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Bulbanews: HELP WANTED


∠(>w<) #634
Jun 8, 2004
Reaction score
Bulbanews is looking for responsible, dedicated people with a working knowledge of Pokémon and Nintendo to assist in updating and providing information for the comprehensive news service.

Columnist: This week in Japan
Description: Columnist will select any important and relevant (to English-speaking fandom) news listed on Pokeani over the course of one week. Columnist will translate these items to English and send them to the managing editor for revisal and posting on Bulbanews.
Requirements: Proficiency in Japanese language a must. Must have an intermediate knowledge of Japanese Pokémon-related terms. Must be able to compile and translate up several short news items and private message the results to an editor once a week.

Reporter: Pokémon video games - Multiple positions open
Description: Reporter will compile information and write original (not verbatim) copy on any news involving Pokémon video games. Reporter will then post his or her article to Bulbanews.
Requirements: Must visit several Pokémon and video game Web sites looking for any game-related news. This search must be done at least three days a week. Will be expected to use proper grammar and spelling and have a basic knowledge of Bulbanews style. Will be expected to post his or her stories to Bulbanews. Proficiency in Japanese preferred but not required.

Reporter: Pokémon Trading Card and Trading Figures - Multiple positions open
Description: Reporter will compile information and write original (not verbatim) copy on any news involving the Pokémon Trading Card game, or the Pokémon Trading Figures game (Currently Europe and Australia only). Reporter will then post his or her article to Bulbanews.
Requirements: Must visit several Pokémon and game Web sites looking for any TCG and TFG related news. This search must be done at least three days a week. Will be expected to use proper grammar and spelling and have a basic knowledge of Bulbanews style. Will be expected to post his or her stories to Bulbanews. Proficiency in Japanese not required.

Reporter: Nintendo
Description: Reporter will compile information and write original (not verbatim) copy on any major news involving Nintendo. Reporter will then post his or her article to Bulbanews.
Requirements: Must visit several Nintendo and video game Web sites looking for any major Nintendo news. This search must be done at least once a week. Will be expected to use proper grammar and spelling and have a basic knowledge of Bulbanews style. Will be expected to post his or her stories to Bulbanews.

Reporter: Pokémon anime
Description: Reporter will compile information and write original (not verbatim) copy on any news involving the Pokémon anime. This includes anime news from non-English language countries. Reporter will then post his or her article to Bulbanews. Pokémon anime news include new episode titles, dates and networks of movie broadcasts (any country), notices of new Japanese episodes airing, and any other relevant news to be determined by the reporter and the managing editor.
Requirements: Must visit several Pokémon Web sites looking for any major Pokémon anime news. This search must be done at least four days a week. Will be expected to use proper grammar and spelling and have a basic knowledge of Bulbanews style. Will be expected to post his or her stories to Bulbanews. Proficiency in a non-English language helpful but not required.

Editor: Public relations
Description: Editor will be in charge of promoting Bulbanews throughout the Pokémon fan community, both online and offline. Will be in charge of maintaining good relations with other Pokémon Web sites for the purpose of obtaining and sharing exclusive information. Will announce major fandom-related news. Editor may delegate tasks (graphics, offline promotion, etc.) to assistants of his or her choosing (who will be approved by the managing editor).
Requirements: Must be able to promote Bulbanews to Pokémon fans in a discreet manner, without violating rules of forums or Web sites. Must have excellent communication and interpersonal skills. The ability to promote Bulbanews offline (at TCG events, etc.) is preferred but not required.

Assistant: Category creation
Description: Assistant will create daily and monthly categories at the beginning of each week.
Requirements: Must create at least seven new categories a week. This is to be done on the same day each week. Must have a working knowledge of category creation on wikis.

These positions are open to everyone, current Bulbagarden moderators and administrators included. Non-Bulbagarden members will be considered. Positions will be open until they are filled. Positions are unpaid, but those selected will gain Bulbanews sysop status and their usernames on BMGf will be italicized to denote staff status.

To apply, reply to this thread with the following information:
Job title
Your availability
Your skills (languages spoken, connections, etc.)
At least two complete sentences explaining why you should be chosen for the position

Thank you for your interest.
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In a sense it does - WebSense is a content-filtering proxy server. Of course, this is not the relevant thread...
Reporter: Nintendo
Description: Reporter will compile information and write original (not verbatim) copy on any major news involving Nintendo. Reporter will then post his or her article to Bulbanews.
Requirements: Must visit several Nintendo and video game Web sites looking for any major Nintendo news. This search must be done at least once a week. Will be expected to use proper grammar and spelling and have a basic knowledge of Bulbanews style. Will be expected to post his or her stories to Bulbanews.
My name is demhne and I want the job as a reporter (nintendo),
why? because! I'm a total nitendo freak, that's why!

I speak several languages like english, german, dutch and a little bit french I'm also getting spanish at my school now.

I have a few connections with computer stores in my homecountrey the Netherlands (my uncle works their).

I will be availabel most of the time (ofcaurse I go on vacantion and I must go to school).

GREETZ demhne
I'll be willing to copy-edit anything you guys need, as always, especially with summer upon us.

Or, if you want to toss me in a department to make progress in some way, in some field--well, Zhen, I can talk to you.
Want to make a skin for us that's not black and white? :p
I don't have the ability to do that sort of thing. I don't have much web-design experience. I'm better off actually writing stuff. Or reading stuff. Or making stuff work.
You could always write opinion pieces.
~Public relations~

~Almost anytime I work so best time for me to do stuff is on Sunday's and Mondays but i'm alway's online when i get off work

~I speak Enlish only sorry and i'm a people person *thanks to wal-mart*

Here are a few Reason's
I'm able to do GFX so i can make like little markers with the link to the site
at the other forums i'm at i always stay within the giudelines and fellow theres rules.
Reporter: Nintendo
Description: Reporter will compile information and write original (not verbatim) copy on any major news involving Nintendo. Reporter will then post his or her article to Bulbanews.
Requirements: Must visit several Nintendo and video game Web sites looking for any major Nintendo news. This search must be done at least once a week. Will be expected to use proper grammar and spelling and have a basic knowledge of Bulbanews style. Will be expected to post his or her stories to Bulbanews.


I'm available after 2pm (GMT) on a Wednesday, Thursday and Friday, after 5pm (GMT) on a Saturday, and after 4pm (GMT) on a Sunday. But not all the time.
I only speak English fluently, and a little bit of German and a very limited bit of Japanese. I have connections with all the games shops in my local area.
Why should I have the job? I know huge amounts about Nintendo, even the little picky bits that most don't care about. I have a lot of free time on my hands, meaning I can really go for it.
Reporter: Nintendo
Avalibility: Starting Augest 16th i have high school, always free after school.
Skills: Good writer, has experience withe daily news articles and nintendo info.

I should be chosen for this position because I am the highest ranked member on Nintendo Fansite Gonintendo (www.gonintendo.com). There I act as Pokemon and DS rep. By being such a high member there I have connections to the Nintendo PR rep and can confirm all information. I have been working at gonintendo for about 3 months and will stay there even if I get this job. I also have 36 DS games.
Those of you interested in positions, please PM me a sample of your work. If you haven't written any formal news stories, then choose a recent event or news story related to your position and write an article about it and then send it to me. You may post on Bulbanews whenever you like, but I am not going to add any official staff members until I see your skills.

It would be much appreciated. Thanks.
  • Public relations
  • I will be available right after I wake up on weekends and during the summer. Starting September 5th I will be available after I get home from school wich is around 2:45 p.m. PST.
  • Right now I can only speak English but I will be able to speak some Japanese soon.
  • I'm starting a website and I can link to Bulbanews. Also I go on a lot of ther websites where I can tell people about Bulbanews.
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Argy said:
Bulbanews is looking for responsible, dedicated people with a working knowledge of Pokémon and Nintendo to assist in updating and providing information for the comprehensive news service.

Columnist: This week in Japan
Description: Columnist will select any important and relevant (to English-speaking fandom) news listed on Pokeani over the course of one week. Columnist will translate these items to English and send them to the managing editor for revisal and posting on Bulbanews.
Requirements: Proficiency in Japanese language a must. Must have an intermediate knowledge of Japanese Pokémon-related terms. Must be able to compile and translate up several short news items and private message the results to an editor once a week.

Reporter: Pokémon video games - Multiple positions open
Description: Reporter will compile information and write original (not verbatim) copy on any news involving Pokémon video games. Reporter will then post his or her article to Bulbanews.
Requirements: Must visit several Pokémon and video game Web sites looking for any game-related news. This search must be done at least three days a week. Will be expected to use proper grammar and spelling and have a basic knowledge of Bulbanews style. Will be expected to post his or her stories to Bulbanews. Proficiency in Japanese preferred but not required.

Reporter: Pokémon Trading Card and Trading Figures - Multiple positions open
Description: Reporter will compile information and write original (not verbatim) copy on any news involving the Pokémon Trading Card game, or the Pokémon Trading Figures game (Currently Europe and Australia only). Reporter will then post his or her article to Bulbanews.
Requirements: Must visit several Pokémon and game Web sites looking for any TCG and TFG related news. This search must be done at least three days a week. Will be expected to use proper grammar and spelling and have a basic knowledge of Bulbanews style. Will be expected to post his or her stories to Bulbanews. Proficiency in Japanese not required.

Reporter: Nintendo
Description: Reporter will compile information and write original (not verbatim) copy on any major news involving Nintendo. Reporter will then post his or her article to Bulbanews.
Requirements: Must visit several Nintendo and video game Web sites looking for any major Nintendo news. This search must be done at least once a week. Will be expected to use proper grammar and spelling and have a basic knowledge of Bulbanews style. Will be expected to post his or her stories to Bulbanews.

Reporter: Pokémon anime
Description: Reporter will compile information and write original (not verbatim) copy on any news involving the Pokémon anime. This includes anime news from non-English language countries. Reporter will then post his or her article to Bulbanews. Pokémon anime news include new episode titles, dates and networks of movie broadcasts (any country), notices of new Japanese episodes airing, and any other relevant news to be determined by the reporter and the managing editor.
Requirements: Must visit several Pokémon Web sites looking for any major Pokémon anime news. This search must be done at least four days a week. Will be expected to use proper grammar and spelling and have a basic knowledge of Bulbanews style. Will be expected to post his or her stories to Bulbanews. Proficiency in a non-English language helpful but not required.

Editor: Public relations
Description: Editor will be in charge of promoting Bulbanews throughout the Pokémon fan community, both online and offline. Will be in charge of maintaining good relations with other Pokémon Web sites for the purpose of obtaining and sharing exclusive information. Will announce major fandom-related news. Editor may delegate tasks (graphics, offline promotion, etc.) to assistants of his or her choosing (who will be approved by the managing editor).
Requirements: Must be able to promote Bulbanews to Pokémon fans in a discreet manner, without violating rules of forums or Web sites. Must have excellent communication and interpersonal skills. The ability to promote Bulbanews offline (at TCG events, etc.) is preferred but not required.

Assistant: Category creation
Description: Assistant will create daily and monthly categories at the beginning of each week.
Requirements: Must create at least seven new categories a week. This is to be done on the same day each week. Must have a working knowledge of category creation on wikis.

These positions are open to everyone, current Bulbagarden moderators and administrators included. Non-Bulbagarden members will be considered. Positions will be open until they are filled. Positions are unpaid, but those selected will gain Bulbanews sysop status and their usernames on BMGf will be italicized to denote staff status.

To apply, reply to this thread with the following information:
Job title
Your availability
Your skills (languages spoken, connections, etc.)
At least two complete sentences explaining why you should be chosen for the position

Thank you for your interest.

my name is matt rook

i would like to be the journalist for the new pokemon pearl and diamond game coming out.

im availible 24/7

i know this guy who is in charge of all pokemon merchandise sent to wal-mart so i am getting pokemon diamond and pearl in 2 days. anyway i also know how to speak japanese and spanish
"i know this guy who is in charge of all pokemon merchandise sent to wal-mart so i am getting pokemon diamond and pearl in 2 days."

lol, no.
lol yea right D/P isnt even made in english yet, they're working on that right now or be starting it soon.
Please note: The thread is from 18 years ago.
Please take the age of this thread into consideration in writing your reply. Depending on what exactly you wanted to say, you may want to consider if it would be better to post a new thread instead.
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