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Best Blog Setup: MovableType vs. Anything Else??

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Golden Wang of Justice
Dec 30, 2002
Reaction score
I'm setting up a new domain which will mainly be a blog. I need to know what the best and easiest package is to get me started. MovableType seems obvious, but I hear there are free OS programs that are better now.. Help?
Back in the MT 2.6 days, I didn't like the fact that MT was built around a static-page generator model - that is, you need to 'rebuild' your blog to get changes applied. This is an interesting trade-off, and is almost certainly a good idea for highly-visited blogs but it can still be exploited and used as a DDoS vector, since every comment posted causes a page rebuild.

I think that has been eliminated in MT 3, which has the option of truly dynamic pages.
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