What follow is the list of ships which are allowed to have their own article in the Bulbapedia.
If a ship is not listed anywhere in this post, you can put the ship forward, explaining why you feel it should be allowed to have its own article.
If a ship is listed below (EVEN in the "Rejected Ships" list), please do not bother. Decisions on which ships to include are final.
AdvanceShipping (Ash x May)
AltoShipping (Ash x Latias)
ApprenticeShipping (Tracey x Oak)
BalanceShipping (Norman x Caroline)
BreederShipping (Brock x Suzie)
CarnivalShipping (Diane and Butler (Movie 6))
ContestShipping (May x Shuu)
DaddyShipping (Ash x Sammy (movie 4))
DayDreamShipping (Tentative) (Meowth x Giovanni)
DiamondShipping (Giovanni x Delia)
ElderShipping (Oak x Delia)
GymShipping (Brock x Misty)
HandShipping (Gary x Hand, included SOLELY for its role in the community)
KissShipping (Ash x Melody (movie 2))
KrazyShipping (Meowth x Pikachu)
NeoRocketShipping (Butch x Cassidy)
OrangeShipping (Tracey x Misty)
PalletShipping (Ash x Gary)
PetalburgShipper (May & Max)
PokéShipping (Ash x Misty)
RocketShipping (Jessie x James)
SacredShipping (Eusine x Morty)
SteelShipping (Bashou x Buson/Attila x Hun)
ToxicBoltShipping (Koga x Surge)
TraumaShipping (Brock x Ivy)
The following ships are pending further review :
IceGymShipping (Pryce x Sheila)
The following ships are rejected :
CelebiShipping (Marauder x Time Flute)
If a ship is not listed anywhere in this post, you can put the ship forward, explaining why you feel it should be allowed to have its own article.
If a ship is listed below (EVEN in the "Rejected Ships" list), please do not bother. Decisions on which ships to include are final.
AdvanceShipping (Ash x May)
AltoShipping (Ash x Latias)
ApprenticeShipping (Tracey x Oak)
BalanceShipping (Norman x Caroline)
BreederShipping (Brock x Suzie)
CarnivalShipping (Diane and Butler (Movie 6))
ContestShipping (May x Shuu)
DaddyShipping (Ash x Sammy (movie 4))
DayDreamShipping (Tentative) (Meowth x Giovanni)
DiamondShipping (Giovanni x Delia)
ElderShipping (Oak x Delia)
GymShipping (Brock x Misty)
HandShipping (Gary x Hand, included SOLELY for its role in the community)
KissShipping (Ash x Melody (movie 2))
KrazyShipping (Meowth x Pikachu)
NeoRocketShipping (Butch x Cassidy)
OrangeShipping (Tracey x Misty)
PalletShipping (Ash x Gary)
PetalburgShipper (May & Max)
PokéShipping (Ash x Misty)
RocketShipping (Jessie x James)
SacredShipping (Eusine x Morty)
SteelShipping (Bashou x Buson/Attila x Hun)
ToxicBoltShipping (Koga x Surge)
TraumaShipping (Brock x Ivy)
The following ships are pending further review :
IceGymShipping (Pryce x Sheila)
The following ships are rejected :
CelebiShipping (Marauder x Time Flute)
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