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Blastoise: Chari suggested it *points to her*


Muah ha ha ha haaa!
Jun 8, 2003
Reaction score
:009: My latest Pokemon pic for my buddy's buddy and she said I'd get a lot of comments here so I'll try.*shrugs*
That's a VERY great picture! Excellent shading and water effects. What program did you use to make this!?
Originally posted by Myuu
That's a VERY great picture! Excellent shading and water effects. What program did you use to make this!?

Outlined and colored in Paint Shop Pro 7 then shaded and added water in photoImpact 8.
Great. Really great ^__^ Shading is great and stuff, you know. Only thing I found a bit odd was the cannon opener thing to the left was a bit out of place... or maybe I'm looking at it wrong. probably the latter, knowing me. heh ._.;
it is the best!! great! it looks so real it is just so cool.:009: :lx009:
*glomps pic*
Hey! Why didn't I reply to this first..o_O;;;
What kind of a friend AM I???:-(
lol, JK.XDXD
Yes, very, VERY nice piccy, Amanda. Great as always.^_^ You should post more. *wink wink nudge nudge*
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