You wake up, again, in the middle of the night. It's that dream again, the one where you see a bright light and a creepy voice that says in a high-pitched tone,"You will let me go, I swear you will!" But what if you travel from your home for a tournament, in Goldenrod, Johto, that you get so close to wining, but things are not ment to be, what if you meet other contestants who have had that same dream, what would you do then?
This is my first time Gming-ing-ing?
No godmoding or whatever
No legondaryies or shinies
all other bulbagarden rules apply
(Oh yeah that tournment is just a way to bring
evryone together, you can't win it, random extras will)
Charecter name:
Apperancea paragraph at least)
Personality: (a paragaph at least)
Interesting fact: (likes bannans, trains shinx to dance...)
Pokemon: (3-6)
I'll post mine once someone shows up, if someone does...
This is my first time Gming-ing-ing?
No godmoding or whatever
No legondaryies or shinies
all other bulbagarden rules apply
(Oh yeah that tournment is just a way to bring
evryone together, you can't win it, random extras will)
Charecter name:
Apperancea paragraph at least)
Personality: (a paragaph at least)
Interesting fact: (likes bannans, trains shinx to dance...)
Pokemon: (3-6)
I'll post mine once someone shows up, if someone does...
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