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WORLDBUILDING: Collaboration on New World


New Member
Sep 19, 2011
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So. I have a few vague ideas for making a new region, such as ideas for enough new pokemon to make a pokedex and an explanation of why there's less than usual, and I could think of most of the geography and gym leaders on a moment's notice.
Still, I don't really have any good plot, name, and I'd have to have at least an idea of what's going to happen before I could start to think of evil teams or protagonists. Yeah, I could figure something out, but it wouldn't be great at the moment and I doubt it would be very original either. I also would like a little help with my pokedex, although that's not as vital.
What I'd love to do is collaborate with someone, bounce ideas around, basically. Of course, I'm capable of doing it myself if I *really* wanted to (except perhaps naming the region and cities and maybe pokemon, I suck at those) but I'd love to collaborate so I don't have to include a sub-standard plot that no one's interested in.
In short: I want to make a world for which I can easily work out the framework but I have notions of plot.
Pokedex: This first part is very unedited and rough because it was just brainstorming, sorry, I tried to organize it a little. I shall attach drawings of whatever pokemon I can think of and draw, most are just sketches that I thought might work, only Pyrana is almost definitely gonna be in there. :D

Starters: Fire salamander of some sort, maybe no external flames but high temp, will burn you if you're not careful, evolves to ?. Fiery little robin at first, then phoenix???
Water/ghost pokemon, starts shapeless-ish and over evolutions becomes more and more solid, known to love warmth, possible elephant shape? This pokemon lives in the desert. It travels great distances during the day and beds down in oases during the night. (Swap day/night?)
Grass, rabbit based, starts cute little bunny covered in flowers w' barely evident horns evolves into huge jackalope type thing.

Other ideas: grass chameleon including flowers
Pyrana: fire/water fish with fiery tails and fins

line of cute mouse type fluff balls that are actually bad. Fire/electric one who stores electricity, shocks people, and accidentally sets things on fire, water/ice one that freezes its fur and then viciously pokes things, and grass/bug one that's one of the worst pests known and gets into everything. Though three distinct pokemon, all evolve into one.
Spichid: bug/grass pokemon... Uhm..
ice/dragon pokemon with icicle spines.
Pokemon that looks like tree hung with icicles
candy based pokemon
magpie of some sort
lion/tiger based pokemon, fire. Perhaps kitten-ish at first, with fiery tail, then eventually evolves to have mane of flame and stripes of flame going down body. (Its brightness rivals the sun in intensity. It is said that its body is made of embers and it will break down to ash when it dies.) poison/dragon, poison/flying, normal/dragon, praying mantis of some kind, bug/fighting, dark/fighting, dark/water, dark/dragon, dark/bug (mosquitoe based? :D), electric/fire, electric/ghost, electric/dark, fighting/ground, fighting/fire, steel/dark, steel/ghost (mercury!), steel/water, grass/ice, grass/flying, grass/fire
bat that isn't dark type (flying/whatever)
book pokemon
more art pokemon other than smeargle

steel ghost dark grass flying bug ice ground
water fire fighting poison normal dragon
rock psychic normal electric


So...this kind of ran away from me because actually, I didn't have this planned out for quite a bit. I wrote this in basically one go and it's unedited and I didn't think about any of it all that much, but it ended up reading like a huuuge plot synopsis or maybe a really badly written story that contains all tell and no show, and no real details. So it's not really very organized and kind of actually has a plot already, although a pretty cliché one that would get very boring very quickly (basically defeat the League Four).
I do have a map. It's a really bad map, made on MS Paint because I don't have photoshop or a drawing pad or anything, but it is a map. It is attached.

Start in big city, since there is absolutely nothing that states you have to start in the tiniest town in the entire region. Professor Poplar is a ridiculously short woman with an even shorter temper and a family and kids. You live with both parents+two younger siblings and one older sister, who tried battling but really didn't like it and instead went into breeding. You actually were just about to receive a starter pokemon from Professor Poplar, but your older sister instead gifted you one.

Your city sports a gym and Isabella, usually known as Izzy, is the leader. She's a college student, and likes dark pokemon, but she's really a very cheerful person and usually ends up dressing in bright colors despite everything. However, her gym happens to be in a cave. You have to backtrack all the way back to her after you've gotten you're third badge, because life really isn't that convenient, sometimes.

The second city you get to is in the mountains, and very... uhm... spiritual? Can't think of a good word. Basically the people are very worshipful of whatever legendaries I can think of and don't, actually, have a pokemon center/mart. They have a healer person who does pretty well, but it's not instantaneous. The gym leader is Heidi, a young girl who's actually slightly insane, but the people of the village take it as visions. She has command of ice pokemon and her gym's also a temple, which a lot of effort went into making and you don't respect it, which is trickier than you'd think. Also there's lots of mirrors. As soon as you show up and announce your intention to take on the gym, the villagers all flock to the gym to test if you're worthy, except maybe the healer. Luckily, it's a small town.

Then you have to go under a bridge via a sewer tunnel, in which there's poison pokemon, because you haven't learned surf yet and there isn't a bridge. That happens to lead to the second tiniest town in the region, the first being that mountain town. This is the town that would traditionally be your homeland. It has a lot of people, actually, and they do farming a bit, so maybe not. It also boasts a quiet, tiny little graveyard with a shrine out front for the dead. It's really quiet and most of the people are busy with their own business, except this one maniac little kid who won't stop bugging you. Ooh, I actually just had a plot idea: This kid is who would be the regular player in most games, and you become the champion, and later he defeats you. Except I don't like that idea. D:

Then you go to the warmest place in the region, with a jungle, and a waterfall, except unfortunately there's also mosquito pokemon, which are dark/bug. I mean, c'mon, what else would they be? THEY'RE PURE EVIL. Anyways, yeah, the gym leader is very, very paranoid and you have to talk to basically everyone in town and find random items before you can even locate the gym, which is one of the resident huuuuge trees that's been hollowed out. There's all sorts of paranoid traps inside, and the gym leader is a guy named Desmond who uses ghost pokemon, though he must have back tracked to the last town to catch them. He doesn't have anyone he trusts enough to fight you, but apparently he trusts pokemon, cause there's a couple of those every few steps to challenge you.

Then you have to backtrack to your home city to battle Izzy, but at the very least you don't have to go through the sewer again because Desmond gives you surf.
Then you go to an island, which is very, very buggy, even more than the jungle. There's a few lizards and grass types, but mostly a LOT OF BUGS. Most of the people on this island are friendly, and hey, it also happens to be where your sister the breeder set up shop! No idea what comes of that... The gym leader predictably uses bug pokemon. It's a guy named August and his best friend Ariadne, and when you defeat one the other gets mad and takes you on as well and you don't get a chance to recover, which is very annoying and unfair but there's not really much you can do about it, because there's very obvious sexual tension. Very obvious. And their building is a huge building that looks like a spider, just to, y'know, completely scare off anyone who might want to try it. There's webs inside, somehow. But you happen to not be afraid of spiders.

Then you go to a nice little hilly town which would be great except it's freaking windy and if there's one thing you hate, it's wind. This town is a very unusual town in that there's two gyms, one with an archer boy named Levi who has flying pokemon and is really, really dreamy, so as sometimes you're not sure what planet he actually resides on, but has very valuable advice, and the other with a grass specialist named Sage who just loves jokes about his name, really, go on, make his day, he never even really wanted this stupid job anyways, he just wanted people to stop freaking underestimating grass types, because they can be freaking brutal when they want to be, alright? And Sage is a boy's name, really, ask anyone. The flying gym is in a windmill and the gym battles are conducted in the actual blades, while they're spinning. Although they have these little platforms so you're always upright. Levi is, of course, completely unbothered by this, as are his pokemon, which puts you at a distinct disadvantage. Sage's gym is kind of not even a gym, because it's held out in the open. But there's an obstacle course. Sage is against buildings, on principle.

Then you get to a desert, and you know there's supposed to be a town in there somewhere, your map says so, but you can't find it for the longest time and you're running out of water. Finally you find it, and it turns out it's built entirely underground to avoid the heat, and you can't even really be mad because finding it is such a relief. It's really hot outside. This town's a little like the ice town, in that's it's pretty back to basics, but the people are much more friendly here and they have a pokemon center, even if it's one of the old types (most are Unova-style, this is regular style) (installed by a grateful traveler who nearly died except a person's pokemon from this town smelt them and dragged them back to the town and was saved by the old healer). The gym is a circular pit and with each trainer you beat you get to descend again. And really, is it just us or are this region's gyms scary on purpose? By the time you face the leader, it's completely dark so you don't really realize until about halfway through the fight that you're actually facing a girl. A young one, at that. That's when she announces that Clementine does not lose, and you're just getting lucky. Which may just freak you out, a little. A little. You even miss your turn which she brutally takes advantage of. Oh, and in case you haven't guessed yet, she uses ground pokemon. Powerful ones.

Then you surf across this river to an island, even though technically there's a bridge... and ships... because surfing is more fun. Except you're using a new, inexperienced pokemon and you end up getting dumped off accidentally and you have to tread water while said pokemon panics and in the end you end up getting rescued by a ship, which is highly embarrassing. Oh well. At least you've gotten to the island, which has several small little towns that seemed to have merged into one bigger city-ish place. There are several top-of-the-line research facilities... and also a lot of people seem to be very interested in art. Weird contrast. The gym seems to be a kind of abstract design, which looks kind of like a gear if you happen to have really steamed up glasses and you're tilting your head sideways and squinting. Kind of. Inside are all sorts of interesting sculpture type things that even if you had fogged up glasses, tilted your head sideways, and squinted, wouldn't look like anything. The leader is named Angelica and has glasses and seems very logical and sane, despite all evidence to the contrary, as she designed the gym and the sculptures. She has steel pokemon.
So you've finally gotten to the Pokemon League, which is nice. Except now you have to do this weird puzzle thing where you fit all your badges together and they kind of melt together and form a big button, which you push. But apparently you don't get your badges back until you at least attempt the Pokemon League, they just kind of melt into the wall after that, which really sucks.

Victory road is utterly bizarre. The first part is huge model of the entire region, and you have to fight people who seem to be cosplaying as the gym leaders as well as a few other challengers. You suggested to the first one that maybe you should both save your strength for the League. Needless to say, he doesn't listen.

The next is a logic puzzle, a slidey one where you have to make the pieces of picture into a complete picture, except you have to have a pokemon who knows strength to push the huge pieces around and fly so you can actually see the pieces. You've never been good at those and it takes you forever and generally, the entire thing sucks. Quite a bit. However, each challenger seems to have been shunted off to a different picture, so at least you only have to deal with a few wild pokemon who apparently live on top of the pieces. Seriously, what the heck?

And then there's a library, of all things, a freaking gigantic one, but not, luckily, gigantic books, just a huge amount. First it's apparently a maze, and secondly at the end you need a certain word from a few books along the way that form a password. They don't tell you which books, you have to figure that out for yourself. Luckily, after standing there reading the instruction sign over and over, with absolutely no idea how you'll do this, you finally get up and trail your hand along the bookshelves and realize suddenly that they're stone. Really realistic looking paper-ish stone, but stone. Logically, the real books are gonna be real paper, so you just trail your fingers down the narrow passageways until you find the right books and then look for the dog-eared page, with the word in a slightly different font. It's easy after the first one, and you always have been good at mazes.

Then you get to the last obstacle, which is marked that way is huge, blinking letters. Then you have to wander through this stupid complex maze of circuitry (and what is with the oversized obstacles, anyways?) and unlike the others, there's no puzzle to figure out, but there's a lot of other people and random and overpowered wild pokemon. Until, of course, you get to the end, and there's a freaking computer spouting riddles at you in a droning voice and you have to get at least three right in a row before you can go on. Fun.

So you finally get past this, go through a tiny little obstacle course that seems to mainly insure that you've used every HM you haven't already, and you've made it to a pokemon center and a big round building.

After healing up and purchasing as much medicine as you can afford, you head in to the big round building. There's a little map outside the building that you studied briefly that showed you it's divided into four sections, presumably holding the four champions.

First up is Jade, who's psychic. You hate him on sight, because he's the most stuck-up rich kid you've ever seen, and he has a voice like a whiny brat, even though he appears to be at least twenty. You aren't proven wrong on your 'rich brat' assumption, but you are in your expectation that he'll have just bought rare pokemon that don't work well together and have no idea what to do, having bought his way into the League. He's actually really good.

You win anyways.

Then there's Claire, and somehow you weren't expecting to find someone using normal pokemon in the League Four. She seems as cliché as cliché can get. She's middle aged, dresses plainly, soft-spoken, and everything you'd ever expect of a normal trainer, basically. But when you get into battle, of course she's way better than you expected... which kind of sucks. She gets this devilish light in her eyes and the battle is not very fun. At all.

You then move on to the next room and find... your school librarian. No, seriously, it's Mr. Maize, and apparently, this is his side job, he flies back home on weekdays on his Archeops. You realize that you've never paid much attention to the news, but still, exactly when did this happen, and where were you?

You ask. He says, “Thirty years ago.”

Well, that works.

Of course, he nearly crushes you, which is the most annoying thing that's happened all day, because really? Your school librarian? It doesn't matter that he's somehow part of the League Four and has incredibly powerful rock pokemon, you can't lost to your school librarian. It would totally ruin your self esteem.

And then you get to Max. Who's a hyperactive fifteen year old prodigy with platinum blond hair that seems to be in a state of perpetual I-stuck-my-finger-in-a-light-socket. Still, like everyone else, he's way better than he looks and you barely pull through, especially since your team is pretty battered at this point anyways. Why must all of the League Four seem way easier to defeat than they are?

You beat him and utter a huge sigh of relief and triumph. This has been your goal for forever, and now that you're done you can...


You'll figure something out.

And then, of course, you exit the League Four Building and realize you've completely forgotten about the Champion.

(Whom I could probably make up, but I don't have ideas right now. They have water fire fighting poison dragon pokemon, although not necessarily in that order.)

History and Stuff of Said World:

Uh, actually all I really have is that it's a really isolated region, so until people started coming in and taking all sorts of pokemon with them, not too many pokemon actually evolved. I can think of zero legendaries. Yeah, it's lame, I know... Nope, can't think of anything.

Or, no, has there been a luck legendary before? Because I could do that. One considered lucky, one considered unlucky... And a poison one! Just remembered there haven't been any poisonous legendaries yet.
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If you need help with new pokemon, you can use my thread. I have more than enough fakemon so I can share them with you. Have fun!
Thank you! I have a lot more ideas than this, but they're hard to get on the computer because I lack good drawing equipment and a scanner, and I personally like to sketch things out a few times before I describe them. However, I greatly appreciate the offer anyways and I'll check it out for inspiration and maybe take a few extras, if I like them. :D

Edit: On that note, I've attached another picture file with more sketches, and the spoiler below has a little info about most of the sketches.

Adding to pokedex:

I kind of need help with more evolutions and pre-evolutions. I think most of these could have one or two of either, I just can't really think of any...

1. Steel/bug dragonfly. The green eyes of this pokemon can see through most materials. It loves diving to catch things and eats metal.
2. Normal Although it looks innocent when closed and sleeping, when awake this pokemon loves to bite people.
3. ghost/fire. This pokemon is a spirit that was drawn to the light of a Jack-O-Lantern and got trapped within. (Don't like this one much...)
4. normal/flying This pokemon can make a trip over the entire region in just a day, so some people have trained them to deliver messages. It hates to be cooped up.
5. Psychic/water These highly empathetic pokemon hate to leave their pods. They often help sailors, but are very rarely captured.
6. Normal/flying This bird always carries a time piece around and land precisely at twelve to coo.
7. Psychic All ???s collect hats from the moment they evolve and each collection is different, except for the top hat it is born with. Some people say that the hats muffle its psychic power and without them it would be one of the most powerful psychics in [region's name]. The other one is its pre evolution. Maybe.
8. Fighting (the picture of it is drawn in the middle of a jump kick) A martial arts master, despite its small size. (1 meter.) It is very agile.
9. water/normal This pokemon loves to swim, especially in warm water. However, it can't stand the cold.
10. flying This small pokemon is known for its exceptionally sharp, scissorlike beak.
11. water/flying This waterbird is always happy, but unfortunately lazy. Many end up dying in the winter. (boring, unless you can think of something distinguishing get rid of)
12. Bug Swarms of these brightly colored pokemon are known to hurt people's eyes.
14. normal/water This pokemon just floats along, not bothered by anything. It can get out and walk if necessary, though. (needs evolution)
15. normal. This pokemon's wool is known for how soft and easy to work with it is. Since it's very patient and easy to take care of, it's also a favorite family pet.
16. bug (Need to think about it)
17. ??? Need to redraw and think about it
18. bug/psychic praying mantis based, need to think about
Extra Edit That's Kind of Important: Lightning Topaz (can I call you Lightning for convenience's sake? Or Topaz, either way. I shall call you Lightning right now because it's first. :D) I am not very attached to the 'go to the League Four and beat them' plot, it's a bit cliche. Of course, if you have ideas in that direction, that works too, but that was mainly a convenient way to describe the setting and gym leaders. I'd actually kind of rather the trainer tries and fails and gets discouraged and does something else, or tries something else from the beginning or whatever else may happen. Bye!
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OK. I definitely think I could use your help. Would you consider co-oping with me in designing the first-ever Pokemon game that is designed like Final Fantasy, Resident Evil, and all those games that DON'T suck.
OK. I definitely think I could use your help. Would you consider co-oping with me in designing the first-ever Pokemon game that is designed like Final Fantasy, Resident Evil, and all those games that DON'T suck.
Sure... but it would have to be a different project than this one, I rather like this one. Also, I've only ever played of that list Final Fantasy, and only briefly the tenth one. I didn't even finish. But I think Kingdom Hearts is basically the same, made by the same people anyways. I played that one a long time ago...
So basically I'd help, but I wouldn't be much use in the 'designing it based on other games' part. Sorry.
I can't PM you until my post count reaches 15, so I'll discuss it here.

Thank you. I need help mostly with the Story and Geography. Kingdom Hearts is good enough. I myself have only played Resident Evil, so my experience isn't that extensive either.

I already put down some of the Game Mechanics down in the game section here
deathbymanga: I've PMd you to keep this thread a little cleaner.
LT: You can call me WW if you want! ;D
Hnn. I don't know, I kind of want a less standard thing. Like, maybe not a team to fight, but something else... I mean, I could easily make up a team and give them some random goal and make a plot that way, if I wanted, but that's really standardized and I'd like something new. Maybe... reluctant hero? Person who doesn't really want to be trainer at all but is forced by events? Focus on someone who's not beating up the bad guys? Focus on one of the bad guys? Make it just a regular journey, without baddies or a goal to defeat the League, or... I don't know, just brainstorming... I mean, involving the League Four would be fun too... Or maybe a quest to become one of the League Four! Hmm...
Also, thought of a champion:
It's a person named Wednesday. You're not sure if he/she is a boy or a girl, because he/she wears ambiguous clothing, has an ambiguous haircut, and talks in a ambiguous voice. And you really, really don't want to ask, because Wednesday is creepy. He/she is very, very calm and blank and seems a lot like a horror movie monster.
Needless to say, he/she's the only one in the stupid League you don't underestimate, and your initial thought of “Oh god this guy – or girl, whatever – is going to be freaking insanely strong” is completely right.
After you get done going right back to the beginning and healing your pokemon, and then getting a message from your dad that says you have to come back right then, they're celebrating this now, and no you can't run off again, you've been gone for forever, you finally get to explore beyond the League, because there's another island.
Well, it turns out it's a water theme park.
(no more ideas after this)
Aaand, I've been organizing what fakemon I have thought up. A pokedex will be coming soon.
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Oh, I thought maybe it would work if I PMed you first... sorry, I'm very new as well.
I've spoilerized this to, again, keep the thread clean.
Okay! So basically, you want to create a very involved world with allusions of a lot more happening other than just the player and their little world and quest.
I like it.
Maybe you could have it so it doesn't specifically focus on one person, so maybe it starts out with the Looker and then switches to the miner and then the athelete and then back to the Looker, to keep things interesting. Then go to a pokemon he's about to catch, and back... Basically it focuses on Looker, but tells a lot of little side-stories along the way.
Geography wise, would you like this to be like an island or landlocked or what? If you can tell me the basics, and maybe a landmark or two, I could throw together a map that might help you get more ideas.
I want it to be land locked, mainly because no other game has ever been. I'm thinking of a large lake surounded by mountains, with a tunnel in the center that leads to the ocean. Maybe we can use the tunnel as a more key role and take the plot to the sea later, but for now, let's keep it here. I always liked deserts, but we should set up an Ice Valley, with a Blizzard instead, with the entire Valley covered in Ice. We could also do a Forest that is underground. I want to make it multi-dimmensional, so let's set up a whole nother world underground, as well as above. I liked Unova's Circular image, but I also think we should set up unique geographical features and focus around them, like, when you think of Austrailia, you think of the Mesa and the outback. Let's go with something native. This is the past, so we can stress that indigenous lands a little.

That sounds good. What should we call the Organization?
I ran into your thread kind of by accident and posted there, it would be easier that way, I think.
I shall work on a map.
If you want to look at how I built two fantastic Pokeworlds, drop me a line. Granted, your world looks to be along the lines of a conventional Pokeworld region, but a lot of what I learned building Yoso and Arcion applies to fan regions too.
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