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Jan 5, 2003
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Alright, I've decided to switch gears here in Multimedia as I'm head of the section. If you haven't read the senate thread, Here's what I basically said:

I'm thinking of rebooting and reviving the Multimedia forum as it seems to have lost it's purpose. So, I am bringing forth an idea that I would appreciate feedback from as it concerns everyone here and it is necessary that I get feedback from people no matter how small. It needs feedback and as head of Multimedia, I am asking for it.

First off, the forum seems to focus a little too much on LJ icons. Now, before you say that I'm against LJ icons, I'm not. I just think we need to realize Multimedia is more than that as all I see going on in there is LJ icon related things. We need to realize that there's more to Multimedia than that. I ralize that's what people want for the moment but the way Multimedia is now, was never really my intent when I asked the powers that be in charge of this board to make it.

The intent was to showcase desktop icons. Not buddy ones or LJ icons as they are online and not what I intended. I intended Multimedia to be used for desktop creations. So, that's why I'm proposing a series of how to threads. For example, I would like to show how to make cursors, icons and even Pokebuddies. I'm not sure of the validity of LJ icons as multimedia in itself but, if they were expanded into wallpapers, then it'd be Multimedia as the title applies to desktop use.

Speaking of desktop use, I would also like to make a Faq of sorts on making desktop themes and possibly animated gifs. I'll even post examples of my cursors as animated gufs. What I need from all of you, is cooperation, feedback on this idea and anything else.

I'm not going to end us using the board for LJ icons just yet but I need for everyone to realize that there's more to Multimedia than that and I would like submissions of what I described above and in Faqs as well. I know I'm asking a lot but I needed help in making it work since I can't do things by myself.

That's why I have DS helping me out but I would like feedback on the various things on my site which is where the Multimedia stuff will go. Such as Pokebuddies, Icons and cursors. I'm not advertising the site. It's the place where the downloads will go and that's essentially what the purpose is. Downloads for the desktop.

My site is here: http://ledianx.bulbagarden.net I realize this isn't a big thing at BMG but it could be bigger than it is with your help. I would like it to be more than what it is now. I appreciate any tips people may have.

Let it be made clear that I'm not moving against the LJ icons as I don't care one way or the other. I will acknowledge them but I still would like a shift of focus to other aspects of Multimedia. They aren't going anywhere. I would just like to shift focus because people should know that there's more to Multimedia than lj icons and debating whether or not they are Multimedia is for another thread.

The focus of Multimedia is changing and lj icons can be a part and still involved but the main part I would like is the desktop things I was talking about, which I still need feedback on. I will post Faqs so people will know how to make certain things.

Well, I don't see anyone posting anything but LJ icons. If you can get them to post other things, that's great, but that's what the people are tending towards now.
I know but Multimedia is more than that. So, I created a faq. The Faq's up now and if you have questions, please ask.

Just giving people other options than just LJ icons. Hence the faqs.
Well, now they can with the aid of the Faq I made. I can make more if needed. If people have more questions, they can ask in the FAQ.

Um, dood? I've got nothing against you encouraging other multimedia works. I always support usage of any medium available, even obscure ones.

But why did you clump all the LJ icon threads into one big thread? People like having their own threads to showcase their individual works, y'know. Merging them together like that is the equivalent of putting all one-shots into a single thread in the fanfic forum, or dividing the fanart forum into a thread for hand-drawn art and a thread for computer generated art.

And I'm assuming you'll be clumping the other types of multimedia into their own personal threads? No offense, but you are definitely showing a preference towards the types of multimedia you make versus the ones that people are generally more interested in making and using. Either way, I can't be positive we'll be seeing cursors and 32x32 icons clumped into one thread as well.

I was thinking of making a thread for other types of graphics when I had some more time and creative energy - stuff like banners and sprites, maybe even dolls like the Brock one I had as my icon before - but I like having personal space, and this recent merging of threads by completely different LJ icon artists has me hesitant about posting anything else, lest you try and push those mediums aside to draw more attention to your graphics of choice as well.

Seriously, we knew there was other mediums. If you wanted to encourage 'em, you just had to post the FAQ - I think the one I made helped encourage that little LJ icon boom we saw. 'Tidying up' the forum like this seems awfully unnecessary to me, and it makes me doubt your claims that you don't really care about the LJ icons one way or another. Actions speak louder than words, after all.
I'll simply say here that you're damn lucky Alex is the admin who dealt with that little stunt, Chris.

Very lucky indeed.
Either way.

Chris, when both evan and I tell you "Don't move against LJ Icons", I think the message should be pretty clear : leave LJ icons alone. The fact that you ignored pretty clear statements from both of us and went ahead to merge the threads...simply is not acceptable.

That said, since you already agreed to clean up and restore the threads (and apologized), I'm not going to do anything beyond this one post. You've blundered seriously, but you're fixing it up, so no point making that big a deal out of it.

Just be careful not to ignore admin instructions like this again, please.
BJ's thread is fixed. Working on the others now. Don't call it a blunder. Call it a miscalculation.

Edit: Everything's fixed. Posts removed here.

Edit 2: Changes will still occur but, the lj icons thread stay as is. Look for more Faqs and downloads, soon.

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Ah, dear, the Hanatori thread still contains TRF-chan's and Juputoru's threads...

Did you not realize the remaining five pages were a combination of small, separate threads? Or would you like for me to sort out the merged thread again?
Could you please sort those? It was very late when I finished the other ones and I went to bed.

Okay, I think this mess has finally been cleaned up once in for all. I can't say for certain, though, because since the splitting I've found several posts that wound up in the wrong threads when the big LJ thread was being divided again. I went through all the threads this evening, and I think I've gotten them all...

Just in case: If anyone finds more of these posts that slipped into the wrong thread that I didn't notice, please PM myself and/or Ledian_X (depending on who's online when you find it) so we can move it to the right thread.
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