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Bulbacast Episode 4: The Lost Episode


The (6) Train BCCS Owner
Apr 7, 2005
Reaction score
Yes, it's finally out. Bulbacast Episode 4 torrent here.

More details to be added later. Discuss. Comment. Get Pokemon.

Finally, the episode that I'm in!!!!

And I get to hear myself on there......

This should be good. ^^

*clicks link*
Overall audio quality is the best its been, prehaps the normalizing filter helped a bit? Perhaps Bulbacast should be sponsored by Jolt Cola? I know you stated you guys were tired, but you all seemed to have a hard time gathering your thoughts.

Pie stated the animation in AG158 was bad. I agree, especially on Haruka. Its been bad for AG158,159,160. Hopefully this will improve. AG158 wasnt that exciting an episode, and I also agree that the Azumi battle wasnt that great. Perhaps its how they protrayed the battle. The last one, AG153(?) was probably one of the best battles ever, so it was a let down also there was only 3 people in the crowd. No decent announcer, no hype, and Azumi is a bland person personality wise. That being said, I love Azumi, I want her outfit! Cosplay anyone!? :) Her personality and style sorta matches my 'reallife' personality hence the avatar change.

Shipping was really the big thing as you guys touched on for AG158. I certainly hope they continue on with this story line. I would like to see Azumi back in the show. Lets hope it doesnt end up like the GS Ball story line. It would be nice if she was a reoccuring character. Perhaps they could do another Professor Ivy thing, Brock leaves the series for a bit again to go off with Azumi.

Yeah the ear pulling gag is getting VERY old. The Takeshi blasting off like Team Rocket was very funny. I do not think its a fetish.

The dub is so far behind, I cannot really comment on this too much as I havent watched it in a year as well. #PM also releases the dub episode each week. I should watch it too lol.

James definately has an attraction to girls, Jessie in particular. As Archaic said, James has just had a few bad experiences. Though the Beauty and the Beach episode he seemed to like his boobs. Needless to say, its an endless debate. How could AG122 have a wall edited when that dub episode hasnt aired yet?

AG159, James did have a lot of character development in this episode. This is probably the best James centric episode to date.
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Could someone seed two and three for me? I'm trying to listen chronologically, but it's dificult to keep up over vacations and whatnot.
Who was exactly the voice cast for Episode 4? I heard Pie, TSS, Arch, but I don't exactly know the others. If anyone knows the full list, mind saying, XD.

As for just general discussion... I really thought there would be a new "ship" created for Azami and Takeshi since you know those shippers out there... lol.
According to PPN:

Archaic - Bulbagarden Webby, TSS_Killer - [HASHTAG]#pocketmonsters[/HASHTAG],
PPN Steve - Pokémon Palace Network, Pie
Call in Speakers include:
PokemonTrainerLisa, Kater.
Oddly enough, I already had a link to Pokémon when you went off on that Nintendo tangent: Pokézoo tycoon! I'm not bothered about you talking about Nintendo, since it is still interesting and relevant and I agree with - I think it was Pie - that Nintendo's direction could affect Pokémon's direction.

I really liked the last topic. :-D

Kater's techical difficulties aside, the Bulbacast sounded really good. Though can you do anything abut the background noises?
Yeah, the background noise was bothering me too, especially when it started sounding like Kater was fiddling the phone (or something). Otherwise, it was the best-sounding so far.

So James was saying "Leo Burnett and 4Kids are the devil"? Cool. Now I know.

(And "Do whatever you have to do to get that Pikachu!" backwards sounds vaguely like "We’re speaking backward. You know this is highly your better wish," though more like "We’re shpeakig backward. You know this is highly your better uisht!" That's creepy.)
As you can tell...my connection has been turned off (and that is still the case as of this post). The only port open on my cable modem is 443, and I'm using a slow proxy just to view webpages. I hope that I can settle this issue by the end of this week.
When I first heard about that whole thing, I thought that this would be another of those things like the whole "satanic backwards messages in the Pokerap" thing... riiiight. But I was so surprised when I heard this one, because it was clearly put in there on purpose for whatever reason. I just have to wonder why Eric Stuart would risk his job to do something like that. Him and whoever was directing the voice recording session, I guess. Unless he was making fun of the fan community and mocking us or something.
Well, I have just finished listening to this Bulbacast.

Yeah, I'm pretty late on that (lol).

Overall, it was a great Bulbacast though.

Whoever did the editing for this one did a fantastic job of making it sound good.

And when I was on there, I really wish I had thought of the headphones thing a bit earlier, cause that really helped with my volume there I think (or was that the editing that helped?). I'm kinda shy too when speaking to people, so I don't think that helped much either.

Anyway, as I said in my first call in statement, I do prefer the dub version to the Japanese version......

But, just to clear something up for everyone, I do like the Japanese version. It's the original version, so of course I like it. There's only one problem for me though, and that's the simple sad fact that I don't know or understand Japanese.

Now I have seen raw episodes of the Japanese version.

But in my opinion, if I'm gonna watch the Japanese version, I'd rather seen an episode with subtitles, so I can at least understand what's going on in the episode and find out what's being said.

Because, to be honest, I have no problem at all with the Japanese version. The voice acting is perfect, and the music is great too, so everything is fine since it's the original version of course.

On a side note, if I could actually get the newest AG episode every week along with everyone else, I wouldn't mind commenting on it. That would be fun. ^^

Oh, and I agree with Pie about the dub, when she said that the voice actors do a really great job. Because they do, and I love the voices for the characters on Pokemon, they just seem perfect to me.

So that's why I hope that they don't change with whatever happens with this Pokemon USA thing. I am definitely hoping for the best with this.

Oh yeah, and I love that little surprise you guys gave us at the end. I mean, when I first saw "The Whistle Stop" and heard James saying all that gibberish. I was like, "Okay, so they just made him say gibberish? That's kinda weird."

But, until just a few minutes ago, I did not know that if you played it backwards he'd actually say that. Hehe, that was pretty funny. LOL. XD

Wow, that's just amazing!

Thanks for putting that on there, PPN!

And earlier though, I agree with you guys about all the editing that 4Kids does, it is rediculous.

But, I guess I kinda overlook all of that stuff, unless it's like a major edit (like with the onigiri - sandwhich rolling down the hill, lol). Minor edits that 4Kids makes a lot, don't really bother me much. I just believe that edits aside, as far as the voice acting, and some of the music goes (I'm talking about them using Japanese BGM in the dub), they do a great job with the dub version.

And also, I know how most of you feel about the edits. It does make it hard to watch and everything. So I can see your point of view on that pretty well.

Oh, and by the way, what exactly were you guys talking about, with 4Kids editing an entire wall? O_O

I don't remember that at all, so it must not have been that recent......

Were you referring to an old first season episode? Or maybe a Johto episode?

I'm just curious, cause I'd like to know which episode it was. It seems kinda weird to me that they'd do something like that.
As I said in the Bulbacast ep I was in, we don't know that 4Kids edits that stuff out. In Deoxys, EVERYONE thought and said that 4Kids colored Deoxys, but then we found out that Deoxys was colored in when it was released in theatres in Japan, and that 4Kids must had recieved an earlier version of the movie. Not to mention in Deoxys, there was a continuation error. Could the copy of that episode originally had Azurill and Zigzagoon in the pan shot, but they were not drawn in for the rest of the scene? Japan could had shipped out the earlier copy to 4Kids, realized they forgot to put the two dolls in, and then added them in. It's not like it's rare that a TV show fixes mistakes it has made like that. The Japanese are not perfect, and probably made the error and then corrected it.
That's possible except we have to wait a year to see the episodes dubbed. I hardly think Japan is in much of a rush to get the episodes to 4Kids before they have finished animating them. Destiny Deoxys was released earlier than most episodes after all.
4Kids gets the episodes extremely early - I would think probably at the same time the Japanese air them (although I do not know exactly, I know from a reliable source they get them early). They dub them at least four months in advance as well, and it does take some time to write up a script and get the mouth movements right. It takes a lot of work to dub a Pokemon episode.
Yeah, that's why I tend to be not as strict as most people are when it comes to 4Kids, cause I know it must take them a lot of hard work in order to do a good job with dubbing Pokemon. And I know that most of the time they try their best (or at least the VAs do).
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I would have to go with WPM's theory with the whole, the error was corrected after 4kids received their copy, because, why take out some pokedolls? I can't think of one fathomable reason as to even do it..

Btw, the editing was decent on episode #4, compared to the others, XD.
Please note: The thread is from 19 years ago.
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