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Well-Known Member
Dec 29, 2002
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What follow is the list of ships which are allowed to have their own article in the Bulbapedia.

If a ship is not listed anywhere in this post, you can put the ship forward, explaining why you feel it should be allowed to have its own article.

If a ship is listed below (EVEN in the "Rejected Ships" list), please do not bother. Decisions on which ships to include are final.

AdvanceShipping (Ash x May)
AltoShipping (Ash x Latias)
ApprenticeShipping (Tracey x Oak)
BalanceShipping (Norman x Caroline)
BreederShipping (Brock x Suzie)
CarnivalShipping (Diane and Butler (Movie 6))
ContestShipping (May x Shuu)
DaddyShipping (Ash x Sammy (movie 4))
DayDreamShipping (Tentative) (Meowth x Giovanni)
DiamondShipping (Giovanni x Delia)
ElderShipping (Oak x Delia)
GymShipping (Brock x Misty)
HandShipping (Gary x Hand, included SOLELY for its role in the community)
KissShipping (Ash x Melody (movie 2))
KrazyShipping (Meowth x Pikachu)
NeoRocketShipping (Butch x Cassidy)
OrangeShipping (Tracey x Misty)
PalletShipping (Ash x Gary)
PetalburgShipper (May & Max)
PokéShipping (Ash x Misty)
RocketShipping (Jessie x James)
SacredShipping (Eusine x Morty)
SteelShipping (Bashou x Buson/Attila x Hun)
ToxicBoltShipping (Koga x Surge)
TraumaShipping (Brock x Ivy)

The following ships are pending further review :
IceGymShipping (Pryce x Sheila)

The following ships are rejected :
CelebiShipping (Marauder x Time Flute)
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Well, IceGymShipping is pretty much canon, isn't it? I thought they were husband and wife.
20? I thought she just looked younger because she was in high spirits, and that they'd been best friends since their youth. If she was 20 years younger than him, she would have been in diapers at the time of his accident.
I'll have to dig that out, but I remember it being really obvious. She was his best friend in their youth, and took care of him when he was injured, and has been the only person he let get close to him since.

Ketsuban wants me to mention Norman/Caroline as a canon ship. I mean, they *are* married. She also wants me to mention Orangeshipping.
Orange, approved.

Get me Norman x Caroline's name.
I think right now my criterias are something like

A)The ship is community-relevant, that is to say, it was a prominent ship for several months at some point in time.

B)The ship meet the following criterias :
-It involves at least one proeminent character (meaning, anime-wise, the mains, their relatives, recuring characters, movie/specials characters). COTD1 and COTD2 really doesn't cut it IMO. I'm debating wether one-shot gym leaders should classify as COTDs for this.
-The two characters have actually met.
-The two characters actually seemed to get along well together.
Er,how the heck did Fireshipping get lost in all of this? Macey wanted to have Ash's babies and whatnot...
B)The ship meet the following criterias :
-It involves at least one proeminent character (meaning, anime-wise, the mains, their relatives, recuring characters, movie/specials characters). COTD1 and COTD2 really doesn't cut it IMO. I'm debating wether one-shot gym leaders should classify as COTDs for this.
-The two characters have actually met.
-The two characters actually seemed to get along well together.

Going by that, Caroline x May would qualify...

I've a list of ships I think should be included, and justification:

HardenShipping (Archie x Maxie)
Reason: Quite a lot of fans believe that they are currently or were at some time in the past involved with each other. Also, both are major characters.

SeasonShipping (Almond x Hazel)
Reason: It's canon, and the entire basis for Pokemon PiPiPi Adventure.

FloralShipping (Pistachio x Hazel)
Reason: It's one-sided canon.

KiShipping (Plum x Peanut)
Reason: It's one-sided canon.

ShurikenShipping (Wal x Koume)
Reason: It's canon, and a major plot in later volumes of PiPiPi.

BurnShipping (Charmander x Eevee)
Reason: There seemed to be evidence for Charmander having a crush on Eevee in earlier volumes of PiPiPi. Just because he never said anything openly doesn't mean it wasn't there.

FlamingLeafShipping (Chiko x Charmander)
Reason: One-sided canon.

WhirlyPlantShipping (Eevee x Lu)
Reason: Canon.

BrotherShipping (Squirtle x Almond)
Reason: One-sided canon.

FruitShipping (Coconut x Almond)
Reason: One-sided canon.

RescueShipping (Caraway x Coconut)
Reason: One-sided canon.

??? (Torchic x Mightyena)
Reason: One-sided canon. Ack, I don't think it even has a name.

FakeDateShipping (Marimaru x Squirtle)
Reason: Has some minor evidence for being one-sided canon, and they did go on a date.

??? (Vulpix x Cyndaquil)
Reason: Canon. Can't remember if it has a name or not... @_@

SpecialShipping (Yellow x Red)
Reason: One-sided (at least) canon.

QuestShipping (Kenta x Marina) and MangaQuestShipping (Gold x Crys)
Maybe they should be in the same article?

ChoosenShipping (Silver x Blue)
Reason: Arguably canon.

ColosseumShipping (Rui x Wes)
Reason: Arguably one-sided canon.

CrystalShipping (Eusine x Crystal)
Reason: Popular, and Eusine did kiss Crys's hand.

ReturnShipping (Koga x Bruno)
Reason: They vanished together for an entire year in Special, raising questions.

MachisakiShipping (Lt. Surge x Bill)
Reason: If ToxicBoltShipping is allowed, I don't see why this shouldn't be. They certainly interacted more in Special than Surge and Koga ever did.

FranticShipping (Sapphire x Ruby)
Reason: At least one-sided canon.

RaltsShipping (Ruby x Wally)
Reason: Contains a reasonable amount of evidence.

OriginShipping (Steven x Wallace)
Reason: An extremely popular pairing among yaoi fans.

HoennChampionShipping (Steven x Brendan/Ruby)
Reason: An extremely popular pairing among yaoi fans.

DanceShipping (Rudy x Misty)
Reason: One-sided canon.

IceRaceShipping (Danny x Misty)
Reason: Misty did seem to have a crush on Danny.

LeagueShipping (Ash x Richie)
Reason: Very popular.

3Shi (Ash x Gary x Richie)
Reason: Probably the most popular three-way ship.

BoulderShipping (Brock x Ash)
Reason: See Dami's criteria above.

LoneStarShipping (Gramps x Mandy)
Reason: Canon.

NecklaceShipping (Horsea x Marryn)
Reason: One-sided canon.

KaishaShipping (Machamp x Vaporeon)
Reason: Canon.

??? (Yousuke x Chiko)
Reason: One-sided canon. Needs a name @_@

ChikoShipping (Chikorita/Bayleef x Ash)
Reason: One-sided canon.

MinamoShipping (May x Kanata)
Reason: Dami's justification.

ShoppingShipping (Brock x May)
Reason: Dami's justification, and it's popular.

TrainwreckShipping (Norman x May)
Reason: Dami's justification.

BreastShipping (Caroline x May)
Reason: Dami's justification.

YamuShipping (Jesse x Cassidy)
Reason: Popular among fans.

SchoolShipping (Joe x Giselle)
Reason: One-sided canon.

MetroShipping (Wallace x Ruby)
Reason: Has hints, and lots of fan support.

??? (Eusine x Suicune)
Reason: One-sided canon.

AlienShipping (Hazel x Coconut)
Reason: Relatively popular, given the small PiPiPi fanbase.

??? (Poochyena x Torchic)
Reason: Hinted at in Chamo-Chamo Pretty.

SingleStepShipping (Misty x Sakura)
Reason: Popular among yuri fans.

DedicateShipping (Sid x May)
Reason: One-sided canon.

VolcanoShipping (Flannery x Tabitha)
Reason: One-sided canon.
My "justification" as you call it is MINIMUM REQUIREMENTS. It doesn't mean "any ship which has that goes in". It means "UNLESS a ship has that, you'll have to be damn persuasive to get it in".
This serie's relationship wiht shipping is rather different from that of the rest of pokémon. As such, shipping and relationships may have to be treated differently than the other canons.

HardenShipping (Archie x Maxie)
SpecialShipping (Yellow x Red)
QuestShipping (Kenta x Marina) and MangaQuestShipping (Gold x Crys) (Single Page)
ChoosenShipping (Silver x Blue)
ColosseumShipping (Rui x Wes)
CrystalShipping (Eusine x Crystal)
FranticShipping (Sapphire x Ruby)
RaltsShipping (Ruby x Wally)
DanceShipping (Rudy x Misty)
IceRaceShipping (Danny x Misty)
LeagueShipping (Ash x Richie)
3Shi (Ash x Gary x Richie)
BoulderShipping (Brock x Ash)
ChikoShipping (Chikorita/Bayleef x Ash)
ShoppingShipping (Brock x May)
YamuShipping (Jesse x Cassidy) - isn't there another name for this?
MetroShipping (Wallace x Ruby)
SingleStepShipping (Misty x Sakura)

Dependant on the decision on E4 members, GLs, and wether or not they're major enough :
HoennChampionShipping (Steven x Brendan/Ruby)
OriginShipping (Steven x Wallace)
VolcanoShipping (Flannery x Tabitha)
ReturnShipping (Koga x Bruno)
Leaving for evkl, Arcy :
BreastShipping (Caroline x May)

Further justification needed :
MachisakiShipping (Lt. Surge x Bill)
MinamoShipping (May x Kanata)
TrainwreckShipping (Norman x May)
??? (Eusine x Suicune) - Obsession is not romantic love. Prove romantic love if you want this in. (same goes for Jiri x Lugia, in case anyone was thinking of it.)
DedicateShipping (Sid x May)

SchoolShipping (Joe x Giselle) - two one-shot characters. Should probably have a page about "canon/one-way canon shipping in the anime, tho" (would solve IceGym, too. We'd probably move the one of May's parents here as well)
Damian Silverblade said:
YamuShipping (Jesse x Cassidy) - isn't there another name for this?
Tatushipping but I've heard Yamushipping more.

And if that's approved for being popular among fans, what about Femmegymshipping (Erika/Sabrina)? I know it's a nevermetship but it's popular too.

Also, Nevermetshipping is Tracey/Brock but it's also the term for any characters paired together that have never met. That definition needs in there somewhere.
Please note: The thread is from 14 years ago.
Please take the age of this thread into consideration in writing your reply. Depending on what exactly you wanted to say, you may want to consider if it would be better to post a new thread instead.
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