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Can a Ditto breed with a Ditto?


May 7, 2006
Reaction score
I thought that, long time ago, I read on Pokémon Forever that a Ditto cannot breed with another Ditto. But Bulbapedia says otherwise and so I'm beginning to doubt my memory.

Other articles on the Internet are ambiguous. So--can a Ditto definitely breed with a Ditto?
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Bulbapedia does too say Ditto can breed with Ditto...
I tried breeding Ditto with Ditto on Emerald and the daycare guy said
"they prefer to play with other Pokemon than each other"

so the answer appears to be a BIG fat NO

But I was trying with 1 from my FR and the other on Em
so maybe they need to be from the same game
I dont know but it would make sense either way

Ditto cant as Ditto transforms into the Opposite gender of the Pokemon you are trying to breed so how can it Transform into the Op. gender of itself???

Ditto should be able to as all Pokemon(excluding [Fe]Male only)are able to breed with Pokemon of the same "species" as long as they are a different gender(excluding Indeterminate/Mineral groups)
Uh...yeah...oops. Bad typo.

I meant that I remember that PKFor said that Ditto cannot (not can) breed with a Ditto. My mistake.

The question still stands, though...:p
Ditto cannot breed with Ditto. Period. I've tested it numerous times every since breeding was introduced, and they never make an egg.
Okay, thanks! Just making sure; someone on another forum told me otherwise, and I thought I was losing my grip. :p

But if that's the case, shouldn't someone edit Bulbapedia? :|
They did already, i just checked there, and as a matter of fact, it does not say anything on the ditto on ditto action at all.
good question very good question... i wonder what u would get m or missingo or sumthin lol good question you got good taste for questions
I thought that, long time ago, I read on Pokémon Forever that a Ditto cannot breed with another Ditto. But Bulbapedia says otherwise and so I'm beginning to doubt my memory.

Other articles on the Internet are ambiguous. So--can a Ditto definitely breed with a Ditto?

Whell I dont know! *Stupid wierd accent that sounds so fake
Nobody cares about the dittos whatwhat * also in the lame accent
well.... u can get a golden ditto (golden gyarados that knows transform) in silver, crystal or gold =P

how to do it:

breed red gyarados with a gyarados to get golden magikarp
then train it to be an gyarados that only knows leer (i dont know if i got it right but i can edit l8 if wrong). then trade to blue, red or yellow and learn it mimic. then find a ditto and learn transform in. Gratz u got an golden gyarados that knows transform. it may not be right, but thats what i browsed to find.

And what u all waited for NO! YOU CAN'T BREED DITTO! BECAUSE IT'S DITTO! DITTO MEANS = SAME ITS ALL THE SAME! lol... thts all... =P
The question was answered a long time ago, you didn't need to post any of that. Especially not the bull-plop about the golden Gyarados. Whoever told you that was a complete BS-artist.
Please note: The thread is from 18 years ago.
Please take the age of this thread into consideration in writing your reply. Depending on what exactly you wanted to say, you may want to consider if it would be better to post a new thread instead.
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