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Review BW039: Everyone Gathers! Don Battle!!


Clap Clap
Nov 23, 2007
Reaction score
Everyone Gathers! Don Battle!!
As the Rocket-Dan finally arrive in Raimon City, Satoshi-tachi haven't quite made it yet. Instead, they arrive in Raimon Town for the Don Battle tournament. Upon reuniting with all their rivals, the first round begins!
It seems the first round isn't quite done by the first episode. But it seems everyone is restricted to only three Pokemon only for the entire tournament.
You know...for all the faults that tend to be discussed about this series, bar Shooty, this is actually one hell of a rival group.
The first half of the episode with everyone meeting up was very fun. I honestly can't recall a time where a bunch of recurring characters came together in such numbers, let alone being so enjoyable to watch. Between Bel camera-hogging and going all Elmyra on Zoroa, Cabernet unerving Dent, everyone getting Kenyan's name wrong and Langley being a bitch, there was a lot of fun to be had here.
And man, I don't give a damn what anyone says. Langely and Iris' interactions are super funny, and I loved every moment of it. Definately the highlight of the episode for me.

Joltik, what're you doing? Just look at that crotch hair! I bet there's a ton of static buildup there!
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first Raimon city looks really great and it's happening again a TR plot hopefully with TP!
Nice save for Ash! But whz Cabarnet didn-t pool out her pokedex and so she would now that thunder wouldn-t have effect on Palpitoad!
I'm excited to see Bel vs Kenyan and Cilan vs Trip! Will be intersting! But there was no preview! :(
Aestivate's real-time commenting!

- oh my good, FAIIILLLLLLLL. "THIS IS RAIMON TOWN?!" How positively trollific So does that mean where the TRio was was the actual Raimon City?
- oh sup Bel. Jun-esque entrance again?. I like this new running gag that Satoshi has to take off his clothes every single time Bel appears in the show. I love how everyone is like "...this girl is always in a hurry..."
- Bel: ...wait, I'm over where. LFJDSLKFJ. wow Bel is so quick to trade for Zorua LOLO
- Haha, even Luke! "this person is very energetic"
- Tourney rules: They can only register three Pokemon.
Cabernet: Dent, it's time for me to take my revenge! She is surprisingly good natured to Satoshi. Lol Dent, what a burn. You don't let a girl get her hopes up and then go "You're still in a sommelier class below me." What the heck it's already time for a tasting?
Kenyan: ...that's not how you pronounce my name
- LANGLEY ENTRANCE!!~ "it smells like a dragon type"
SDLFJLSKDJ their interaction is so bitchy and childish I LOVE IT. "Your head is huge as usual, isn't it Iris?" So close to a catfight... but SO FAR AWAYYYY

- reward for the tourney = a set of the feathers O:
tourney matchups:
- Langley vs. Koushirou? Toshiro? He's the blue-haired COTD. He has a Bachiru.
- Cabernet is pissed that she doesn't get Dent LOL.
- Kenyan vs. Bel
I KNEW SHE COULDN'T PRONOUNCE IT CORRECTLY SLDKFJDSLFJ HAHHAHAHHAHA Leave it to Bel to not disappoint, seriously. Too bad she gets knocked out of the tournament early on...
- Luke vs. COTD

Commercial break...

- First battle! Tsunbear vs. Bachiru. wow that is overkill.
- I like how they're utilizing how small Bachuru is because it makes it hard to ba- ALKFJSDKLFJHAHHAHAHAHA, TSUNBEAR SQUISHED IT AFTER IT GOT ATTACKED HAHHAHA
- Iris and Langley have a seriously hilariously bitchy exchange while Langley's COTD is like wat...
- COTD vs. COTD, Minezumi vs. Shikijika, Minezumi loses.
- I keep missing these names, COTD vs. COTD - Hatoboh vs. Pendror, Hatoboh wins

- Dent and Iris are such sweeties, giving him pre-battle advice.
- Cabernet: I don't wannnaaaa taste your Pokemonnnn. YOU'RE NOT DENT
FUCK OFF. She makes him replace her Pokemon if he loses again, haha.
- Oh, so Muland is her "new vintage." She changes her vintages rather rapidly, huh.
- "New tasting time s'il vous plait!~"
- Sup Gamagaru, haven't seen you in a whi- I love how everyone is like "WTF? WHY THE FUCK DID YOU SEND OUT GAMAGARU"
- Oh, I understand. So Cabernet can see their combo.
- I kind of like these commentators. They're really spirited. Of course one of them is Don George so he has to be.
- Muland knows... tackle, ice fang and is now proceeding to own Gamagaru with ice fang.
- Shootie: Time for him to lose `-`
- Dent: There is a good marriage between Gamagaru and Satoshi.
- Cabernet is pretty much only in this battle... except Gamagaru just used its tongue. Why do all these turning points have to do with tongues? Gamagaru: HYDRO PUMP!~
- Satoshi no kachi!

LOL BEL: Where is Zorua?~~
Haha, Zorua likes turning into Langley, huh.

aww we don't get to see it :|

good points of this episode:
+ rival interactions were pretty awesome all around, EXCEPT FOR...
+ extra points for the extra amounts of bitchiness shown from both iris and langley. seriously, hilarity ensued. however, i do think the episode focused too much on those two. we could have had that exchange at the beginning and that would be enough, but no, we had to get three. not that they weren't entertaining or anything, just... more time could have been spent on satoshi/shootie. iris' and langley's antagonism and chemistry is PERFECT so i reaaaally can't complain.
+ extra points for Cabernet being openly disappointed with facing Satoshi because he's not Dent. The rivalry is still mostly coming from her side though; it's kind of adorable how Cabernet's fiery side turns Dent into a spluttering dogged nice guy.
+ everybody recognizing that Bel is batshit insane. Oh, and I ship Bel and Kenyan now, just sayin'
+ zorua for being hilarious, bel for being herself

negative points of this episode:
- Shootie and Satoshi rival interactions were kind of fail
- Okay, the COTD's don't get personalities, they get names and we get montages of their battles when more time could have been spent on shootie and satoshi :|

why is it all the other rivalries are ridiculously awesome other than satoshi vs. shootie?
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yeah they were NOT in raimon city, but in raimon town. that's why where team rocket was had the huge ferris wheel and neon lights, and when it went to where ash and company were, there was only a teeny ferris wheel with about 10 cars total, lol.

team rocket was talking about harnessing the kind of energy that can power such a large ferris wheel.

anyway. joltik is adorable.
I'm a bit disappointed that it seems that Pikachu, got the third spot. That means, that other than possibly Axew nothing will get developed. Ash is using Palpitoad, Snivy, and Pikachu for this tournament. Good for Snivy though.
That Miruhog guy/Iris scene. I don't recall laughing that hard in a long time while watching Pokémon.

I'm really grateful that Best Wishes has interesting rivals - this whole episode was very amusing thanks to all the characters and their interactions. Oh, and is it me or did Shimura do a better job on this episode than before? i thought the animation looked really good for her.
The alarm went off this morning, but I wondered why. I'm still wondering this right now.

Haha, Bel in front of a camera...it's like filming a little kitten, even if she doesn't know what's happening, she's still cute and amusing ^^

Langley and Cabernet really need to FOCUS. Their ribaru can wait for them, jeez. :p I'm really upset that Cabernet is LARGELY calmed down from the last time we saw her...I guess it shows her maturity...but I kind wish that she did a bit more. Her battle with Ash was very short (like all the other battles) and I have a bad feeling that most of the battles are going to feel this way...which makes for a very rushed and very unsatisfying experience. But don't take it from me, I'm not a very big battles person. The slow freezing death from icefang was a nice effect...and gammagaru's hydropump is really overpowered O_O;

Miruhog guy is for real, as creepy as I thought he would be. I'm guessing he's getting demolished by Iris?

Kenyan vs. Bel.
Oh COME ON you have got to be kidding me ;____; Don't make me choose writers ;____; I choose the winning side ;____;

I really like vest guy - Antonio is his name, I believe. I can't believe they would go through the trouble of showing these...expendable CotD battles....like they MATTERED or something. Maybe they have something in store for us later...Or maybe they're just wasting time.

Langley's battle = cheap as hell. You are not a good battler just because your big ass beartic can't watch where it's falling and just crush a cute little joltic like that. That's unfair...though that little bug probably should have been faster

This is going to be a long 4 episodes...
Man, I feel sorry for that Joltik trainer... being eliminated just because Beartic fell the wrong way. Just think if it had been heavier... Joltik death-rates must be sky high.

Iris is going up against Watchog guy first... man, the look on her and Axew's face when he did a Watchog pose was great.

Why, hello there, ladies.

I just know I'm going to like him.
I love how we got trolled into thinking this was Raimon City. At least the writers admit it's taking forever to get there.

Oh, and is it me or did Shimura do a better job on this episode than before? i thought the animation looked really good for her.

I was thinking the same thing. Raimon City looked absolutely gorgeous.
Okay, commanderpigg is very negative ned today, so cp will leave the happy thread alone, but did anyone catch why you were only allowed to sign up for three pokemon in the competition? Are they all going to be one on ones (arceus forbid) or...

Triple battles later on, maybe? *w*
I can hope...I guess...
Uh, I think all the battles in this tournament are one-on-ones... And I'm happy about it because it makes things simpler to understand while watching the episodes without translation... XD; *was lost all the time during Sinnoh league*
But...one on ones aren't a good representation of a trainer's true strength and doesn't help trainers be concerned with the synergy in their team :(
*shakes head* Uh, okay, thank you then, got a bit too hopeful there! I just hope that the subsequent battles will be a bit longer than the ones in this episode...since, I do kinda believe that they're wasting time with CotD interactions...
Junki Takegami isn't exactly known for writing good battles. I'm sure the next three episodes will be much more exciting and have longer battles.
Langley crushing Bachuru that was awesome, what a fierce battler. Her and Bel look like twins.
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