Both Cyndaquil and Totodile should have evolved, there was no excuse that they got such poor character development.

His D/P team, even though it's not on the list, isn't too good either. But that'll obviously change when they evolve and he makes his last two captures. I don't care for Aipom and Naetle is rather dull. Hopefully they get better when they evolve.
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I like first-evo Pokémon, and his Johto team had Noctowl, a fully-evolved Pokémon.
I had to go for Hoenn because Corphish, Torkoal, and Glalie rock, even if Treecko/Grovyle was crammed down our throats too much. Johto would be second for me.

I went with Ash's Johto team as well! ^_^

*is a huge fan of Johto*

Hehe, I love all three seasons of Johto, so I just had to choose his Johto team. It's so adorable, in my opinion. :-D
I have tried to reply to this thread three times. Every time I started, I got interrupted. EVERY. SINGLE. TIME. O.O So let's see if I can manage to not get side-tracked, shall we? Of course if this is a post than the answer is yes because I obviously would have completed it...


Onwards with the team judging!

Kanto was super basic. Which is good, I guess. We got the three starters formula which was... eh... It makes sense, but I'm glad we've moved on from that. I like the Kanto starters, although I would have perferred for them to show off their personalities way more. Also, what was with Charmander's sudden change with evolution? That was dumb. It should have had a bit of a 'tude since the beginning if they wanted Charizard to be disobident. A huge complaint is Pidgeotto. When did we ever see the thing!? Waste. :/

...*gets interrupted*



*continues typing*

Orange Islands I can't really judge. It's just the Kanto team basically. I gotta say though, having Ash catch a Snorlax was needed. Snorlax is a popular and well-known Pokémon, so it should have been done. It really should have been done in Kanto, though. And seeing more of him wouldn't have hurt.

Johto was a huge waste of potential. Seriously. First off all, whose brilliant idea was it to have Ash have Bulbasaur with him for the majority of the region? Was it to show the link between the old games and new games? Well, Pikachu already did that. :/ I like Bulbasaur, but that doesn't mean he has to take the spotlight away from Bayleef. Bayleef, by the way, was an excellent idea. Pokébeastialty ftw. Going back on the bashing track, what was with Heracross? That...


What is it, dad!?

Oh, Harry Potter Book 7 title!? Tell me, tell me! "Deathly Hallows"? Oh. interesting. What's a Hallow?


Back to Pokémon!

Heracross was a waste. It should have stayed at least as long as Bulbasaur (which again, should have been a shorter amount of time). Phanpy was worthless. Noctowl had a great concept but was then shafted aside from one gym battle. Totodile I don't mind, I like him. My biggest complaint is Cyndaquil. It was the perfect story: A weak basic stage Pokémon that had trouble even using its attacks that Ash would help to overcome its problems and become a powerful Stage 2 Pokémon. Or, you know, not. Cyndaquil was a great battler throughout the region. Why the heck didn't he evolve all the way or even at all?! People like Typhlosion, it's probably the most popular of the fully-evolved Johto starters. It really makes no sense...

I like the Hoenn guys. I would have perferred for Treecko to evolve a bit sooner, Taillow to show more personality, Snorunt to have been captured earlier, and Glalie to retain Snorunt's personality, but I still liked them. AG did the Pokémon right outside of a few things.

...like not evolving Corphish! Wtf was with that?! He should have evolved during Hoenn, for one thing, but not to evolve in BF was just shameful. I like Corphish, but it felt really unfair for him not to go all the way. Lame. Sceptile was awesome, but could have came up sooner. The return of Phanpy/Donphan was great, I wish they would do that with some of the other guys. The main reason I don't mind Aipom coming up and taking the show from the Pokémon that should have been around for one final bow is because I a) liked Aipom and b) thought Ash catching a Pokémon that followed him was a neat little twist. I liked the BF team the most, but there was still room for improvement.
I went with Kanto, because I still liked that basic Pikachu-Pidgeotto-starter-Butterfree dealie. It would have been nice to see one six-on-six battle with all of them, but oh well.
Please note: The thread is from 18 years ago.
Please take the age of this thread into consideration in writing your reply. Depending on what exactly you wanted to say, you may want to consider if it would be better to post a new thread instead.
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