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Deck Rating Wanted

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Goddess of Sadism
Jun 24, 2011
Reaction score
While I have been collecting cards for years, I have little exprinence in battling and thus what someone to tell me what they think of this deck. I have one of each unless other wise noted. As one may notice, this deck mainly uses fire and psychic type Pokemon and also contains two cards that relate to Arceus.

Water Energy
Rainbow Energy
Fire Energy x10
Psychic Energy x9
Ultimate Zone (stadium)
Potion (heals 30 damage)
Energy Search x4
N (supporter)
Pokemon Rescue
Beginning Door (summons Arceus)
Cheren x2 (supporter)
Super Rod
Pokemon Communication
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Just one each of each Pokemon? You need to figure out which Pokemon you want to use and get multiple copies of them into this deck and take out the rest of the Pokemon you don't want in this deck. Otherwise you'll be stuck with the wrong Pokemon in your hand all the time.
With the expection of the Gen 5 Fire types (exlcuding Reshiram and Victini) I have only one of each in my entire collection. I only have more of the Gen 5 because I got a starter deck and a booster pack (Victini came in the booster pack) yestartday. The rest I descarded the extras over the years.
The issue, as donavannj says, is that you will consistently end up with evolution cards in your hand that you have no hope of ever playing since you only have one copy of each of their previous forms. The situation isn't helped by the lack of a strong deck-searching section of cards to help find those cards you DO need. In a competitive sense the deck will be too slow to set up against any of the made-for-competition decks. However, that doesn't mean it can't be played with for fun!
Like previous people said, you need more of each 'mon.
Well can someone show me what their deck looks like so I can get sense how much of what is needed?
I have modifed my first deck and built a second one, this one fouses on grass type Pokemon. So how's this one?

Deoxys (Delta)(Attack Form)
Crustle x2
Dwebble x2
Petill x2
Sewaddle x2
Accelgor x2
Shelmet x2
Sidney's Stadium (Stadium)
Dawn Stadium (Stadium)
Professor Juniper (Supporter)
Professor Birch (Supporter)
Professor Rowan (Supporter)
Super Rod
Quick Ball
Great Ball
Professor Elm's Training Method (Supporter)
Potion x3 (2 heal 20HP, 1 heals 30HP)
Energy Switch
Energy Removal 2 x2
Energy Search x3
Rainbow Energy (Works only on delta Pokemon)
Dark Energy (Basic)
Dark Energy (Special) x4
Psychic Energy x4
Grass Energy x12
could you elaborate, and say what set each pokemon is from? otherwise your lists are basically meaningless... sorry
Consistency is getting better in this list.

Also, count all Potion cards as healing 30 HP, since that's what the rules say to treat them as now.

What good does that Delta Rainbow Energy do for you if your only Delta Species Pokemon (that I can see according to your list) is Deoxys?
could you elaborate, and say what set each pokemon is from? otherwise your lists are basically meaningless... sorry

My first deck has cards from varisous sets and I don't know which came from which. My second Deck mostly contains cards from Noble Victories.

Also, count all Potion cards as healing 30 HP, since that's what the rules say to treat them as now.

What good does that Delta Rainbow Energy do for you if your only Delta Species Pokemon (that I can see according to your list) is Deoxys?

I said I was collector for quite a few years so I have quite a few potions that say remove 2 counters. As for the energy card.... *shrugs*
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I'm just telling you that you could treat them all as healing 3 now for consistency's sake. Since the newest ruleset is pretty much the only ruleset that covers some of the mechanics your newer cards use.
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