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what is your spaghetti policy here?
May 9, 2010
Reaction score

Hello and Welcome to The Electrifying Ohm!


The Ohm is the home of all my wares and it's electrifying, 'cause, you know, Blitzle is awesome. (The pokemon, not myself: I don't refer to myself in the third person.)

This first post will be more of an introductory post, including details about the rules of the shop, what my shop offers, and what I am looking for in return. Each individual post will also detail the specifics regarding each section just incase people decide to skip this post (which I'm willing to bet they do).


A few things you should know before reading on:


  • I use an Action Replay, for cloning, fast hatching and checking IV's and EV's. If you don't like the fact I use an AR, and it would stop you trading with me, don't bother posting here. There's no need for you to post at all, in fact, because you would just be spamming.
  • Trades will always be done in Gen V using my Black FC. However, trades may need to be done using my other carts depending on the circumstances and if that is the case, I will tell you which FC you should use. Other than that always use my Black FC. As I have made it clear here, and in my signature, I do not expect anyone to ask me for my FC.

    My FC's are as follows:

    Black: 5071-3141-9155
    White: 0776-4915-8653
    Platinum: 3567-4555-6176
    Soul Silver: I don't really trade from this...


The Rules of the Ohm:


  • Don't be a jackass. That means no: flaming, baiting, spamming, trolling, general rudeness or idiotic antics. I don't have time for it. If it becomes a problem I may unleash the Blacklist, but I don't like making them, so don't force me.

  • Post your FC/make it visible in your sig. If you have more than one, make sure I know which one you will be using. I won't go searching for your FC on your profile, so if you don't post it/you refuse to, then sorry NO TRADE.

  • Please be patient and considerate. With some of the services I will be offering, such as RNG'ing, I WILL NEED TIME TO DO IT. I have a life outside of the forums aswell, which depending on the circumstances could limit the time I have to do the jobs. Anything I take on will be completed, though. So don't pester me about trades; this includes constant VM's and/or PM's, otherwise I'll Blacklist you... forever and ever and ever.

  • Do not offer me or attempt to trade me hacks, ever. While I use an AR for cloning and the alike, I do not accept hacked pokemon under any circumstances. I do not mind if you hack, because that is your own business: just don't trade them to me. If you trade me a hack without informing me it is one (in other words, you think you're clever) I will report you, since it would be a violation of the Trade Center rules - to trade me hacks after I have clearly stated I don't want them.

  • Don't make stupid offers or ask stupidly unrelevant questions. I will determine what is stupid and what isn't, since this is my shop. Capiche?

  • If you have questions about anything in my shop, or anything in general, I would prefer you VM me. DO NOT MAKE ME OFFERS VIA VM OR PM. I posted the thread for a reason, so post here when wanting to offer. If you don't, I will just ignore you.

  • If you're thinking of asking the ever-irritating question of: "What do you want for...?" check the Wants section before posting. If there's a Wants section READ IT, it usually means that is what I will accept. Although, don't be afraid to make me an offer even if it's not listed in my Wants. Aslong as it's fair, I will consider it.

  • And last but not least, have fun. I made this thread with the intention of hopefully helping people out, so I hope it does fulfill that aim in the long-run.


Contents of the Ohm:


This is post-by-post. And there are (currently) four posts.

Post 1: Introductory
<- You are currently here.

Post 2: Breeding Stuff
Egg Moves
Egg Move Requests
Dream World Females

Post 3: RNG Section
Capture Requests
Breeding Requests
My Rules Regarding Flawless/Near-Flawless Shinies

Post 4: Miscellaneous
RNG Spitbacks
Random Shinies


What I Want/What I Will Accept in Return:


Each individual section has the specifics on each type of payment. But the general overview is:

  • Rare Candies
  • Heart Scales

  • 'Dex Fillers (or any of their evolved forms. Legendaries I will obviously pay more for):
  • Sandshrew, Paras, Meowth, Geodude, Machop, Geodude, Seel, Cubone, Articuno, Zapdos, Moltres, Mewtwo, Chinchou, Unown, Teddiursa, Smoochum, Lugia, Ho-oh, Cascoon, Silcoon, Nincada, Nosepass, Minun, Spoink, Spinda, Baltoy, Castform, Kecleon, Duskull, Spheal, Regice, Regirock, Registeel, Latios, Latias, Groudon, Kyogre, Rayquaza, Deoxys, Jirachi, Kricketot, Budew, Bronzor, Snover, Uxie, Mesprit, Dialga, Palkia, Giratina, Heatran, Cresselia, Darkrai, Manaphy, Phione, Arceus.

  • Egg Moves (Ones I don't have above, and even then, ones that are good)

  • Evolution Items:
  • Magmarizer, DeepseaScale.

  • Berries:
  • The type resist berries. (I can't be bothered finding their names), I have the Ground-resist and Ice-resist. So I'll take any of the others. Also, the EV-reducing berries.

Approved by GameCodeTrainer
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Re: Shop


Egg Move Babies:


This list will be updated regularly, as I'm always breeding new egg move babies. I currently have a huge list of projects I want to do, so once I do them, they will be added.

Where possible, I will always breed 4 egg moves onto each pokemon. If a pokemon has only one/two/three egg moves, it's usually because no other combinations would be legal, or because the other egg moves moves are relatively useless.

Newest Egg Moves:

  • Slowpoke: Zen Headbutt | Block | Belly Drum | Sleep Talk
  • Ledyba: Focus Punch | Drain Punch | Knock Off | Encore
  • Aipom: Fake Out | Pursuit | Bounce | Switcheroo
  • Teddiursa: Double-Edge | Crunch | Close Combat | Yawn
    [*]Smoochum #1: Nasty Plot | Fake Out | Meditate | Wake Up Slap
    [*]Phanpy: Head Smash | Body Slam | Heavy Slam | Ice Shard
    [*]Volbeat #1: Trick | Encore | Baton Pass
    [*]Volbeat #2: Encore | Seismic Toss
    [*]Anorith #2: Cross Poison | Knock Off | Screech | Sand-Attack
    [*]Relicanth: Aqua Tail | Zen Headbutt | Sleep Talk | Amnesia
    [*]Bagon: Hydro Pump | Dragon Dance | Twister | Thrash
    [*]Stunky: Double-Edge | Crunch | Pursuit | Haze
    [*]Snover: Double-Edge | Seed Bomb | Growth | Leech Seed

Spearow: Quick Attack | Faint Attack | FeatherDance | Whirlwind
Nidoran: Head Smash | Sucker Punch | Disable | Counter
Vulpix: Hypnosis | Disable | Hex | Extrasensory
Growlithe #1: Close Combat | Flare Blitz | Howl | Morning Sun
Growlithe #2: Close Combat | Flare Blitz | Body Slam | Morning Sun
Psyduck: Encore | Yawn | Hypnosis | Refresh
Poliwag: Haze | Encore | Mist
Bellsprout: Magical Leaf | Worry Seed | Weather Ball | Synthesis
Ponyta: Double-Edge | Low Kick | Hypnosis | Morning Sun
Slowpoke: Zen Headbutt | Block | Belly Drum | Sleep Talk
Shellder: Rock Blast | Rapid Spin | Screech
Rhyhorn #1: Dragon Rush | Crunch | Crush Claw | Curse
Rhyhorn #2: Crunch | Ice Fang | Fire Fang | Thunder Fang
Tangela: Leaf Storm | Giga Drain | Leech Seed | Endeavor
Lapras: Dragon Dance
Eevee #1: Wish | Stored Power | Curse | Yawn
Eevee #2: Wish | Yawn | Charm | Curse

Ledyba: Focus Punch | Drain Punch | Knock Off | Encore
Natu #1: Sucker Punch | Zen Headbutt | Roost | FeatherDance
Natu #2: Roost | FeatherDance | Haze | Refresh
Aipom: Fake Out | Pursuit | Bounce | Switcheroo
Wooper: Stockpile | Encore | Curse | Recover
Yanma: Whirlwind | Double-Edge | Silver Wind | Leech Life
Murkrow #1: Brave Bird | Roost | Confuse Ray | Whirlwind
Murkrow #2: Brave Bird | Roost | FeatherDance
Girafarig: Wish | Magic Coat | Mean Look | Skill Swap

Haze | Signal Beam | Poison Jab | Flail
Teddiursa: Double-Edge | Crunch | Close Combat | Yawn
Swinub: Icicle Crash | Stealth Rock | Double-Edge | Curse
Smoochum #1: Nasty Plot | Fake Out | Meditate | Wake Up Slap
Phanpy: Head Smash | Body Slam | Heavy Slam | Ice Shard

Stantler: Megahorn | Zen Headbutt | Disable | Me First
Larvitar: Iron Head | Pursuit | Curse | Stealth Rock

Poochyena: Fire Fang | Ice Fang | Thunder Fang | Yawn
Ralts #1: Shadow Sneak | Memento | Confuse Ray | Destiny Bond
Shroomish: Bullet Seed | Seed Bomb | Focus Punch | Drain Punch
Makuhita: Faint Attack | Bullet Punch | Revenge | Wake up Slap
Mawile: Metal Burst | Tickle | Ice Fang | Thunder Fang
Aron: Head Smash | Superpower | Curse | Stealth Rock
Skitty: Wish | Tickle | Sucker Punch | Baton Pass
Volbeat #1: Trick | Encore | Baton Pass
Volbeat #2: Encore | Seismic Toss

Hydro Pump | Double-Edge | AncientPower
Torkoal: Eruption | Clear Smog | Yawn | Sleep Talk
Cacnea: Switcheroo | Nasty Plot | Disable
Roost | Pursuit | Haze | FeatherDance
Barboach: Dragon Dance | Hydro Pump | Thrash | Whirlpool
Corphish: Dragon Dance | Superpower
Lileep: Stealth Rock | Recover | Barrier | Mirror Coat
Anorith #1: Rapid Spin | Knock Off | Screech
Anorith #2: Cross Poison | Knock Off | Screech | Sand-Attack
Absol: Megahorn | Double-Edge | Zen Headbutt | Baton Pass
Tropius: Nature Power | Leech Seed | Synthesis | Leaf Storm
Duskull: Pain Split | Memento | Dark Pulse | Destony Bond
Relicanth: Aqua Tail | Zen Headbutt | Sleep Talk | Amnesia
Bagon: Hydro Pump | Dragon Dance | Twister | Thrash

Turtwig: Seed Bomb | Superpower | Body Slam | Stockpile
Starly: Double-Edge | Steel Wing | Roost
Shinx: Fire Fang | Ice Fang | Quick Attack | Double Kick
Rollout | Defence Curl | Iron Tail | Bite
Aqua Tail | Tail Slap | Switcheroo | Baton Pass
Curse | Yawn | Memento | Amnesia
: Memento | Clear Smog | Body Slam
Buneary: Circle Throw | Fake Out | Switcheroo | Encore
Stunky: Double-Edge | Crunch | Pursuit | Haze
Munchlax: Zen Headbutt | Pursuit | Curse | Whirlwind
Mime Jr. #1: Healing Wish | Charm | Fake Out
Riolu: Hi Jump Kick | Cross Chop | Blaze Kick | Crunch
Croagunk: Drain Punch | Fake Out | Acupressure | Meditate
Skorupi: Night Slash | Pursuit | Whirlwind | Screech
Carnivine: Giga Drain | Leech Seed | Sleep Powder | Stun Spore
Snover: Double-Edge | Seed Bomb | Growth | Leech Seed

Snivy: Glare | Mean Look | Pursuit | Mirror Coat
Tepig: Yawn | Sleep Talk | Curse | Superpower
Oshawott: Air Slash | Night Slash | Trump Card | Screech
Panpour: Nasty Plot | Hydro Pump | Low Kick | Role Play
Munna: Sleep Talk | Baton Pass | Barrier | Magic Coat
Pidove: Wish | Morning Sun | Bestow | Lucky Chant
Blitzle: Me First | Screech | Double Kick | Double-Edge
Woobat: Stored Power | Roost | Knock Off | Fake Tears
Drilbur: Submission | Skull Bash | Crush Claw | Iron Defence
Audino: Wish | Heal Bell | Encore | Yawn
Timburr: Drain Punch | Mach Punch | Detect | Counter
Sewaddle: Baton Pass | Agility | Screech
Venipede: Toxic Spikes | Spikes
Cottonee #1: Encore | Fake Tears | Tickle
Cottonee #2: Encore | Memento | Worry Seed
Sandile: Pursuit | Fire Fang | Thunder Fang | Mean Look
Darumaka: Yawn | Encore | Focus Punch | Sleep Talk
Dwebble: Spikes | Curse
Scraggy #1: ThunderPunch | Fire Punch | Ice Punch | Dragon Dance
Scraggy #2: Drain Punch | Dragon Dance | Ice Punch | Zen Headbutt
Sigilyph: Stored Power | Roost | Psycho Shift
Archen: Earth Power | Dragon Pulse | Steel Wing | Bite
Trubbish: Rollout | Spikes | Curse | Selfdestruct
Zorua: Dark Pulse | Extrasensory | Sucker Punch | Counter
Minccino: Iron Tail | Aqua Tail | Knock Off | Sleep Talk
Gothita: Dark Pulse | Mean Look | Captivate
Solosis: Trick | Confuse Ray | Astonish | Night Shade
Deerling: Baton Pass | Agility | Grasswhistle | Synthesis
Emolga: Baton Pass | Roost | Air Slash | Charm
Karrablast: Megahorn | Pursuit | Screech | Bug Bite
Foongus: Stun Spore | Growth | Poisonpowder | Gasto Acid
Frillish: Acid Armor | Confuse Ray | Pain Split | Recover
Alomomola: Mist | Refresh | Mirror Coat
Joltik: Cross Poison | Pursuit | Pin Missile
Ferroseed #1: Leech Seed | Spikes
Ferroseed #2: Stealth Rock | Spikes
Ferroseed #3: Leech Seed | Stealth Rock
Axew: Night Slash
Cubchoo: Yawn | Ice Punch | Night Slash | Focus Punch
Shelmet: Spikes | Baton Pass | Pursuit | Double-Edge
Stunfisk: Sleep Talk | Earth Power | Yawn | Pain Split

Elgyem: Disable | Barrier | Naty Plot | Guard Swap
Mienfoo: Baton Pass | Low Kick | Me First | Knock Off
Druddigon: Glare | Sucker Punch | Thunder Fang | Fire Fang
Pawniard: Pursuit | Headbutt | Revenge | Sucker Punch
Bouffalant: Skull Bash | Headbutt | Iron Head | Amnesia
Heatmor: Sucker Punch | Night Slash | Curse | Heat Wave
Durant: Thunder Fang | Baton Pass | Screech | Faint Attack
Deino: Dark Pulse | Thunder Fang | Fire Fang | Ice Fang
Larvesta: Morning Sun | Zen Headbutt

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Re: Shop

Dream World Females

I have all the Female Dream World pokemon released so far.

Run Away Caterpie/Tinted Lens Butterfree
Big Pecks Pidgey
Hustle Rattata
Sniper Spearow
Hustle Nidoran F
Drought Vulpix
Infiltrator Zubat
Run Away Oddish/Stench Gloom/Effect Spore Vileplume/Healer Bellossom
Swift Swim Psyduck
Justified Growlithe
Swift Swim Poliwag/Drizzle Politoed
Magic Guard Abra
Gluttony Bellsprout
Rain Dish Tentacool
Flame Body Ponyta
Regenerator Slowpoke
Defiant Farfetch'd
Tangled Feet Doduo
Sheer Force Krabby
Harvest Exeggcute
Cloud Nine Lickitung
Regenerator Tangela
Inner Focus Kangaskhan
Damp Horsea
Lightningrod Goldeen
Steadfast Scyther/Light Metal Scizor
Rattled Magikarp/Moxie Gyarados
Hydration Lapras
Anticipation Eevee/Hydration/Quick Feet/Guts/Inner Focus/Magic Bounce/Ice Body/Cholorphyll
Weak Armor Omanyte
Weak Armor Kabuto
Unnerve Aerodactyl
Marvel Scale Dratinit/Multiscale Dragonite

Frisk Sentret
Tinted Lens Hoothoot
Rattled Ledyba/Iron Fist Ledian
Lightningrod Pichu
Friend Guard Igglybuff/Frisk Wigglytuff
Magic Bounce Natu
Plus Mareep
Infiltrator Hoppip
Early Bird Sunkern
Firsk Yanma
Unaware Wooper
Prankster Murkrow/Moxie Honckrow
Sap Sipper Girafarig
Immunity Gligar/Poison Heal Gliscor
Intimidate Qwilfish
Regenerator Corsola
Moody Remoraid
Insomnia Delibird
Weak Armor Skarmory
Unnerve Houndour
Sap Sipper Stantler
Moody Smeargle
Hydration Smoochum/Dry Skin Jynx
Vital Spirit Elekid
Sap Sipper Miltank

Rattled Poochyena/Moxie Mightyena
Quick Feet Zigzagoon
Own Tempo Lotad
Scrappy Taillow
Rain Dish Wingull
Rain Dish Surskit/Unnerve Masquerain
Sap Sipper Azurill
Wonder Skin Skitty
Prankster Sableye
Minus Electrike
Prankster Illumise (use this to breed Prankster Volbeat)
Speed Boost Carvanha
Pressure Wailmer
Cloud Nine Swablu
Hydration Barboach
Adaptability Corphish
Storm Drain Lileep
Swift Swim Anorith
Adaptability Feebas/Cute Charm Milotic
Harvest Tropius
Rattled Clamperl/Water Veil Huntail/Hydration Gorebyss
Sturdy Relicanth
Hydration Luvdisc

Reckless Staravia
Moody Bidoof
Guts Shinx
Overcoat Burmy/Tinted Lens Mothim
Volt Absorb Pachirisu
Water Veil Buizel
Sand Force Shellos
Flare Boost Drifloon
Limber Buneary
Keen Eye Glameow/Defiant Purugly
Rattled Bonsly
Technician Mime Jr.
Big Pecks Chatot
Water Veil Finneon
Water Veil Mantyke

Telepathy Munna
Inner Focus Darumaka/Zen Mode Darmanitan

This is purely for my reference when they are released, nobody else need concern themselves with this list.

Red = ones I want most.

I want Females of everything but legendaries/male-only species, which obviously can't be Female.

Anything currently unavailable as Female, e.g. the DW starters, I only want once/if they are available as Female.

Sand Throw Sandshrew
Friend Guard Cleffa/ Unaware Clefable
Run Away Venonat/Wonder Skin Venomoth
Sand Force Diglett

Ice Body Seel
Weak Armor Onix/Sheer Force Steelix
Poison Touch Grimer
Vital Spirit Magby
Moxie Pinsir
Imposter Ditto
Lightningrod Zapdos

Flame Body Moltres
Leaf Guard Chikorita
Flash Fire Cyndaquil
Sheer Force Totodile

Sniper Spinarak
Water Absorb Chinchou
Super Luck Togepi
Skill Link Aipom
Contrary Shuckle
Moxie Heracross
Pickpocket Sneasel
Thick Fat Swinub
Volt Absorb Raikou
Flash Fire Entei
Water Absorb Suicune

Multiscale Lugia
Regenerator Ho-oh
Quick Feet Shroomish/Technician Breloom
Rattled Whismur
Sheer Force Makuhita
Sheer Force Mawile
Contrary Spinda
Water Absorb Cacnea
Toxic Boost Zangoose

Cursed Body Shuppet
Justified Absol
Moody Snorunt
Sheer Force Bagon/Moxie Salamence
Iron Fist Chimchar

Defiant Piplup
Run Away Kricketot/Technician Kricketune
Leaf Guard Budew/Technician Roserade
Rough Skin Gible
Prankster Riolu/Justified Lucario
Sand Force Hippopotas
Poison Touch Croagunk
Contrary Snivy
Thick Fat Tepig
Prankster Purrloin
Sap Sipper Blitzle

Sand Force Roggenrola
Simple Woobat
Mold Breaker Drilbur
Iron Fist Timburr

Water Absorb Tympole
Mold Breaker Throh
Mold Breaker Sawk
Mold Breaker Basculin
Storm Drain Maractus
Intimidate Scraggy
Tinted Lens Sigilyph
Aftermath Trubbish
Skill Link Chillarmy
Shadow Tag Gothita
Regenerator Solosis

Hydration Ducklett
Motor Drive Emolga
Regenerator Foongus
Regenerator Alomomola
Analytic Elgyem

Shadow Tag Litwick
Rattled Cubchoo/Swift Swim Beartic
Reckless Mienfoo
Mold Breaker Druddigon
Defiant Rufflet
White Smoke Heatmor

Sheer Force Landorus
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Re: Shop


The Miscellaneous Section


The final part of the shop offers everything that doesn't quite fit into the above section. This ranges
from RNG Spitbacks to Items and even Random Shinies that I have picked up on the forums.


RNG Spitbacks/Screw-ups/Leftovers:


This section is where I will put the screw-ups. Generally, this is due to me hitting the wrong PID Frame, or because I wanted to RNG them to use as parents/for the hell of it. In most cases, there is something wrong with them; their ability/nature/IV's may all be wrong or pretty meh. In any case, they are being offered due to me thinking that some people might actually have a use for them.


Shiny Cryogonal
OT: Reuban | ID: 56139
Nature: Timid | Ability: Levitate
IV's: 19/22/17/30/31/31
Level 31 | UT
Caught: Quick Ball


Shiny Ferroseed
OT: Reuban | ID: 56139
Nature: Hardy | Gender: | Ability: Iron Barbs
IV's: 31/23/31/13/31/0
Level 1 | UT
Moveset: Leech Seed | Stealth Rock


Shiny Fraxure
OT: Reuban | ID: 56139
Nature: Adamant | Gender: | Ability: Rivalry
IV's: 28/31/30/14/31/31
Level 40 | UT
Caught: Premier Ball


Shiny Axew
OT: Reuban | ID: 56139
Nature: Jolly | Gender: | Ability: Mold Breaker
IV's: 30/31/30/21/23/31
Level 31 | UT
Caught: Luxury Ball


Shiny Drilbur
OT: Reuban | ID: 56139
Nature: Naughty | Gender: | Ability: Sand Rush
IV's: 31/31/31/10/31/31
Level 1 | UT
Moveset: Skull Bash | Submission | Crush Claw | Iron Defence


Shiny Blitzle
OT: Reuban | ID: 56139
Nature: Hasty | Gender: | Ability: Lightningrod
IV's: 24/31/26/20/31/31 |
HP Grass 59
Level 9 | UT
Caught: Dive Ball


Shiny Litwick
OT: Reuban | ID: 56139
Nature: Timid | Gender: | Ability: Flash Fire
IV's: 31/29/26/30/14/30 | HP Fighting 68
Level 27 | UT
Caught: Luxury Ball


Shiny Cubchoo
OT: Reuban | ID: 56139
Nature: Adamant | Gender: | Ability: Snow Cloak
IV's: 28/31/29/14/30/31
Level 30 | UT
Caught: Dive Ball


OT: Reuban | ID: 56139
Nature: Brave | Gender: | Ability: Swarm
Level 1 | UT
Moveset: Megahorn | Bug Bite | Pursuit | Screech


OT: Reuban | ID: 56139
Nature: Hardy | Gender: | Ability: Frisk
IV's: 31/30/30/30/30/30 |
HP Fighting 70
Level 22 | UT
Caught: Master Ball






Battle Items:
Air Balloon
Absorb Bulb
Big Root
Binding Band
Cell Battery
Choice Band
Choice Scarf
Choice Specs

Eject Button
Expert Belt
Flame Orb
Float Stone
Focus Band
Focus Sash
Iron Ball
Life Orb
Light Clay
Muscle Band
Power Herb
Red Card
Ring Target
Rocky Helmet
Scope Lens
Shell Bell
Toxic Orb
White Herb
Wide Lens
Wise Glasses
Zoom Lens


Bug Gem
Dark Gem
Dragon Gem
Electric Gem
Fighting Gem
Fire Gem
Flying Gem
Ghost Gem
Grass Gem
Ground Gem
Ice Gem
Normal Gem
Poison Gem
Psychic Gem
Rock Gem
Steel Gem
Water Gem


Evolution Items:
Dawn Stone
Dragon Scale
Dubious Disc
Fire Stone
Kings Rock
Leaf Stone
Metal Coat
Moon Stone
Oval Stone
Prism Scale
Razor Claw
Razor Fang
Reaper Cloth
Shiny Stone
Sun Stone
Water Stone


Amulet Coin
Cover Fossil
Lucky Egg
Macho Brace
Master Ball
Power Anklet
Power Band
Power Belt
Power Bracer
Power Lens
Power Weight
Root Fossil
Skull Fossil
Soothe Bell



Random Shinies:


This section includes all the "random" shinies I have picked up on the forums. I do not know if most of them are legitimate, so do not ask me. Although, I have had them on my game for a few months now and nothing has happened. Take it as you will.

Here are the shinies:

Boldore: Timid | Untouched
Tyranitar: Careful | Touched
Zweilous: Modest | Touched
Unfezant: Lax | Touched
Kyurem: Modest | Untouched
Vannilite: Bashful | Untouched
Basculin: Mild | Untouched
Simisear: Jolly | Untouched
Liepard: Naughty | Untouched
Zorua: Modest | Untouched
Deino: Modest | Untouched


What I Want/What I Will Accept in Return for Stuff from the Miscellaneous Section:


The same as the above sections, and 1:1 trades are generally fine with me. Although, anything shiny I will probably want two in return for, so 2:1. This is due to shinies being generally sought after and good for trade bartering.

  • Rare Candies
  • Heart Scales

  • 'Dex Fillers (or any of their evolved forms. Legendaries I will obviously pay more for):
  • Sandshrew, Paras, Meowth, Geodude, Machop, Geodude, Seel, Cubone, Articuno, Zapdos, Moltres, Mewtwo, Chinchou, Unown, Teddiursa, Smoochum, Lugia, Ho-oh, Cascoon, Silcoon, Nincada, Nosepass, Minun, Spoink, Spinda, Baltoy, Castform, Kecleon, Duskull, Spheal, Regice, Regirock, Registeel, Latios, Latias, Groudon, Kyogre, Rayquaza, Deoxys, Jirachi, Kricketot, Budew, Bronzor, Snover, Uxie, Mesprit, Dialga, Palkia, Giratina, Heatran, Cresselia, Darkrai, Manaphy, Phione, Arceus.

  • Egg Moves (Ones I don't have above, and even then, ones that are good)

  • Evolution Items:
  • Magmarizer, DeepseaScale.

  • Berries:
  • The type resist berries. (I can't be bothered finding their names), I have the Ground-resist and Ice-resist. So I'll take any of the others. Also, the EV-reducing berries.
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Re: The Electrifying Ohm (NOW OPEN!)


The EV Training Section


This service is currently unavailable, but it will be available in the near future. Keep checking back for updates.


Ok, so this is ready to open. Sorry for the double-post but I'm going to reserve this for EV Training when I eventually offer that.

Oh, and sorry for all the text, but it's kind of needed.

So, here goes... YOU MAY NOW POST! :D
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Re: The Electrifying Ohm (NOW OPEN!)

YAAAYY!! I am interested in your shiny Kyurem and will trade you two heart scales for it. Unless you think more is fair.

I also have an egg bred Larvesta with the moves Morning Sun, Leech Life, Take Down and Flame Charge for your shiny spitback male Blitzle. And I can add a heart scale if needed. :3
Re: The Electrifying Ohm (NOW OPEN!)

The Heart Scales for Kyurem sounds fine.

However, I'm going to pass on the Larvesta, as out of those four moves only Morning Sun is an egg move and I already have that ._.

Would you like to trade now? If you do, please post your FC... that reminds me, I better make that a rule.
Re: The Electrifying Ohm (NOW OPEN!)

Ah okay. I was traded it and I didn't know if it was any good. Thanks for pointing it out! And yes, I can trade now. My FC is 4899 5604 9593

Well perhaps I ought to ask whether or not your Kyurem is on your Black version, or White.
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Re: The Electrifying Ohm (NOW OPEN!)

Ok, I shall head in now.

And, as it says above, most trades will be done using my Black FC (it's also the only one listed in my signature). I hardly ever trade from any of my other games, they are just listed incase a trade does need to be done from them.
Re: The Electrifying Ohm (NOW OPEN!)

Right. My apologies. I'm heading in now.

I forgot a heart scale. -.- Or rather, can I have that Chikorita back please? I'm so sorry for this mess, I attached the heart scale to the wrong Pokemon
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Re: The Electrifying Ohm (NOW OPEN!)

I'll go take the Heart Scale off then come back...
Re: The Electrifying Ohm (NOW OPEN!)

I'm terribly sorry. My baby is getting into things so my mind was distracted. :( I feel so horrible

Thank you for the trade, again my sincerest apologies.
Re: The Electrifying Ohm (NOW OPEN!)

I'd like a request for an RNG Capture.

Non-shiny Order Form:

Pokemon: Sunflora
Nature: Timid
Ability: Chorophyll
IV's: HP Fire with good IV's
PokeBall: Poke Ball
Gender: Female
Item: Choice Scarf
Movest: Solar Beam, Hidden Power Fire, Sludge Bomb, Leaf Storm

What I can offer: Dex Fillers.
Re: The Electrifying Ohm (NOW OPEN!)

hiya, I have a rng request for you :D

Pokemon: Tirtouga
Nature: adamant
Ability: swift swim
IV's: perfect attack and speed iv please, don't mind the rest
Egg Moves: (if necessary)

I can offer you rare candies and dex fillers in exchange.. (just lemme know what you want in the dex filler thing)
Re: The Electrifying Ohm (NOW OPEN!)

I'd like a request for an RNG Capture.

Non-shiny Order Form:

Pokemon: Sunflora
Nature: Timid
Ability: Chorophyll
IV's: HP Fire with good IV's
PokeBall: Poke Ball
Gender: Female
Item: Choice Scarf
Movest: Solar Beam, Hidden Power Fire, Sludge Bomb, Leaf Storm

What I can offer: Dex Fillers.

Yeah, I totally forgot about shaking spots: I can't RNG them, sorry. I managed to RNG a wild Drilbur once, but it was a fluke and I actually have no idea how to do them. ._.

Also, the order form did not include moveset or item, so I'm not sure why you added them on... if I had have taken the project you would get what I say I'm offering, not what you think you can tag on.

hiya, I have a rng request for you :D

Pokemon: Tirtouga
Nature: adamant
Ability: swift swim
IV's: perfect attack and speed iv please, don't mind the rest
Egg Moves: (if necessary)

I can offer you rare candies and dex fillers in exchange.. (just lemme know what you want in the dex filler thing)

Alright, that seems fine and should be pretty easy (I actually could just breed you that without RNG, but I'll RNG it with some nice IV's anyway). :p I'll let you know when it's done (it may be a day or two since I'm busy for tomorrow).
Re: The Electrifying Ohm (NOW OPEN!)

Yeah, I totally forgot about shaking spots: I can't RNG them, sorry. I managed to RNG a wild Drilbur once, but it was a fluke and I actually have no idea how to do them. ._.

Also, the order form did not include moveset or item, so I'm not sure why you added them on... if I had have taken the project you would get what I say I'm offering, not what you think you can tag on.

Yeah I know, sorry. But I can also offer another filler for the item.
EDIT: Actually, a Sunkern will also do.
Re: The Electrifying Ohm (NOW OPEN!)

Can I offer 4 heart scales for the shinies cubchoo and fraxure from The Miscellaneous Section?
Re: The Electrifying Ohm (NOW OPEN!)

Yeah I know, sorry. But I can also offer another filler for the item.
EDIT: Actually, a Sunkern will also do.

Alright. I'll add you to the list, then. Like I said to Samwin, I'll have it done in a day or two. I'll let you know what 'dex fillers I need shortly.

Can I offer 4 heart scales for the shinies cubchoo and fraxure from The Miscellaneous Section?

I'm sure you already have the Cubchoo? That sounds fine with me either way, though.
Re: The Electrifying Ohm (NOW OPEN!)

Okay thanks!
Re: The Electrifying Ohm (NOW OPEN!)

Yeah, I'd just like to have both shinies cubchoo and beartic. ^^

I'm breeding some surprise dex fillers to add to the pack, wait a little.

Edit.: Everything ready. Since you already have my FC, I'll wait you in the wifi room.
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