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crimson_flygon's art gallery

First I have to say the pictures are all really cute. Crayons can make things come out really cute :) However, I want to make some comments about the pictures. Not being piccy or anything, but just trying to help you become better ;-) Don't take it too harsh, it may look a lot, but it's acctually just telling what could be better and how to do it. Besides, you're only 13 and I was a lot worser at your age (actually, I still am lol) I really hope you take your time to read this, because it will realy help you and it's a not a point ment to just tell you what you do wrong, tell you you're suck (because you don't) or something like that

First, about coloring with crayons. I see you've colored them by making stripes with the crayons. Although this works easy and you can do things quite fast, it doesn't look to well, and you sometimes lefdt some white spots open. Look especially at your starters Pokemon to see what I mean. First of all, you should really try to work those white parts away, but it's even better if you start coloring by using little curls, you swirl over the paper, freely moving and not in lines. This makes the picture look more smooth and it looks a lot nicer (I know it from myself, I just colored something that way and compared it to something I colored earlier, just using stripes and everyone says how much nicer it looks). It will take more time using this technique, but the results are also better.

Second thing I'd generally advice you is you try to put in some shading. Look where the light comes from and add more light (=wite color, or coloring lighter with the crayon you're using) to parts that catch more light and more darkness (= more black color, or darker coloring) But make sure you never color to dark with the crayons so you only see the hard stripes of putting to much pressure on it. This becomes, as my old art teacher told my clss a hunderd times flat, dead and ugly But you don't do it a lot of the times, only a bit on the orange on your own starter picture. This is just a warning so you won't use it ;-)

Furthermore, I'd advice you to work out your shapes a bit more. Not all are bad, but esspecially your fakes could use some improvement, but they are also fakes, so you have nothing to start from but your own ideas, and it makes tings a lot harder. For the oter things, look a lot at pictures how they look and use them as examples, that should help you a lot.

Well after having said some genal things, now some reviews of the pictures separatly

Eevee It's sooooo cuuuuuute! the collar seems a bit to thick, making it even cuter, and the heads of the Eeveelutions around it give a nice composition. The coloring is too stripped (just too explain what I ment with it) but I already told how you could make it better :)

G/S/C Starters The three pokemon placed above seems like you used the pictures of them as examples, and the result of it is that the poses and shading on them look really good. I wouldn't say they are perfect, but they are already halfway :lol: The second part has original poses a looks therefore a bit less good, but still not to bad, quite god to say. And there's also something to say for originality. Putting each Pokemon in it's own color background looks nice, you've got some feeling for composition and the text makes me laugh. One of the best pictures I think.

Moltres and Zapdos I'm taking those two together. Exept for the coloring, my only comments it to say the Pokemon look a bit young. I like the background and the starting attemps of shading, which look good. Whish I could have shaded my pictures I had to draw for my art lessons that way, that would certainly have helped my marks. On these pictures I can really see you're making progress. Just an advice, coloring on lines paper is really annoying. Best to use, if you're really serious is special drawing paper, but it's quite expensive. I'd would advice normal printing paper, it works fine as and you shoulde easely get your hands on it

Your own starter I pointed my comments on their shapes and the coloring earlier, so now I'll just give the positive comment thatb it really look like Gatomon from Digimon (and I love Gatomon!) What's it's type?

Warupe I love wolf fake Pokemon!

Acras Did you use chalk on it? Next time recolor the white parts as well. The picture itself seems really cute, I kinda like it. As advice, when you feel experimental, when coloring whit chalk try not, like you did now, to press hard on the chalk, but rather slightly touch the pare with it, it really looks nice

Fire Aisha I could almost say Neopets could have designed it itself, so good does the fire pattern look. It it done with markers? I also like the Aisha in the background

I really hope you do something with these advices, because you're pictures look quite good and with this, they can become even better.
Thank you for the ideas and comments flare espeon I am always open to ideas that will help me improve ^_~. That page has some of my old picture and a cople I did last year just for anyone's information. Oh yes I made this picture and finished it just today check the attatchment. It's not that good or at least I think so but check it out .

Oh yeah, I'll have some pokemorphs in once I've colored them so I hope everyone will look forward to that .

Please tell me if the attatchment doesn't work ::hopes it works::
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It doesn't. Actually, I don't see it at all. Just go to "Attach file", click on the browse button find the picture, click on open, and it should work fine. At least, it does for me
I didn't think it would work....

But anyway I'll try again with my bellosom pokemorph. Hopefully it will work...
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The pictures were okay and I mainly like the words that followed me around (I love that on websites)
The attachment worked!

For a Pokemorph she looks kinda OK, although I don't think the black hair fits a Bellosom to well, but that's just my personal taste. About her anatomic proportion, I have to say her arms are somewhat to short and too thin, esspecially her right arm. Unless she wears the flower skirt really high around her middle, her body's to small compared to hef leggs, who seem to be way to large. If you draw persons, I've always learned these are the right proportions:
- The navel is the middle of the body
- the quarter beneath the navel lies ariund the knees
- the quarter above the navel lies around the shoulders

I've attached a scheme which should give you a idea about proportions (and to make my unclear talking a bit more clear) I'd advice you to draw this scheme first when you draw a person and the draw the person itself around it. That's how my art teacher leant me it was the best way and he's a great artist! :-D

The head of you character's somewhat big, but this can work to way. If you tried a realistic style, it's too big, however, if you tried a manga like style (and considering this is Pokemon, I think you did it, at least a little or without knowing it), It loks really good. In fact with the big eyes coming with it, the whole head gets a bit of a mangastylew already!

The pictere has some nice shading parts. I esspecially notice the arms and the flower skirt and the coloring seems a lot smoother thern I've seen on your work before. You're starting to give of some nice work. :)

Last thing I have to suggest is that you should remove the sketchi lines not used for the picture and the coloring tthat went pudside the lines. It's a small thing to do, but it makes look things better staight away;-)
Ya most of those pics are pretty old, I haven't updated that page since I gave it to her for her birthday. Well I'm too lazy to update it, espcially with school coming. But here is her lightning-girl pic.

~The Exasperated One
Ya I know my bellosom pokemoprh was a little off in proportions :sweatlol: But I still love it and think of it as one of my top 5 pokemorphs.

Hmm I guess I should tell everybody about my lightning girl pic.
It was primarily made off of inspiration that hit me in the middle of the night so I ran to my drawer, grabbed a notebook, and let my mind do the rest :XD: I colored it with colored pencils but that is my extra copy that I gave to hichi so personally I don't think is as good as my origanal but it's still pretty good. I made that like at the beggining of summer or somthing, it's all a blur to me now ^_^;

And yes ::ta da!:: I have another picture for everyone to see :kawaii: It is a ninetails pokemorph this time.
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You know, it wasn't even ment that way. but you're right lol

The lightning girl loks kinad nice. Coloring and shading could have been a bit better, but sill it's a really nice picture. I like the pose and expresion of it and she really has somthing electrifing.

The ninetails morph's tail looks so great. The face looks a bit squarry, but it makes the ninetails come out in it, and the left arm looks a bit strange, really mussecled a one point, and at the part above it rather thin. the pointed ears look really cute, but I personally think the clothes aren't too Ninetails-like.

*hungers for more Pokemorphs*
I have a new pokemorph! This one is a sentret woopee! It isn't very good because I rushed a teeny tiny bit but I think she's cute ^.^! check it out...
Yes, she's definatly cute and I like the ring on her shirt. Her eyes are rreally manga like. The coloring is indeed a bit rushed :p and in the skirt it's a bit mixed upo with the rings. Puttinfg the rings in the skirt as well is a nice move
As one who saw the Sentret girl in the making, I can definitely say your colouring job doesn't do justice to the pencil drawing (or the eric pen drawing :p). I thought you were going to colour the skirt purple for me! :bawling: Like the colour of the carpet in Tails's living room! (uh................... ^^ yeah!) I thought the skirt wouldn't look as good with the targets, but I guess I was wrong!

~The Tranquil One
Oh sorry hitchi forgot about that :sweatlol:

well anyway I finally have somthing brand spanking new ^.^
my angel and devil eeveelutions! I haven't thought of names or anything yet ^___^; but here they are,
I'm sorry, I can't think of much that is positive to say. Work on proportions a bit, don't color so hard with your pencil crayons, and so forth.
erghh, I have some art but my friend who resizes is busy or I am, bleck, anyway I swear that soon I'll get in some new art just please people reply to my pictures! Please? :p
I like what you've posted so far, and basically, for criticism, I'd probably say what everyone else has said so I'll save space by NOT saying it. You're a better artist than I am, that's for sure! I especially like the Bellosom girl, not sure why though. Keep the great pics coming up!
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