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Buying Pokémon Trading Figures (and Cards)

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Dec 29, 2002
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  1. He/Him
For those of you outside of Australia, there's not really any easy way to currently buy the Pokémon Trading Figures. Few, if any, online stores have stock, and those that do plan to sell them (a few ones in the UK, I believe) won't have stock for a several months yet, if they even have them this year.

I've contacted the Australian Distributors, and have found that, amongst other things, I would be required to make minimum $2000 AUS orders to buy them wholesale. If I can establish that I'd be able to sell enough of the products (I'd be able to purchase both these figures, and the Trading Cards) to at least break-even, I'm willing to set up a small online store to do that, attached to but seperate from Bulbagarden (since fan-sites aren't technically allowed to make money, even though any profits we made would be spent on the server upkeep).

So...what I need now are confirmed orders from all of you, who've expressed interest in getting these. What exactly is it that you'd want? How many 9 piece sets, how many 4 piece sets, and how many boosters? Do you want Pokémon cards as well? If so, how many and which sets?
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At this point, I'm not sure. I can tell you what the retail prices are, but I have no idea of what the wholesale price would be as of yet, though I'm told that on average, removing the retailers markup makes things about 40% cheaper than what you'd find in stores.

Retail prices are as follows (convert into your local currency with xe.com)
Booster (2 figures, random assortment) - $14.95 Australian Dollars
Basic Starter (2 different starters, each with 4 figures in fixed assortments, 3 trainer cards in random assortments, plus the rules, battlemat and checklist) - $29.95 Australian Dollars
Battle Starter (Contains the contents of the 2 Basic Starters, plus a special Referee figure. Most likely contains trainer cards, rules, battlemats and checklist, but other specific contents are not yet confirmed. The battlemats in this set may be different to the regular starters) - $54.95 Australian Dollars
Sorry, Archie, I'm a little too focused on college things at the moment to consider buying figures overseas, sadly.

I'd also like to ask - do you (or anyone else reading this) know if there's any notable differences that tend to show up in different English releases of games like this? I mean, I certainly plan to buy TFG boosters and the like when the game's released here in the States, and I know if I order Australian figures early and there's a notable difference between them, it's going to bother me for as long as I have my collection... ^^o
... Izzat so?


Well, my books for the first semester didn't cost as much as I thought they would... and I would love a first edition Brock figure, no matter where it's from...


I may consider placing an order or seventeen soon.
I'd LOVE a first-edition Brock and Absol, too, but depending on the price (and if you take Paypal), I honestly don't know if I can order anything right now. Plus the Absol comes in the boosters, I'm assuming, and I'd probably have to get a crapload of boosters to find an Absol.
I take paypal. I actually would probably prefer that for orders from overseas, since it's hooked up to my own bank account, and would clear a lot quicker than a check.

As far as getting individual figures go, I will be getting some of my own boosters in this order, so if people would like me to open their boosters before I send them, and trade with me and others so they don't get too many duplicates, I could do that. I can let you know right now that I have an Absol already sitting in my box of figures, so that won't be hard to get.
Oh wow! I'm drooling already. X3 Do you have an idea of how much an individual figure, etc. would cost?
I'm an obsessive toy collector and signed up on these forums just for the TFG. I'd be interested in ordering, but only if I'm sure to get the figures I want. At the moment, I'm only interested in Voltorb and Weedle. Do you have them available?
I don't have a Voltorb amongst my collection at the moment, but I don't think I'd have any problem getting it, considering the sheer numbers of figures we'd (that is, you, me, and everyone else who places an order, and wants to have their boosters opened before I send them for trading purposes) be getting combined with the large order. Weedle isn't in my collection either, but I was going to be trading for one with another local collector soon anyway, so that won't be a problem either.
Right, thanks for the info! Looking forward to this.
I'd happily pay for a full set in one bundle. Though whether I could or not may ride on what date the Wii's going to be given in a fortnight...
I'm guessing this has been brought up, but is it confirmed that the bigger starter set is not available until October? I have been able to purchase boosters and one of each starter set at 15% off the retail price at EB Games. Just haven't seen the bigger starter set.

Also, the first edition marked figures are available ONLY in the first shipment of figures right? I work at Big W and I have had our boxed order put aside, but we've just gotten them in. So is it reasonable to assume that it'll still be from the first edition marked shipment?
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