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colonization of mars

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Ok. It's possible. But it's not happinging soon. It would be a step to getting us past Mars itself and too Pluto and beyond. I don't have much wrong with it, but at the moment and in the near future, it's not gonna help us much. But in the next 100 years, sure, why not?
I think Mr Bush should be using public money elsewhere.

But as for the possibility of colonization... I certainly won't discount it; judging by how quickly technology has evolved in the last century. However, it won't happen solely because it *can* happen; even with the necessary technology, there needs to be justification or a welfare gain to society. Mars needs to have something to offer beyond novelty or it's simply not worth it.
Pardon me if this diverges from the topic a bit, but if we want to
live there, we at least have to get to Mars first, right?

It is a really awesome concept, but a difficult one to tackle. There is just
too much risk in today's technology, we just need to wait a few more years.
This is not to say it's not feasable. I would love to see, at the least, Mars
expeditions in this lifetime. Like I said there are just too many risks involved
such as providing substantial life support for nearly a year [or more] of travel,
real time communication and quick, safe retreival.

Popular Science had an issue about the possible assembly of crafts that
could slingshot between Earth, Moon and Mars in about 6 months. There
would be multistaged vehicles and expected to rely mostly on gravity to gain
some speed. The actual craft would rotate about a counterweight to
maintain artifical gravity.

Also recently, small breakthoughs to Cold Fusion and 'Personalized' Nulclear
reactors will aid in energy resources for the future expeditions.

We are on the verge of getting to Mars, we just have to get a few technologies right before we get there.
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