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Cross-Media RP?

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Pata pata pata pata pata!
Mar 26, 2011
Reaction score
Would an RP, played as per usual, but with the Pogeyman battles over Wi-Fi, be fun? Would it even work smoothly? Your opinions plz.
I think it'd be something interesting to try, for sure.
I might be quite interested, but my battle team are still on Pearl, so I'd need to send them over.
Sounds quite interesting. Though if I could make a recommendation using Pokemon Online for the battles might be a bit easier. Pokemon online is a free program you can use to have multiplayer pokemon battles. The advantage of that over actual wifi is that the participants would be able to simply build their teams for the Rp in the program, rather than having to train them up in the actual game. It also would remove the need to mess about with friend codes constantly.
Yes. This is actually a quite good idea. But, like Vayre said, you may want to consider doing it over Pokemon World Online.
A fair point. I'm going to check out Pokemon Online now, for the record.
I just realized that the registration on PWO is closed until certain times of the week. I'd be happy to do it on one of my DS games, though.
Pokemon Online and Pokemon World Online are two different things, guys.
Coolio. Thanks y'all! *Looks at both* I'll have to run it by my parents. Computers only have so much memory, and my personal laptop might not be "big" enough.
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