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Changes That Should Have Been

Blackjack Gabbiani

Back due to popular demand!
Jan 1, 2003
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What changes do you think the writers could have made to make certain things make a little more sense? Like if something totally came out of nowhere, what do you think could have been done differently to make it work better?

For instance, I think the Flygon that does battle with Butler's Salamence in movie 6 should have belonged to Dianne instead of being just a random wild one. It would have advanced both characters better, especially hers to show that she was willing to go to lengths to stop him from going any farther with his plan.
What? Cyndaquil and Totodile are evolving!


What is in that GS Ball?

The Mirage Kingdom two-parter taking place in Johto.

A proper send-off to Jigglypuff and closure to the "JJ&M are in massive debt" storyline from late Johto.

Extended appearances for Jimmy, Marina, Silver and Brendan. Oh, and Wally, FR/LG Girl, D/P Boy, and D/P Rival existing.

Maybe give Raikou a movie appearance somewhere...

Am I the only one who thinks the D/P rival is extremely hot?
Um, how do Ash and gang manage to get by without money? I mean, there have been numerous episodes about Team Rocket not having money.
I like Blackjack's idea about Flygon. That never occurred to me before.

Hmm... I would have made a couple of small changes to The Water Flowers of Cerulean City. Extend the Pidgeotto/Starmie match and make it clearer that Ash and Misty were on equal footing before Team Rocket showed up. If the idea was that Misty would have been able to bring Staryu back in play later in the battle, make that clearer; if she wouldn't, then don't make her do something so stupid as to recall it when it was on full health. And I wish we'd found out what Brock ran off to do before the match!

Moving much further ahead, I think May's Squirtle would have gone down much better with the fandom if she'd spent one of the early BF fillers teaching it Ice Beam from a TM or whatever the anime equivalent is.

Oh, and one thing I definitely would have changed is the set-up for Misty to leave at the end of Johto. Her sisters calling up like that in the very last episode was unbelievably lame. I would have made it so that they called her some time during/just before the Silver Conference, so that it was weighing on her mind for the last few eps, and she only told Ash and Brock about it in Gotta Catch Ya Later.

I don't know if I'd actually change this - it was pretty funny - but the scene in Love at First Flight where Brock chases after Ash-dressed-as-Juliet is inconsistent with a couple of other episodes where Brock has tellingly not fallen for a woman who turns out to be a man/Jessie in disguise. Unless the idea is that Brock has a thing for Ash. ;)

Although otherwise a great episode, the way the Gastly in The Ghost of Maiden's Peak was defeated was really stupid. He seemed like a huge threat at first, but as soon as the sun came up he basically just went, "don't wanna play any more" and gave up. The writers could have at least foreshadowed earlier in the episode that the sun would turn out to be important. (I'm skipping all over the place with these, aren't I? :p)

Can't think of any more for now... maybe I'll come back later.
Kingler and Muk should have returned for a battle in Battle Frontier.

May should have never gotten Squirtle, and instead gotten Eevee at the very beginning of Battle Frontier. Beautifly would also stay on her team instead of leaving it behind.

Other than some of the obvious, (like eliminating the worst filler), the rest of what the writers have done is fine.
Kingler and Muk should have returned for a battle in Battle Frontier.

May should have never gotten Squirtle, and instead gotten Eevee at the very beginning of Battle Frontier. Beautifly would also stay on her team instead of leaving it behind.

Those would be opinions, not something that doesn't make sense.

Other than some of the obvious, (like eliminating the worst filler), the rest of what the writers have done is fine.

Well, that was specific.
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Well, I think a few of the Kanto Gym Battles should have been handled differently. As Jo-Jo said, the Cerulean Gym battle is one that comes to mind. If the Lt. Surge gym battle had taken place today, it would definitely have been a two-parter. And the whole Sabrina arc should have been either extended or revised with a better ending.

And as others have stated, that darned GS Ball. I mean, they acted like it was so important and then the last we hear of it is Maizy from Gettin' the Bugs Out saying Kurt thanked them for bringing it to him. They even had an entire episode dedicated to Ash and the others trying to find a Quagsire that stole it (which, in my opinion, wasn't that great of an episode, but I'm going off-topic here).

That Loudred from Dewford Town and that Ursaring from UnBEARable both had so much potential to be interesting storylines.

There are a lot more, but those are the ones I can think of off the top of my head.
To be honest, I don't think there's very many problems with the way things have been written. And personaly, I like the storyine so far and I have no problems with it.

However, in my opinion, there are a few things that definitely should've been changed.

First of all, I agree with everyone about the GS ball. Yes, they should've resolved that. I wanted to know what was inside of it, and I'm sure everyone else did as well.

I'm probably the only person who feels this way (or one of the few), but I have to say that I really like the fillers. So I'm glad they had so many filler episodes back in Johto.

And speaking of filler episodes, since I'm very obsessed with two Master Quest episodes ("Hocus Pokemon" and "As Clear As Crystal", I'm talking about you), I have to mention something important.

You see, I seriously believe that they needed to include an in-between episode for that particular event (the Ash-into-Pikachu transformation).

Because, when I saw "As Clear As Crystal" for the first time, I was thinking to myself "Hold on, did they accidentally skip an episode or something? This doesn't seem right". Yeah, so pretty much, I felt as though we were missing something because the writers had Ash change back too early (in my opinion). That was a big mistake there.

As a result of the short time Ash was a Pikachu, and the fact that he did hardly nothing in that form, many people probably saw that as a "very pointless" event. As for me, no, I don't think that event was pointless. However, I will say it was a big disappointment for me, cause I'm a huge fan of transformation storylines, and I really wanted to see Ashachu do something cool!!

And that is why I believe they should've had an episode in between the two. It would've made a lot more sense, and the writers could've taken full advantage of that great storyline.

Seriously, the writers of Pokemon (the anime and games) didn't take full advantage of the human-to-Pokemon storyline until the Mystery Dungeon games were made? Aww, that was so unfortunate for the Pokemon anime.

Anyway, as for Hoenn, these are my only complaints for how things were written.

I think they could've had a filler episode about "why May dislikes Pokemon", because in early Hoenn, she didn't like them very much. She only wanted to become a trainer for traveling purposes.

They should've changed the Kyogre VS. Groudon fight and made it into some kinda mini-saga (similar to the Whirl Islands maybe).

Oh, and also, in the episode "Stairway To Devon", they had a machine that could (supposably) turn a human into a Pokemon. Yes, conviently for the writers, it had to be "not working", just like all the other machines were. So the storyline gets shot down again, apparently......

And again, conviently for the writers, Ash wasn't there at the time Mr. Stone showed Max the Pokemon transformation machine. If Ash had been in the room and had heard that the machine has the ability to do this, I'm sure he would've made some kinda comment. It would've been interesting to hear what he might've said regarding that particular subject, lol. XD

I wonder, is it just me, or are the writers trying to avoid the Pokemon-to-human storyline altogether?

Or was that whole storyline just "saved" for the Mystery Dungeon games?
I think they could've had a filler episode about "why May dislikes Pokemon", because in early Hoenn, she didn't like them very much. She only wanted to become a trainer for traveling purposes.

They explained that in Harley's first episode, "A Cacturne for the Worse."

The reason May disliked Pokemon in AG1 is because she was traumatized when she was surrounded by all the Tentacool in the water and then her mother threw a Pokeball at her head when she was like 5 years old. XD
The Groudon/Kyogre episode needed to be a three-parter instead of a two-parter.

All of the gym leaders should have had an episode before the gym match that focused on and developed them. Yes, it would have been formulaic, but it would have achieved a good end.

They should have included Wallace in the anime.

Each member of the Elite Four should have more than one episode. At least one episode where they battle and one episode that's just character development.

There should have been less filler characters and more focus on in-game characters. More than one episode per unique character (ie not including the Lasses, Supernerds, etc.), preferably, with the same rule that applies to the Elite Four.
Oh, that reminds me of something that could have been better. The revelation of how May developed her dislike of Pokemon was laaaaame. Given what a big thing Harley made out of it and the way everyone at the contest reacted, the story should have been way more humiliating than that! Why would May even find that incident embarrassing? Caroline was the idiot, not her. It's not like being mistaken for a Tentacool is inherantly... anything. Being mistaken for a Slugma or a Muk or something would be worse, surely?
^ Some of those plotlines may be resolved in the future.

I don't see the Pidgeot thing as a hanging plot-thread, actually; I think it was resolved in the ep where Ash left Pidgeot behind. As for Professor Ivy, that's not a plotline, that's a running gag. We might learn in the fullness of time what she did to Brock, but we don't need to - arguably it's funnier watching Brock turn blue and groan "that... name...!" if it's left up to our imagination what happened between them. That only leaves the GS ball, and I won't be at all surprised if that little mystery is indeed revisited at some point.
During any of the times when Ash was battling Brandon, there should have been one time when Regice/rock/steel used Superpower. I mean COME ON! Focus Punch gets used way too much in the anime as it is!
What? Cyndaquil and Totodile are evolving!
That's another one that could happen this saga. With Cyndaquil anyway, Totodile is fine as it is.
closure to the "JJ&M are in massive debt" storyline from late Johto.
I think that was Delibird taking all their earnings in Johto Photo Finish. It could have been clarified better.

May's whole early character development could have been handled better. It would have been so easy to tie it into the beginning of the contest plot but instead she goes from creeped out by one Treecko in a bright room to suddenly unaffected by a bunch of them in a forest.
A few things..

*Togepi given to Meowth. Honestly, it would of been for the better. Togepi would of become an evil mastermind.

*Episodes given to the Pokemon of Kanto who WEREN'T the starters, Team Rocket's, Psyduck, or Pikachu. They needed to be showcased more.
A proper send-off to Jigglypuff ...

Yeah, I want to know what happened to it (I always thought Ash should have caught it)

And when was its last episode (IIRC it was the Blastoise one, but I havent watched the old anime since I was like, 8)
Please note: The thread is from 18 years ago.
Please take the age of this thread into consideration in writing your reply. Depending on what exactly you wanted to say, you may want to consider if it would be better to post a new thread instead.
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