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Review BW045: Ohbem and Doublan and the Dream Thief!


Clap Clap
Nov 23, 2007
Reaction score
Oobemu and Doublan and the Dream Thief!

Animation - Team Kato
Screenplay - Junki Takegami
Storyboard - Hiroyuki Yamada
Assistant director - Yoshinobu Norimoto
Animation director - Masahiro Kitasaki

Continuing on toward Raimon city, the group runs into a Oobemu who claims to grant any wish...
lol. Talk about a crack episode. I'm not even sure what to say aside from the fact Nyasu is just TOO DAMN CUTE and Junki Takegami is crazy.

Guess we know what Musashi and Kojiro were doing in the subway a few weeks ago. I found the subway twins kinda funny in how serious they were about someone messing with their trains.
This entire episode was definitely weird. I already knew that some Psychic-type pokemon are able to materalize different realities, but this was getting ridiculous. All of those places, from the hotel to the meadow with the two separate moons, to the giant UFO, were all manifested by Beheeyem's psychic powers. Even though Leon appears to be an expert "dream thief," he leaves some pretty obvious signs (no, literally, signs) that holds the portal to the next world that he has traveled to.

Finally Ash and his Pikachu defeats Leon's Beheeyem. Leon flees with all of the group's Poke Balls. Meowth, who was pissed off from not having any sleep, manages to slice off Leon's suit using his Fury Swipes in a bushido-like fashion. Leon was apprehended by the Officer Jenny in just his underwear and socks.

And just as Musashi mentioned earlier, the two Subway twins appeared in the last few minutes of the episode. They noticed that J/J managed to change the layout of the tracks in the subway. Another two episodes... :(

Officer Jenny didn't battle much in this episode. Her Duosion was easily defeated by Leon's Beheeyem.
And this episode goes to show you that you don't mess with a pissed-off cat!

Woah, when's the last time Meowth was allowed to comically scratch up someone's face and leave behind some visable damage? *sniffle* Just like in the good ol' days.

Anywho, I'm not really sure how I feel about this one. Along with Meowth providing the laughs, I think Leon was a really fun CoTD, and it's a shame he'll likely not show up again. Otherwise, something about this one rubbed me the wrong way, but I can't quite put my finger on it. I'll give it another shot later on methinks.
From what I saw in the screencaps and summary, this was a pretty weird episode. I mean, ya got this creep using his Beheeyem to steal the group's Pokemon and use Pikachu, Axew, and Meowth's "dream energy" as power for his experiment, and he thinks they'll be fooled if he just leaves creepy dolls of them behind. What a psycho. I did love how Meowth saves all of them out of the fact that Leon made him lose sleep. XD Also, I do wonder why Emmet and Ingo are letting Team Rocket fool around with their subway system...
I have to admit, this is a pretty damn good episode.

The plot itself was a soft psycho-science nightmare, but it was so action-packed and enjoyable and acid trip I didn't care. I freakin' loved Leon-Nye the Scientist Guy, it's nice to see a genuine antagonist CoTD, and just not a misunderstood one.

I do kinda question why he didn't put Pikachu, Axew and Meowth in Pokeballs though... oh right, then the good guys couldn't had woken them up. :p

And Meowth.... ooooh god Meowth. Please don't turn out to be tricking the good guys with this nya-gotiator thing, I really don't want you to leave them, you're just too cute and awesome and entertaining to go back to the boring, serious-business Rockets. ;_;


Best. Reaction. Ever.
Craaaaaaaack! But fun crack!

Good points

+ Leon. Fun, psycho, hilarious CotD who uses gratuitous French = Instant Win. He was crazy and over the top and I loved it.

+ Nyasu. So cute and really funny in this episode. Just really refreshing to see him in a situation where his personality, his quirks shine and where he can bring comedy.

+ Nyasu/Dent interactions. I love that the writers are continuously having them interact with one another and it was very sweet how Dent really seemed concerned about Nyasu. I liked how the writers really seem to establish a dynamic between the two. MAKE THIS LEAD SOMEWHERE ; ____ ;

+ Iris. Oh look, hell just froze over. :p I kid, but for perhaps the first time in all of Best Wishes, she legit made me laugh when they were eating and when she was running angrily.

Lukewarm points

- Dent. Most entertaining out of the three main characters in this episode, and as I said above, Dent had some really touching moments in this episode, but while he had some funny moments, I really felt like they were severely underusing him. For the second week in a row, I just feel like the writers didn't use Dent to his full potential.

Bad Points

- Junsa. Yeah, we've had some unique, personable and hilarious Junsa in the past... this... wasn't one of them...

- The two psychic pokémon. I really couldn't bring myself to care about them.

One of the funniest episodes in Best Wishes.
Jeez! Leon is crazily entertaining! However, as a dream thief, he let himself stand out a bit too much, just sneakily walk past thinking no one will see him. I wish Best Wishes have more zany episodes like this one for the long run. Meowth is great this episode, especially him slicing up Leon with style. He needs a new attack technique. The ability to speak is great, but Scratch, Slash and Fury Swipes won't hold you up forever.

This may be just me, but I think I heard Hikari's background theme before the BW opening started. We did have the return of DP Rocket's theme (sadly replaced the BW Rocket one) so I can guess a small number of previous played BGMs will return for this series.
Gosh, that Dream Thief Leon guy was disturbing. But entertaining.

It was a thrilling and odd episode. I really wanted to lie on that bed in that building. I loved when Officer Jenny crashed in through the window. It was pretty awesome.
Also, seeing Jenny escort a mad dream thief in his underwear into the police car was just a hilarious scene.
This was a wacky episode. Nothing spectacular or very memorable. But it was a good way to waste half an hour.

I bet this isn't the first time Officer Jenny had a half-naked man in the back of her police car.
M-E-O-W-T-H! what does that spell....Meowth! I like him when he went all ninja on Leon, who should return, because he could be hired by Team Rocket as an Dream Energy Consultant.

I loved the CRAAAAAACKK, the new look of Psywave, Leon, Meowth, TR plot, Ingo/Emmet debuting, and the Pikachu, Axew, and Meowth dolls.

@Wolverine: If you liked Iris in an episode, not only did Hell freeze over, Elvis came back to life and the Detroit Lions won a Super Bowl. I'm proud of you.
Oookay. That's enough. A user is free to poke fun at himself, but the joke ends there. No more comments about Wolverine's + point for Iris in this thread, please, unless it's from Wolverine himself.
I loved Meowth a lot in Kanto-Jhoto, am starting to love the guy all over again. I to am hopping this is not another betray type thing, I'm actually kind of hopping he stays on team twerps instead. Also, if any one should catch Meowth I am hopping Dento does, however the only problem with that is if Dento does leave at the end of this series so does Meowth. I don't want Meowth to leave =[
I loved Meowth a lot in Kanto-Jhoto, am starting to love the guy all over again. I to am hopping this is not another betray type thing, I'm actually kind of hopping he stays on team twerps instead. Also, if any one should catch Meowth I am hopping Dento does, however the only problem with that is if Dento does leave at the end of this series so does Meowth. I don't want Meowth to leave =[

I know what you mean. It'd be the same if Iris tried to catch him. It'd make the most sense if he stuck around with Ash, since it's the two of them that's had the biggest connection since the very second episode of the whole series.
I know what you mean. It'd be the same if Iris tried to catch him. It'd make the most sense if he stuck around with Ash, since it's the two of them that's had the biggest connection since the very second episode of the whole series.

Yes, this wouldn't be a bad idea. Even if he doesn't get caught by Ash, he could just do what hes been doing now but travel around with him.

*from the first three seconds in i was dying. leon is a fucking riot.

*also Orbhem has such a funny voice.

* I thought I would be completely sick of Nyarth's "NYA~~~~ puns" by now, but I lulz out every time I hear it. "MIIIIIIINNNNNNNNNYYYYYAAAAA~"

* Iris and the curry = XD
* Dent wants a king sized bed so he can sleep with everyone. I like the sound of that.
* Oh my god, I speak some French and Leon's gratuitous French was almost as gratuitous as Dent's gratuitous English. BONJOUR, JE M'APPELLE... SOMETHING SOMETING. I love how he doesn't even finish the sentence. XD
* Everyone's "NEMUIII~" faces are freaking adorable. Dent: DON'T SHOOT
* Doublan is pretty... cute.
* The facial expressions in this episode were utterly fantastic. And I do need a new avatar...
* I am severely in love with the Dent/Nyarth relationship. Like, head-over-heels.
* satoshi: He's... a real... alien!?!
Iris: =___=
* They needed one hell of a kick to wake up. XD
* This ep had some hilarious BGM too. XD
* Nyarth needs some under-eye concealer O: And his ownage of Leon was fucking awesome.


Can Leon be a recurring character? Please?


... i am still in stitches
this episode made me wonder if i'd taken any drugs
I've wanted an Inception episode for a while now, but this... wasn't what I wanted it to be. :( I liked Leon, but overall the episode was disappointing. Then again, I hardly payed any attention to it and probably missed funny lines and such.
Anyone notice that Dawn's instrumental theme was playing during Ash looking up Beheeyem on his Pokedex?
Please note: The thread is from 13 years ago.
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