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Contest CRAB FIGHT!!!!!!

Tye Taylors

You Know The Name
Jan 11, 2011
Reaction score
Which is the best lobster/crab based Pokémon? Only you can decide!

Will it be....

The Original King O' Crabs: Kingler


The Parasitic Terror: Parasect


The Ruffian of The Seas: Crawdaunt



The Terra-Crab: Crustle

Who would win in a battle?
Who has the best ability/DW ability?
Who has the coolest design?
Who is the most original?
Which one would be on your team?
Who has the best movepool?

As I said: Who will win only you can decide!!!!!
Who would win in a battle?
-IMO, Either Kingler or Crawdaunt. Both have monster attack, Crawdaunt has just edge for having better movepool.

Who has the best ability/DW ability?
-Parasect's ability is annoying, Effect Spore. Crustle has horrible DW ability. So win goes to Kingler & Crawdaunt again.

Who has the coolest design?
-Parasect. Mushroom with claws, hell yeah!

Who is the most original?
-Parasect and Crustle. Kingler and Crawdaunt looks like FOOD. nom nom nom..

Which one would be on your team?

-I had Crustle in my b/w team before. But for real, I'd have Kingler in my team.

Who has the best movepool?
-Crawdaunt. Dragon Dance, Swords Dance, all sorts of dance! Crunch, X-scissor, Superpower, etc!

winner: tie~

Parasect isn't really a crab...
I'm going with Crawdaunt, because it gets Dragon Dance.
Just for the heck of it, just vote, give your reason and stfu. Ya'll don't need to cry like "hey that's not crab, he's a lobster.", "He's not a lobster, he's your mom!" Seriously stfu! Ya'll don't need to be smart asses in here. /rant
It's good to inform others who weren't adhering to the rules, but do not post that rant in the thread to remind people. So, please leave the mods to deal with the offender. Any kind of similar occurrence will result in an infraction.

Thanks for reading.
Its a tie between Crustle and Crawdaunt for me. Crawdaunt has a cool movepool,Dragon Dance as a egg move,and a neat design. Crustle as good defense and attack, has Shell Smash, and a hilarious design. And both of their pre-evos are adorable.

I voted for Crawdaunt though. Since I like its design more than Crustle's. :]
Please note: The thread is from 13 years ago.
Please take the age of this thread into consideration in writing your reply. Depending on what exactly you wanted to say, you may want to consider if it would be better to post a new thread instead.
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