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Can someone translate this stuff?

I don't have time for a full translation right now. Here are a few key points.
-Ash is indeed using his own Charizard in the Battle Factory. Meaning that's a real Articuno. I don't like this one bit.
-I was right: "Papa" is indeed the father of the Character of the Day. And he's trying to catch a Jigglypuff. Whether it's the Jigglypuff is unknown.
-Haruka encounters Shuu chasing an Arcanine.
-Title: "Psyduck's Depression". Ash&co encounter a Psyduck running away from a Machop. They set out to return it to its trainer, who turns out to also be the Machop's trainer.
-Title: "Sneasel & Mr.Mime! Whose Restaurant!?". Evident filler involving a pair of sisters disputing over who gets their father's restaurant.
Guess the Psyduck won't involve Misty afterall.

Woo, Charizard returns.

I just hope it's THE Jigglypuff, rather than "a" Jigglypuff.
Murgatroyd said:
I don't have time for a full translation right now. Here are a few key points.
-Ash is indeed using his own Charizard in the Battle Factory. Meaning that's a real Articuno. I don't like this one bit.
-I was right: "Papa" is indeed the father of the Character of the Day. And he's trying to catch a Jigglypuff. Whether it's the Jigglypuff is unknown.
-Haruka encounters Shuu chasing an Arcanine.
-Title: "Psyduck's Depression". Ash&co encounter a Psyduck running away from a Machop. They set out to return it to its trainer, who turns out to also be the Machop's trainer.
-Title: "Sneasel & Mr.Mime! Whose Restaurant!?". Evident filler involving a pair of sisters disputing over who gets their father's restaurant.

The sisters better be hot. Otherwise these episodes are going to f*cking suck.
Where's the Battle Arena's location. This seems like such a long trek when they were at Pallet but only 3 episodes prior to Noland.
(runs off to update Bulbanews article)

Busy, busy...
Does this mean that a trainer might actually have a legendary Pokemon? oO;
What does it say where the picture of Onix and Geodude is.
Loudred seems to have something to do with Jiggy.
Yeah I'm interested in the text that goes with Onix and Geodude as well. Thanks for what you've given so far, Murg.
Originally posted by Murgatroyd:
Ash is indeed using his own Charizard in the Battle Factory

I am very happy to hear this. Is there any indication that Charizard will stay with Ash beyond his participation in the Battle Factory?
It's blatantly obvious, but it's about time they get another episode focused on the two since they didn't really have much to go with in their debut episodes.
Please note: The thread is from 19 years ago.
Please take the age of this thread into consideration in writing your reply. Depending on what exactly you wanted to say, you may want to consider if it would be better to post a new thread instead.
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